Monday, February 16, 2015

Les Petites Antilles: Etude sur leur Evolution Economique, 1820-1908

Chemin Dupontès, P, Les Petites Antilles: Etude sur leur evolution economique, 1820-1908, Paris: Desormeaux, 1981.

Réserver en revue dans Bulletin of the American Geographical Society:
A scientific study of the economic conditions in the Lesser Antilles, including the islands belonging to England, Denmark, and the Netherlands, as well as those of France. The author points a moral for the consideration of his compatriots. He proves that Great Britain, through much study and sacrifice, has established the prosperity of her own little islands, with which the French islands do not favourably compare. Now that beet sugar culture has nearly ruined the cane sugar industry of the Antilles, France should study how to fully utilize the varied resources of the soil in her own possessions. The author discusses this question in relation to all the islands and his book is a careful and informing study of their economic evolution.

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