Saturday, February 11, 2012

La Guadeloupe, Vol.s 1, 2 & 3 [1962 & 1976]

1) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, 1492-1848; ou, L'histoire de la colonisation de l'île liée à l'esclavage noir de ses débuts à sa disparition, Éditions du Centre [1962]. (signed by the author for Dr. Thomas Mathews)

2) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, 1848-1939: ou, Les aspects de la colonisation aprés l'abolition de l'esclavage, Éditions du Centre [1962].

3) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, de 1939 a nos jours ou la nécessaire décolonisation, Éditions du Centre [1962].

4) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, de 1939 a nos jours ou la nécessaire décolonisation, Éditions du Centre [1970].[the above are soft-cover]

1) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, 1492-1848; ou, L'histoire de la colonisation de l'île liée à l'esclavage noir de ses débuts à sa disparition, Francaribes 1976.

2) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, 1848-1939: ou, Les aspects de la colonisation aprés l'abolition de l'esclavage, Francaribes 1976.

3) Bangou, Henri, La Guadeloupe, de 1939 a nos jours ou la nécessaire décolonisation, Francaribes 1976. [the above three are hard-cover and in pristine condition]

Henri Bangou:
Hostile to assimilation, he was among those who prepared the founding congress of the Communist Party of Guadeloupe in 1958, he was a member of the Politburo. Elected in 1959 first deputy of the new communist mayor Dessout Hector, his former high school teacher, he was brought to replace often, before substituting this one, who had rallied to Gaullism in 1963, during the municipal elections of 1965. He then tried to erradicate the slums of Pointe-à-Pitre. Elected General Counsel and constantly re-elected until 1985, he was also regional councilor from 1975 to 1986, and was elected senator in 1986...

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