Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bolivar and the Independence of Spanish America

Trend, J. B., Bolivar and the Independence of Spanish America, New York: The MacMillan Company, 1948.

From the author’s Preface:
The following study does not pretend to be based on new material. It is an account and an interpretation of Bolivar in the light of the large number of documents which have been printed since the last English biography was written in 1910. (…) I have tried particularly to bring out the importance of Bolivar’s political theories, because they distinguish him from all other liberators. A chronological arrangement has been chosen; and though, by this method, military campaigns and romantic constitutions follow one another in an order which may well seem bewildering, an attempt to segregate political theory in one chapter, strategy and tactics in another and revolutionary politics in a third would have created an impression almost entirely fictitious. The thoughts and actions of Bolivar’s life are only intelligible when taken together at the same time.

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