Sunday, November 25, 2012

Região e Tradição

Freyre, Gilberto, Região e Tradição, Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1941. [Nota: livro em muito mal estado]

Os dois ensaios, os varios artigos, o discurso ainda de collegial e o outro, de "regresso de nativo" á provincia, a conferencia de "tradicionalista" - por algum tempo enamorado, de longe, da propria Igreja de Roma - reunidos agora em livro, foram escolhidos dentre aquelles trabalhos dispersos ou ineditos do autor, que, embora de datas differentes - o primeiro escripto aos dezeseis annos - teem por assumpto principal problemas de região e de tradição e theorias de regionalismo e internacionalismo não só literario e artistico como cultural e, por inclusão, politico.

Gilberto Freyre:
Born in Recife, on March 15, 1900, Gilberto Freyre , son of Dr. Alfredo Freyre - educator, Judge and Professor of Political Economy at the Faculty of Law of Recife - and D. Francisca de Mello Freyre. At six years old he tries to run away, hiding in Olinda, a city to which he devoted great love and of which, in 1939, he would write the 2nd Practical Guide, History and Sentiment.

Wikipedia Entry:
Gilberto de Mello Freyre (March 15, 1900 – July 18, 1987) was a Brazilian sociologist, anthropologist, historian, writer, [[Painting|painter]journalist, and congressman, born in Recife, Northeast Brazil. He is commonly associated with other great Brazilian cultural interpreters of the first half of the 20th century, such as Sérgio Buarque de Holanda and Caio Prado Júnior. His best-known work is a sociological treatise named Casa-Grande & Senzala (variously translated, but roughly The Masters and the Slaves, as on a traditional plantation). Two sequels followed, The Mansions and the Shanties: the making of modern Brazil and Order and Progress: Brazil from monarchy to republic. The trilogy is generally considered a classic of modern cultural anthropology and social history, although it is not without its critics.

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