Sunday, November 19, 2023

Educational Trends in the Caribbean: European Affiliated Areas

Hauch, Charles C., Educational Trends in the Caribbean: European Affiliated Areas: Bulletin, 1960, No. 26. OE-14043, Washington: Office of Education, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Available online.

From the Foreword:
Educational trends throughout the world hold wider and deeper significance for American education today than in any previous period of our country. Thousands upon thousands of foreign students from many nations are enrolled each year in American colleges and universities. Increasingly the vital part which education contributes to the development of society is being recognized by peoples and their governments. The present bulletin is another in the Office of Education's long established series on education in other countries. This bulletin deals with some of the most apparent educational trends at the present time in European affiliated areas of the Caribbean. These include the British, Netherlands, and French affiliated areas. The educational ties of these areas with the United States add importance and interest to such a study. To cite just one example, more than 1,400 students from the British Caribbean areas alone were enrolled in institutions of higher learning in the United States during the 1958-59 school year, according to published statistics of the privately supported Institute of International Education. Information in this bulletin is based in considerable part on direct observation by the author of educational institutions and practices, and on discussions with educational and other specialists, in certain of the Caribbean areas during the latter part of 1958. These observations and discussions were supplemented by extensive study of published source materials and other writings on the area generally and its educational patterns and facilities. A selected bibliography is included. Two appendixes present: (1) Summary of Recommendations of the Regional Conference on the Training of Teachers in the British Caribbean, 1957; and (2) Summary of Principal Recommendations of the Mission on Higher Technical Education in the British Caribbean. Individual chapters contain footnotes.

Reviewed in The Americas.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Caribbean Nationhood in Anthropological Perspective

Mintz, Sidney, Caribbean Nationhood in Anthropological Perspective, Separata from Caribbean Integration, Rio Piedras: Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1967.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Les Origines du Mouvement Ouvrier à la Martinique de 1870 à la grève de 1900, C.E.R.A.G. N° 26

Adélaïde, Jacques, Les origines du mouvement ouvrier à la Martinique de 1870 à la grève de 1900, C.E.R.A.G Centre d'Etudes Régionales des Antilles-Guyane. N° 26, 1972.

Critique de livre en Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire, Année 1975 - 228 - pp. 550-552.

Critique de livre en Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire, Année 2001 - 332-333 - pp. 444-445.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Les Problèmes Antillais devant l'opinion Bordelaise, 1830-1838

Achéen, René, Les problèmes antillais devant l'opinion bordelaise 1830-1838, C.E.R.A.G Centre d'Etudes Régionales des Antilles-Guyane. N° 22, 1971.

De la Préface:
Monsieur René Achéen présente une étude reposant sur une analyse minutieuse et methodique de la presse bordelaise devant les problèmes antillais au début de la Monarchie de Juillet. Les Antilles servent de réflecteur à l'analyse d'une opinion qui concerne principalement la bourgeoisie bordelaise. Les sources de l'histoire des Antilles ne sont pas seulement très diverses, elles sont aussi très dispersées. Sans parler des documents conservés aux Antilles, on en trouve aux Archives Nationales, notament pour le XIXe siècle, les dossiers personnels des fonctionnaires, mais aussi dans les Archives départementales des régions de la façade atlantique, à Bordeaux, à la Rochelle, à Nantes; dans les Archives des Chambres de Commerce ou dans les bibliothèques de ces villes, dans la correspondance (inégalement conservé et inégalement accessible) de maisons de commerce françaises mais aussi anglaises, danoises ou hollandaises. Enfin, la presse de la France métropolitaine, et plus particulièrement celle des grands ports est une source de connaissance, tout autant que la presse antillaise, bien que sous un autre aspect. L'image des Antilles dans l'opinion dirigeante française a contribué indirectement à l'histoire des Antilles, dont l'évolution était étroitement liée aux décisions parlementaires et ministérielles françaises. C'est une contribution à la connaissance de cette opinion qu'apporte M. Achéen.

Mr. René Achéen presents a study based on a meticulous and methodical analysis of the Bordeaux press in the face of the West Indian problems at the beginning of the July Monarchy. The West Indies serve as a reflector for the analysis of an opinion that mainly concerns the Bordeaux bourgeoisie. The sources of the history of the West Indies are not only very diverse, they are also very dispersed. Not to mention the documents kept in the West Indies, there are some in the National Archives, notably for the 19th century, the personal files of civil servants, but also in the Departmental Archives of the regions of the Atlantic coast, in Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Nantes; in the Archives of the Chambers of Commerce or in the libraries of these cities, in the correspondence (unequally preserved and unequally accessible) of French but also English, Danish or Dutch trading houses. Finally, the press of metropolitan France, and more particularly that of the major ports, is a source of knowledge, just as much as the West Indian press, although in another aspect. The image of the West Indies in French ruling opinion contributed indirectly to the history of the West Indies, the evolution of which was closely linked to French parliamentary and ministerial decisions. It is a contribution to the knowledge of this opinion that Mr. Acheen makes.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

La Martinique sous l'Amiral Robert [Les Cahiers du CERAG] Journal

Les Cahiers du CERAG - La Martinique sous l'Amiral Robert, Centre d'Etudes Régionales Antilles-Guyane, N° 34, Février 1978.

Table des matières:
Vichyisme et Vichyistes à la Martinique, par Richard D.E. Burton:
Première partie: les supporters du régimen
Deuxième partie: les idéologies pétainistes à la Martinique
Troisième partie: La place de Vichy dans l’histoire Martiniquaise

La Dissidence sous Vichy 1940 - 1943, par Camille Chauvet:
Première partie: Le Contexte politique, administratif et social
Deuxième partie: Le mouvement de Dissidence

Georges Robert, was born in Courseulles[1] on 31 January 1875, and died in Paris on 2 March 1965.[2] He was an officer of the French Navy and an administrator. He ended his military career with the rank and title of admiral. He is mainly known for his role as High Commissioner of the Vichy regime for the French overseas territories of the Western Atlantic (French West Indes, Guiana and Saint Pierre and Miquelon).

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Caribbean as a Socio-Cultural Area

Mintz, Sidney W., The Caribbean as a Socio-Cultural Area, Cahiers D'histoire Mondiale, Volume IX, No. 4, 1966.

Available online.

See also Caribbean.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Caribbean Sugar Industry: A Select Bibliography

Wilkinson, Audine, (compiler) The Caribbean Sugar Industry: A Select Bibliography, Occasional bibliography series no. 4, Cave Hill, Barbados: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, May 1976.

From the Forword:
Sugar has been the single most important producto emerging from the Caribbean in its 480-odd years of recorded history. From the time of the production of this crop for export in 1640 in Barbados the industry has bulked large in the economy of the various territories in which it was grown. Sugar has been the mainstay of a large number of islands such as Barbados, St. Kitts and Antigua and the leading sector for centuries in others such as Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. It has been the cause of major demographic and social changes in the región. The “sugar revolution” of the 17th century saw the large-scale introduction of Africans into the Caribbean and the long centuries of African slavery. The period after 1834 witnessed a crisis in the industry and the consequent importation of large numbers of East Indian and other indentured labourers into British and French colonies, thus altering the racial balance in these areas.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Eighteenth-Century Settlement in the British Caribbean (Separata)

Niddrie, D. L., Eighteenth-Century Settlement in the British Caribbean, Separata from Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, No. 40 (Dec., 1966), pp. 67-80.

Available online.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Bibliography on Haiti: English and Creole Items, Paper # 6

Lawless, Robert, (compiler) Bibliography on Haiti: English and Creole Items, Paper # 6, Gainesville Fla.: Center for Latin American Studies, June 1985.

From the Introduction:
Since 1977 when they began arriving in Florida in significant numbers, Haitian immigrants have had an impact on the American conscience rarely matched by the migrations of any other group. The heartrending spectacle in 1981 of 33 Haitians drowning after their 25-foot homemade boat capsized within 50 yards of the shores of the affluent community of Hillsboro Beach, Florida, was followed on network televisión by other stories of the tragedies of the Haitian boat people. The publicity resulted in positive action by many U.S. civic groups.

Table of Contents:

1. Agriculture
2. Art
3. Bibliographies
4. Demography
5. Economics
6. Education
7. Family
8. Fiction
9. Health
10. History
11. Humanities
12. Independence
13. Languages
14. Literature
15. Migration
16. Occupation
17. Politics
18. Popular
19. Relations with United States
20. Religion
21. Sociocultural
22. Urbanism
23. General
Author Index.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

New World Quarterly (Journal) Vol. IV, No. 1

New World Quarterly, Vol. IV, No. 1, 1967.

Repeating Islands – It was one of Caribbean economist Norman Girvan’s final requests to his family: Make the archive of New World Quarterly, a foundational journal that appeared between 1963 and 1972, available to younger generations. Accordingly the Girvan family, working with Kari Levitt and Judith Wedderburn, has digitized all 14 issues of this postcolonial gem of a publication, (…) “Our thoughts are that a digital publication is a contemporary gesture in the spirit and scope of The New World community, residing in a space with open access to all,” said the Girvan family’s statement. Norman Girvan, along with Lloyd Best, George Beckford and other academic activists had launched the journal in the early 60s. A valuable archive of articles on everything from the geopolitics of the Anglophone Caribbean region to agriculture in China, the sugar industry, Sports, Visual Arts, Literature, Caribbean integration the journal represented in its pages the “birth, flourishing and eventual demise of one of the region’s most influential intellectual movements,” the New World Group.

Editorial Comment

Whither New World, by Lloyd Best

Blyden: Pan-Negro Patriot, by Hollis Lynch

Anguilla: Teach-In Proceedings, by Jamaican Public

Trinidad Postwar Economy, by Edwin Carrington

Translation from Garcia Lorca, by Lloyd King

Friday, July 21, 2023

Cartografía sobre Puerto Rico en París, Londres y Madrid

Morales Padrón, F.; Gil-Bermejo García, Juana; Garrido Conde, Mª Teresa, Cartografía sobre Puerto Rico en París, Londres y Madrid, Sevilla: Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 1961. Tomo XVIII – Separata de la página 615 a 649. (firmado para el Dr. Thomas Mathews)

De la introducción:
La riqueza en mapas y planos de los archivos españoles es inmensa. Corre pareja esta riqueza con la abundancia de papeles que tanto nos agobia a veces. Sin embargo, más de una vez, hemos de agradecer a nuestros antepasados esa manía papelera que tuvieron. Manía que aún perdura. Leer más

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Nursing: A Calling or a Career?

Welsh, Bronte A., Nursing: A Calling or a Career?, n.p., 1971.

From the National Archives:
Bronte Agatha Welsh was born in Challengers Village on the 31st December 1918, the first daughter of Evan and Annie Welsh and the second of their six children. Evan was a mason and Anne a seamstress so Bronte and her brothers and sisters grew up in a household were industry was highly valued. (…) For about three years she engaged in private teaching, but her true love was nursing. She was able to enter the profession at the age of nineteen. For a short while she stopped nursing to work in a pharmacy where she learnt much that would later be of use. In 1942 Welsh joined the staff of the Cunningham Hospital where, for three years she worked as a general nurse until she obtained her certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery and attained the rank of staff nurse. She then branched off into Public Health or Preventive Nursing. She became the first Public Health Nurse to be recognised in St. Kitts.

From HerStory:
In 1971, Welsh retired from the public service and moved to the US Virgin Islands. The elderly nurse published a booklet entitled Nursing – A Calling or a Career?, which narrated the history and development of nursing and women’s rights in St. Kitts and Nevis. The proceeds from selling this booklet assisted the Red Cross in buying a van for transporting the physically challenged.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Les origines des esclaves des Antilles: suite [Extrait du "Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire". T. 25, B. N°s 3-4, 1963]

Houdaille, Jacques, R. Massio, et G. Debien, Les origines des esclaves des Antilles: suite, Extrait du "Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire". T. 25, B. N°s 3-4, 1963.

10. A la Guadeloupe
11. Aux Gommiers (Pointe - à - Pitre , 1782)
12. Au Lamentin (1786)
13. A la Baie Mahault (1789)
14. Aux Saintes – Terre de Haut (1789)
15. A la Martinique – L'Anse à l'âne (1767)
16. A Saint Domingue – Registres paroissiaux de Jacmel, des Cayes et de Fond-des-Négres
17. Au Fond-Ferrier (1784)
18. Équipages de pêche au Cap en 1792
19. A la Raque des Sources (1757)
20. Chez le Colon Boissieu, A Fel (1767)
21. Chez le Colon Maphaud, A Fel (1767)
22. A La Guillaumone (1767)
23. Les opérations d’un Mulâtre (1767)
24. Chirurgien et Colon (1767) – a la Guillaumone
25. Chirurgien et Petit Colon (1767)
26. Société Castez-Noland (1767)
27. A la Crête-a-Palmiste a fel (1769)
28. A la Gosseline, chez une “Négresse libre” (1787)
29. Ferme des Esclaves Galan a Baudoin-Desmarattes (1767)
30. Bail d’Esclaves aux Gonaïves (1782)
31. Entre Mulâtres Libres (1786)

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Sober Generation: Children of Operation Bootstrap: A Topology of Competent Coping by Adolescents in Modern Puerto Rico

Fernández-Marina, Ramón, Ursula María Eckardt, E. Maldonado Sierra, The Sober Generation: Children of Operation Bootstrap: A Topology of Competent Coping by Adolescents in Modern Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: University of Puerto Rico Press, 1969. (Contains only the Preface and Introduction)

Reviewed in Caribbean Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Literature of the English and French-Speaking West Indies in the University of Florida Libraries

Watson, Karl S., (compiler) Literature of the English and French-Speaking West Indies in the University of Florida Libraries, Gainesville: Center for Latin American Studies, 1971.

From the Preface by Irene Zimmerman, Librarian, Latin American Collection:
Karl Stewart Watson, of Barbados, is a doctoral candidate in Latin American history at the University of Florida. He has worked with us as a graduate assistant in the Latin American Collection for the past three years, thanks to the Center for Latin American Studies, through which he holds his assistantship. During this time he has aided us in the selection and acquisition of materials from or about the Caribbean área, particularly the English and French-speaking islands.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Discurso del Jefe de la Delegación de Venezuela, Luis Manuel Peñalver, a la Asamblea Plenaria de la XIX Conferencia General de la UNESCO

Peñalver, Luis Manuel, Discurso del Jefe de la Delegación de Venezuela a la Asamblea Plenaria de la XIX Conferencia General de la UNESCO, Venezuela: Ministerio de Educación, 2 de noviembre de 1976.

Luis Manuel Peñalver … fue un médico malariólogo y político venezolano. Militó en el partido Acción Democrática y fue Ministro de Educación de su país durante el primer gobierno de Carlos Andrés Pérez.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Guía de Arte de la Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas

Granados Valdés, Antonio, Guía de arte de la Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas, Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, diciembre de 1974.

Primera Guía de este tipo publicada en 1974 por Antonio Granados Valdés con el único propósito de orientar a quienes visitan la Ciudad Universitaria y también a cuantos participan en la vida activa de esta casa de estudios. Se constituye en una herramienta fundamental para determinar la ubicación y el significado de las múltiples obras de arte pertenecientes al patrimonio cultural de la institución.

95 Años Después: Hacia la Revolución Educativa

Peñalver, Luis Manuel, 95 años después: Hacia la revolución educativa, Venezuela: Ministerio de Educación, 24 de mayo de 1976.

El presente texto – revisado y aumentado con datos estadísticos y consideraciones adicionales – fue la base del Discurso pronunciado en la Casa de Bello el 24 de mayo de 1976, con motivo de cumplirse los 95 años de la Fundación del Ministerio de Educación.

Luis Manuel Peñalver.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Bolívar vuelve a México

Salcedo-Bastardo, J.L., Bolívar vuelve a México, México: Oficina Central de Información, 22 de junio de 1976.

Disponible en línea.

Discurso de inauguración de la estatua del libertador en México, 22 de junio de 1976.

Género y Sociedad, Vol. 3, Num. 2 (Journal)

Género y Sociedad, Vol. 3, Num. 2, sept. – dic., 1995.

Género y sociedad es una publicación cuatrimestral del Centro de Estudio del Género del Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo que difunde trabajos teóricos contentivos de un análisis crítico del orden genérico discriminatorio.
El ecofeminismo: una perspectiva cristianan, por Marivi Arregui

Feminismo en República Dominicana: balances y perspectivas, por Carmen Luisa Figueiras

Mujer, ciudadanía y políticas públicas, por Fátima Lorenzo

Participación política de las mujeres dominicanas: una reflexión crítica, por Sonia Vásquez

Guía para sometimiento de artículos.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Cuentos De Mi Tierra

Penón de Abbad, María Socorro, Cuentos de mi tierra, Aruba: de wit n.v., s.f..

Del Prefacio de la autora:
Me place presentar mi segundo libro relacionado con la enseñanza en las Antillas del idioma español. Este va destinado a las escuelas del M.U.L.O. superior para ser usado como material de lectura a partir de la séptima u octava clase hasta la décima inclusive. También se considera apto para los tres primeros años de escuela secundaria. Está compuesto de ocho cuentos sobre diversos temas, con preferencia de animales, casi todos ambientados en la isla de Curaçao, con sus resabios de moraleja en algunos, y por una especie de biografía novelada de uno de los más grandes hombres de la historia de la Independencia Hispano-americana, Luis Brión.

Met belangstelling heb ik de verhalen van Sra. Penón de Abbad doorgelezen. Het betreft verhalen, die helemaal in de sfeer liggen van het Antilliaanse kind en geschreven door iemand die een bijzondere gave heeft on wat zij om haar heen ziet prachtig op papier weer te geven in “un español castizo”. Aangezien wij op dit gebied heel weinig bezitten vond ik dit een unicum en heb ik mij meteen aangeboden om de leesstukjes te annoteren, voor een beter begrip ervan. Ik hoop dan ook dat de hoogste klassen van de Muloscholen en de derde klassen van de H.B.S. gretig gebruik zulen maken van dit boekje en het met net zoveel enthousiasme zullen doornemen als ik het gedaan heb. ~ Frank Davelaar (Leraar Spaans; acteur en regisseur uit Curaçao).

I have read with interest the stories of Sra. Penon de Abbad. These are stories that are completely in the atmosphere of the Antillean child and written by someone who has a special gift for beautifully depicting what she sees around her on paper in “un español castizo”. Since we have very little in this area, I thought this was unique and immediately offered to annotate the reading pieces for a better understanding. I therefore hope that the highest classes of the mulo schools and the third classes of the H.B.S. will use this booklet eagerly and read it with as much enthusiasm as I did. ~ Frank Davelaar (Spanish teacher; actor and director from Curaçao).

More from the author.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Ciencia y Sociedad: Una Estrategia para la Viabilidad de la Reforma Política, Vol. XXII, No. 1 (Journal)

Ciencia y Sociedad: Una estrategia para la viabilidad de la reforma política, Vol. XXII, No. 1, enero-marzo, 1997.

Disponible en línea.

Este texto identifica las acciones urgentes que deben emprenderse en el sistema político dominicano para que avance hacia una democracia verdaderamente participativa y funcional. Para esto es necesario enfatizar los factores con impacto en las reformas y su implementación los cuales se han tenido muy en cuenta al determinar qué reformas y acciones concretas conviene adoptar, así como las tácticas a emplear para que esas reformas o acciones puedan tener éxito.

Ciencia y Sociedad, Vol. XXI, Nos. 3 & 4 (Journal)

Ciencia y Sociedad, Vol. XXI, Nos. 3 & 4, julio-diciembre, 1996.


Perfil de respuesta psicológica al duelo de pacientes VIH positivos, por César E. Castellanos A. y M. Raquel Jerez G.

La observación electoral en la República Dominicana: el valor democrático de la participación ciudadana, por Isis Duarte

Segunda Vuelta – Proyecto INTEC – PID

Diagnóstico citológico del carcinoma de cérvix en el barrio “La Esperanza” desde Marzo/Abril, 1996, por Dr. Julio Duarte, Angie Peguero y Giselle Cabrera

Notas y Eventos
La contratación de servicios de ingeniería y de construcción, por Ing. José R. Jiménez.
El papel de los educadores ante la encrucijada nacional, por José Alcántara Almánzar.
Una herramienta de inducción a la investigación: simulación de procesos físicos mediante el método Montecarlo.

Amargo Café: Los Pequeños y Medianos Caficultores de Utuado en la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XIX

Picó, S.J., Fernando, Amargo café: Los pequeños y medianos caficultores de Utuado en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Río Piedras: Ediciones Huracán, 1981.

Reseñado en The American Historical Review, Volume 87, Issue 5.

De la portada:
Amargo café es la crónica de las peripecias y avatares de los pequeños y medianos productores de café en la región de Utuado, a mediados del siglo XIX. “Esta crónica de un mundo de simientes y crianzas, de cosechas y lunas nuevas, de fiestas de acabe y obligaciones hipotecarias – dice Picó – no hará que ningún estudiante, desvelado en vísperas de un examen, sueñe con tener diez cuerdas de cafetal y dos docenas de gallinas inglesas. Pero quizás le haga comprender que la historia de nuestro pueblo tiene su eje, no en los ataques al Morro, o en los tratados hechos en capitales europeas, sino en el esfuerzo tesonero de miles de criollos que batallaron de día a día con terrones y bejucos, y así forjaron un pueblo.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Puerto Rican Businessman: A Study in Cultural Change

Cochran, Thomas C., The Puerto Rican Businessman: A Study in Cultural Change, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959.

Available at JSTOR.

Reviewed in Business History Review, Volume 33, Issue 3.

Reviewed in Administrative Science Quarterly 5, no. 1.

Reviewed in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 326.

Reviewed in Journal of Political Economy 68, no. 1.

Reviewed in The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 19, No. 4.

Reviewed in The Economic History Review 12, no. 3.

Also available in Spanish.

From the Acknowledgments:
Professor Thomas G. Mathews of the University of Puerto Rico allowed us to examine his valuable notes on political correspondence in the nineteen-thirties, and generally facilitated our research in Mayaguez.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Catalogue of Caribbean Commission and Caribbean Organization Publications

Caribbean Organization, A Catalogue of Caribbean Commission and Caribbean Organization Publications, 452 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico: Central Secretariat, 1962.

The Work of the Caribbean Commission:
On December 20, 1945 the Caribbean Commission replaced the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission, which had been in operation in the Caribbean region since 1942. The Anglo-American Commission was established on March 9, 1942 for the purpose of encouraging and strengthening social and economic co-operation between the United States of America, its territories and bases in the Caribbean area and the United Kingdom and the British West Indian Colonies. The Commission consisted of three members appointed by the United States Government and three members appointed by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for the Colonies. They were charged to concern themselves primarily with matters pertaining to labour, agriculture, housing, health, education, social welfare, finance, economics and related subjects.

The Southern Historical Association's 38th Annual Meeting (Program)

The Southern Historical Association, Program: 38th Annual Meeting, Hollywood-by-the-Sea, Florida, 15 – 18 November, 1972.

On page 57:
”Political Polarization in the Caribbean Communities” by Thomas Mathews, University of Puerto Rico.
Political Development and Constitutional Change: The Case of Trinidad” by Anthony Maingot, Yale University.

Obras Ingresadas en la la Biblioteca de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos durante el año 1977

Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Obras Ingresadas en la Biblioteca de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Sevilla, 1978.

El 10 de noviembre de 1942 el Gobierno crea la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, en cuyo Decreto de fundación se habla de la importancia de la instauración de un "Centro Universitario de trabajo", donde los estudiantes de aquella época adquiriesen "un sólido conocimiento de la Historia de América, en relación íntima con una concienzuda labor de investigación", considerándose que "ningún lugar tan apropiado como Sevilla" para estos fines pues "su destacada importancia en la historia del descubrimiento y de la colonización y la feliz coyuntura de poseer el inigualable tesoro documental del Archivo de Indias, le conceden títulos evidentes para ser elegida".

Monday, June 5, 2023

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, Nos. 27 - 36 (Revistas)

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 27, diciembre, 1979. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 28, junio, 1980. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 29, diciembre, 1980. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 30, junio, 1981. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 31, diciembre, 1981. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 32, junio, 1982. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 33, diciembre, 1982. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 34, junio, 1983. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 35, diciembre, 1983. [Disponible en línea.]

Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 36, junio, 1984. [Disponible en línea.]

Caribbean Quarterly, September – December, 1965 (Journal)

Caribbean Quarterly Vol. 11, Nos. 3 & 4, September – December, 1965.

Available online.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Historiografía y Bibliografía Americanistas, Vol. XXII, 1978

Historiografía y Bibliografía Americanistas, Vol. XXII Publicado por Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos-C.S.I.C., Sevilla, 1978.

El “Estado general de la Real Hacienda” del Perú, Chile y Río de La Plata de Alfonso Rodríguez Ovalle, por José Jesús Hernández Palomo

Informaciones Bibliográficas Americanistas:
Guía Bibliográfica General sobre Historia de América, por Francisco Morales Padrón

Aportación a la pintura mexicana del siglo XVII: Una obra inédita de Nicolás Correa, por Gerardo Pérez Calero
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Salcaja, Guatemala, por José Alcina Franch
III Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana, por Agustín Guimerà Ravina
XLII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, por John V. Murra
1ra Reunión Hispano-Mexicana de Historia, por Antonio Gutiérrez Escudero
V Semana de América, por Antonio Egea López
Agustín Millares Carlo, americanista, por Francisco Morales Padrón

Reseñas Críticas
América en la Bibliografía Española (Reseñas Informativas)

Publicaciones de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Obras Publicadas)

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Journal of Belizean Affairs, No. 2

Belisle, Joseph, William Heusner, Said Musa & Assad Shoman, Eds. Journal of Belizean Affairs, Number 2, December, 1973.


The Birth of the Nationalist Movement in Belize, 1950 – 1954, by Assad Shoman

Cuba: One Hundred Years of Revolution, by Franklin Knight

The Early British Settlement in the Bay of Honduras, by Norman Ashcraft

Educational Development in Belize, 1935 – 1965, by Joseph Bennett

Feedback – C. Borland comments on Mr. Cacho’s article on agricultura, and Mr. Cacho’s rejoinder

The Limits of Integration: A Critique of Marcuse, by W. Lindo

Different Thing, by E. Hyde

Comparsa Navideña, by I. Sanchez

Journal of Belizean Affairs, No. 1

Belisle, Joseph, Mischek Mawema, Said Musa & Assad Shoman, Eds. Journal of Belizean Affairs, Number 1, June, 1973.


Maya Intergroup Relations in Nineteenth Century Belize and Southern Yucatan, by Grant Jones

Some Aspects of Educational Development in Belize, 1915 – 1935, by Joseph Bennett

Black Carib History up to 1795, by Joseph Palacio

Some Reflections on Agricultural Policy in British Honduras, by C.P. Cacho

The Adoption, by Eric Wilson

Have Faith – Tomorrow, by Norris Hall

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

New World Quarterly (Journal) Vol. II, No. 4

New World Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 4, 1966.

Repeating Islands – It was one of Caribbean economist Norman Girvan’s final requests to his family: Make the archive of New World Quarterly, a foundational journal that appeared between 1963 and 1972, available to younger generations. Accordingly the Girvan family, working with Kari Levitt and Judith Wedderburn, has digitized all 14 issues of this postcolonial gem of a publication, (…) “Our thoughts are that a digital publication is a contemporary gesture in the spirit and scope of The New World community, residing in a space with open access to all,” said the Girvan family’s statement. Norman Girvan, along with Lloyd Best, George Beckford and other academic activists had launched the journal in the early 60s. A valuable archive of articles on everything from the geopolitics of the Anglophone Caribbean region to agriculture in China, the sugar industry, Sports, Visual Arts, Literature, Caribbean integration the journal represented in its pages the “birth, flourishing and eventual demise of one of the region’s most influential intellectual movements,” the New World Group.

The Spanish-speaking Intelligentsia in the Caribbean, by Manuel Maldonado-Denis
Pidgins and Creoles, East and West, by Wally Thompson

The Teaching of English & Bibliography for Teachers, by John Figueroa
The New Mathematics, by Ian Isaacs
Aims of Education in Jamaica, by Alex Gradussov
Manpower and Planning in Guyana, by Kassim Bacchus

”Politics in West Africa”, by Ahmed Mohiddin

Two Love Poems, by Anthony La Rose
The Last Minute of Hart Crane, by Samuel Hazo

New World Quarterly (Journal) Vol. II, No. 2

New World Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 2, 1966.

Repeating Islands – It was one of Caribbean economist Norman Girvan’s final requests to his family: Make the archive of New World Quarterly, a foundational journal that appeared between 1963 and 1972, available to younger generations. Accordingly the Girvan family, working with Kari Levitt and Judith Wedderburn, has digitized all 14 issues of this postcolonial gem of a publication, (…) “Our thoughts are that a digital publication is a contemporary gesture in the spirit and scope of The New World community, residing in a space with open access to all,” said the Girvan family’s statement. Norman Girvan, along with Lloyd Best, George Beckford and other academic activists had launched the journal in the early 60s. A valuable archive of articles on everything from the geopolitics of the Anglophone Caribbean region to agriculture in China, the sugar industry, Sports, Visual Arts, Literature, Caribbean integration the journal represented in its pages the “birth, flourishing and eventual demise of one of the region’s most influential intellectual movements,” the New World Group.

Caribbean Economic Community, by Alister McIntyre
The Consequences of Morant Bay, by Roy Augier

A Visit to Cuba, by George Beckford

Shaping the Future of the West Indies – Resume
Conference 1966 – Prospectus
The West Indian People, by George Lamming

Not From Here, by Anthony La Rose
Exodus, by Cliff Lashley

An Aztec Play (translated), by Lloyd King

Evenin’ Time, by Hugh Gentles

Guy: “Men in Prison”, by Robin MacKenzie
”Ian Fleming Introduces Jamaica”, by James Carnegie

New World Quarterly (Journal) Vol. II, No. 1

New World Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 1, 1965.

Repeating Islands – It was one of Caribbean economist Norman Girvan’s final requests to his family: Make the archive of New World Quarterly, a foundational journal that appeared between 1963 and 1972, available to younger generations. Accordingly the Girvan family, working with Kari Levitt and Judith Wedderburn, has digitized all 14 issues of this postcolonial gem of a publication, (…) “Our thoughts are that a digital publication is a contemporary gesture in the spirit and scope of The New World community, residing in a space with open access to all,” said the Girvan family’s statement. Norman Girvan, along with Lloyd Best, George Beckford and other academic activists had launched the journal in the early 60s. A valuable archive of articles on everything from the geopolitics of the Anglophone Caribbean region to agriculture in China, the sugar industry, Sports, Visual Arts, Literature, Caribbean integration the journal represented in its pages the “birth, flourishing and eventual demise of one of the region’s most influential intellectual movements,” the New World Group.

Editorial Statement

Issues in the Jamaica-Windward Islands Banana War, by George Beckford
Dependence as an Obstacle to Growth: Puerto Rico, by Eduardo Seda Bonilla
Honours and Paquotille, by Adrian Espinet
Three Cases of Constitutionalism and Cuckoo Politics: Ceylon, British Guyana and Grenada, by Archie Singham
Gary Sobers and the Brisbane Revolution, by Woodville Marshall

Chaguaramas to Slavery?, by Lloyd Best

Past History and Present Planning in the West Indies, by Elsa Goveia

Malcolm X, by Sylvia Winter Carew
Bureaucracy, by Syl Lowhar

Cuba: The Economic and Social Revolution, by Manuel Maldonado-Denis
Party Politics in the West Indies, by Roy Augier
Rio Sin Cauce, by Gabriel Coulthard
The Knights Companions: Ganesh, Biswas & Stone, by Wilfred Cartey

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Readings in Belizean History

Krohn, Lita Hunter, Ed., Readings in Belizean History- 2nd ed., Belize City: St. John's College Belizean Studies, 1987.

The Maya and Belize, by Lita Hunter Krohn
Maya-Spanish Relations in Sixteenth Century Belize, by Grant D. Jones
Why the Spanish Did Not Settle Belize, by Fr. Richard Buhler, S.J.
The Logwood Trade and Its Settlements, by Gilbert M. Joseph
Slavery in Belize, by Fr. Richard Buhler, S.J.
Slavery in Belize, by O. Nigel Bolland
The Battle of St. George’s Caye: A New Analysis, by Francis Humphreys
The Icaiche of Belize, by Fr. Richard Buhler, S.J.
Builders of Belize, by J.M. Rosado
Carib Dates, by Fr. Richard Hadel, S.J.
Black Carib History up to 1795, by Joseph Palacio
Carib Villages of Belize, by Leo H. Bradley
Garifuna Traditions in Historical Perspective, by Nancie L. Gonzalez
Labour Control in Post Abolition Belize, by O. Nigel Bolland
The Problem of Creole Historiography, by Peter Ashdown
The Christmas That Went Before, by Gladys Stuart
San Luis of San Antonio, by Alfred Lemmon, S.J.
Chinese Community of Belize, by Benito Quan
The East Indians of Corozal: A Study of Relatives, 1900 – 1930, by Zelma Jex
Antonio Soberanis and the 1935 – 35 Disturbances in Belize, by Peter Ashdown
The Birth of the Nationalist Movement, by Assad Shoman
A History of Political Parties in Belize, by Larry Vernon
Belize at Two: Keeping its Appointments with History, by Fr. James S. Murphy, S.J.
Internationalization of the Belize Question: Towards Independence
The Constitution and Government
The National Symbols, the National Anthem and Prayer
Chronological Table

University Centers of Foreign Affairs Research, [U.S.] Dept. of State Publication 8378

Office of External Research, U.S. Dept. of State, University Centers of Foreign Affairs Research, [U.S.] Dept. of State Publication 8378, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, April, 1968.

From the Foreword (Scope of this Directory):
As a service to the academic community and to Government agencies sponsoring research, the Office of External Research of the Department of State has published several directories of centers engaged in international studies. (…) The focus of this volume is on U.S. university affiliated centers which have as their main purpose social science research in foreign affairs. It includes only those university research programs and projects which are organized into easily identified centers or institutes. It includes both area-oriented research centers and those specializing in a functional field. It does not, however, include centers at which a principal emphasis is on teaching at the undergraduate level.

Institute of Caribbean Studies (Entry # 145, p. 97)
Description: The purposes of the Institute are to encourage, support and serve as a center for scholarly research and exchange in the Caribbean, to give disciplinary training to Caribbean specialists, and to stimulate interest in the Caribbean among the University community.

Problèmes Universitaires des Antilles-Guyane Françaises

Problèmes Universitaires des Antilles-Guyane Françaises, Les Cahiers du CERAG: Centre D'études Régionales Antilles-Guyane, No. 18, 4eme trimestre, 1969.

L'université des Antilles : pour quoi faire ?, p. 1-20, par Jean Rosaz

Entretien avec trois délégués du Centre d'études supérieures littéraires de Pointe-à-Pitre, p. 21-31, par CERAG

Les étudiants à la Martinique, p. 31-96, par José Nosel
Les étudiants de L’institut Henri Vizioz
Les étudiants du Centre D’etudes Superieures Scientifiques – C.E.S.S.

Les élèves des classes terminales de lycée. Une approche socio-démographique des lycéennes de Fort-de -France, p. 97-112, par Miguel Chamoiseau

The University of the Antilles: what for?, p. 1-20, by Jean Rosaz

Interview with three delegates from the Center for Higher Literary Studies in Pointe-à-Pitre, p. 21-31, by CERAG

Students in Martinique, p. 31-96, by Jose Nosel
Students from the Henri Vizioz Institute
Students from the Center for Higher Scientific Studies – C.E.S.S.

Senior high school students. A socio-demographic approach to high school girls in Fort-de-France, p. 97-112, by Miguel Chamoiseau

Sunday, April 2, 2023

De Mobilisatie van het Eigene: een ruimtelijk-fysieke bijdrage aan de integrale planning

Essed, Franklin Edgar, L.C. Johanns, A.J. Smit, R.A. Somaroo, J. Thijm & H.N. Yvel, De mobilisatie van het eigene: een ruimtelijk-fysieke bijdrage aan de integrale planning, Paramaribo: Werkgroep Integrale Ontwikkelingsplanning, 1975.

Franklin Edgar Essed:
In 1975 Essed became the Surinamese chairman of the Netherlands-Suriname Development Cooperation Committee (CONS; the Dutch chairman was Prof. F. van Dam). With part of the money that the Netherlands had made available to Suriname upon independence from the Netherlands in 1975 on the basis of an integral development plan, the implementation of the West Suriname Plan was started .

De Mobilisatie van het Eigene is het rapport van de Sub-Commissie Ruimtelijk-Fysieke Planning, die door de Surinaams-Nederlandse Commissie van Deskundigen is ingesteld. (...) Het Algemeen Deel geeft eerst een uiteenzetting van de grondslagen en uitgangspunten waarop de planning berust. De doelstellingen: Produktie, Werkgelegenheid en Welvaartsspreiding worden nader uiteengezet, alsmede de plaats der Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen in de Surinaamse economie en de maatschappelijke structuur. Gekozen wordt voor de "Comprehensive Planning Approach", die wordt gemotiveerd, waarna de te volgen werkwijze wordt uiteengezet. Mede als consequentie daarvan wordt het ruimtelijk model o.m. gebaseerd op de groeipooltheorie. Daarbij treden een aantal Concentratiegebieden naar voren die verdeeld worden in:
(1) de oude concentratiegebieden van de kolonniale periode,
(2) de nieuwe concentratiegebieden van de zelfstandigheidsperiode, en
(3) de verzorgingsgebieden van het binnenland. (...) Het Bijzonder Deel beehandelt achtereenvolgens de genoemde concentratiegebieden en de daarbinnen opgestelde planning, waarbij de materiele aspecten van alle sectoren in onderling verband en samenhang worden beschouwd. (...) Het Concluderend Deel geeft een overzicht van de investeriingen in alle concentratiegebieden beneens de algemene voorzieningen op Ntionaal Niveau. Dit resulteert in een drietal basistabellen met twee ingangen...

The Mobilization of the Own is the report of the Sub-Committee on Spatial-Physical Planning, which was set up by the Surinamese-Dutch Committee of Experts. (...) The General Part first provides an explanation of the foundations and starting points on which the planning is based. The objectives: Production, Employment and Distribution of Wealth are explained in more detail, as well as the place of Natural Resources in the Surinamese economy and the social structure. The "Comprehensive Planning Approach" is chosen, which is motivated, after which the method to be followed is explained. Partly as a consequence of this, the spatial model is based, among other things, on the growth pole theory. A number of Concentration Areas emerge, which are divided into:
(1) the old concentration areas of the colonial period,
(2) the new concentration areas of the independence period, and
(3) the catchment areas of the interior. (...) The Special Part successively discusses the aforementioned concentration areas and the planning drawn up within them, in which the material aspects of all sectors are considered in relation to each other and cohesion. (...) The Concluding Part provides an overview of the investments in all concentration areas beyond the general provisions at National Level. This results in three basic tables with two entries...

Monday, March 6, 2023

Programma voor de sociaal-economische ontwikkeling van Suriname: rapport van de Surinaams-Nederlandse Commissie van Deskundigen, Volumen 1, Bijlage 2 t/m 5 bij

Programma voor de sociaal-economische ontwikkeling van Suriname: rapport van de Surinaams-Nederlandse Commissie van Deskundigen, Volumen 1, Suriname: Surinaams-Nederlandse Commissie van Deskundigen, 1975.

Bijlage 2 t/m 5 bij her Rapport van de Surinaams-Nederlandse commissie van deskundigen

Op grond van het Protocol van de Regeringsconferentie tussen Nederland, Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen van 21 mei 1974 is ingesteld een Commissie van Surinaams en Nederlandse deskundingen voor het opstellen van een rapport ter voorbereiding van een integraal ontwikkelingsplan voor Suriname.

Pursuant to the Protocol of the Government Conference between the Netherlands, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles of 21 May 1974, a Committee of Surinamese and Dutch experts was set up to draw up a report in preparation for an integral development plan for Suriname.


0. Voorwoord
1. De sociaal-economische ontwikkeling van Suriname; kenmerken en knelpunten
2. Het sociaal-economische ontwikkelingsbeleid
3. Ontwikkeling van de natuurlijke hulpbronnen
4. Industrie en dienstverlening
5. Sociaal ontwikkelingsbeleid
6. De ruimtelijk-physieke bijdrage aan de nationale planning
7. Macro-economische aspecten van het ontwikkelings-programma
8. Internationale economische, sociale en culturele relaties
9. Het Overheidsapparaat als instrument voor de ontwikkeling
10. Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en ontwikkelingshulp

Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Suriname: Report of the Surinamese-Dutch Committee of Experts, Volume 1

0. Foreword
1. The socio-economic development of Suriname; features and bottlenecks
2. The socio-economic development policy
3. Development of natural resources
4. Industry and services
5. Social development policy
6. The spatial-physical contribution to national planning
7. Macroeconomic aspects of the development program
8. International economic, social and cultural relations
9. The Government Apparatus as an Instrument for Development
10. Development cooperation and development aid.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Les origines des esclaves des Antilles: suite [Extrait du "Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire". T. 24, B. N°s 1-2, 1963]

Richard, R., et G. Debien, Les origines des esclaves des Antilles: suite, Extrait du "Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire". T. 24, B. N°s 1-2, 1963.

La Composition Ethnique de Trois Ateliers du Quartier de Nippes (Saint Domingue)
Les trois listes d'esclaves ici présentées ont ceci de commun qu'elles viennent du même quartier, celui de Nippes et l'Anse-à-Veau sur la côte septentrionale de la presqu'île du sud de Saint Domingue et qu'elles sont de la même période du XVIIIe siecle, des années 1756 - 1767. Deux de ces ateliers sont des ateliers d'indigoteries; le troisième est celui d'une sucrerie; indigoteries d'importance moyenne et petite sucrerie. Ces listes sont extraites d'inventaires généraux de plantations trouvés dans le fonds des notaires de Saint-Domingue aux Archives Nationales, section Outre-Mer (27, rue Oudinot, Paris). Malheureusement elles sont isolées. On n'aura chaque fois qu'une coupe. Plusieurs inventaires de la même plantation eussent permis de présenter une image en mouvement, comme a pu le faire M. Teychenié pour l'indigoterie Belin des Marais, de la Petite-Rivière de l'Artibonite.

The Ethnic Composition of Three Workshops in the Nippes District (Haiti)
The three lists of slaves presented here have in common that they come from the same district, that of Nippes and Anse-à-Veau on the northern coast of the southern peninsula of Santo Domingo and that they are from the same period of the 18th century, from the years 1756 - 1767. Two of these workshops are indigo workshops; the third is that of a sugar estate; indigo factories of medium importance and small sugar estates. These lists are taken from general inventories of plantations found in the Saint-Domingue notary collection at the National Archives, Overseas section (27, rue Oudinot, Paris). Unfortunately they are isolated. We will only have one cut each time. Several inventories of the same plantation would have made it possible to present a moving image, as Mr. Teychenié was able to do for the indigo factory Belin des Marais, de la Petite-Rivière de l'Artibonite.

De Immigratie van Hindostanen en de Afstand van de Goudkust

Adhin, J.H., De Immigratie van Hindostanen en de Afstand van de Goudkust, separata from Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide, 41ste Jaargang, No 1, Augustus 1961.

Beschikbaar online.

Available online.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Cambionan Social Cu Un Yiu Di Tera Ta Sonja Cune Den E Partinan Igual Di E Reinado Nobo

Nita, Amador Paulo, Cambionan Social Cu Un Yiu Di Tera Ta Sonja Cune Den E Partinan Igual Di E Reinado Nobo, Curaçao: Curaçaosche Courant, N.V.

E gloria di e potencia colonialnan a topa e mesun destino cu esun di Hitler cual a keda dera bao di e ruinanan di Berlin. Na India a surgi un resistencia pasivo contra e dominio di inglesnan, mientras cu na Indonesia e pueblo a lanta cu forsa di arma contra e autoridad hulandes. Na Antiyas y Surnam e hendenan a sigui mas un sistema di evolucion door di cual nos representantenan a tuma parti na diferente conferencianan di Mesa Redondo na Den Haag. En conferencianan di Mesa Redondo aki tabatin como meta: “Creacion di un Reinado nobo den cual tur e partinan lo tin derechonan igual. E ministronan cu ta carga responsabilidad den e gobierno Hulandes basta cu nan ta di buena fe, poniendo un solo firma, por declara tanto Surnam como Antiyas partinan igual di e Reinado Nobo. Pero e pregunta ta keda: e ideal di e obrero hulandes cu o a nace na Europa of mehor dicho e ideal di e obrero Antiyano pa logra un salario y provisionan social igual na esun di e Hulandesnan Europeo tambe lo keda realisa? Tantu na Surnam como na Antiyas ta reina e opinion general cu e idea di Union y Cooperacion den Reinado no por hanja nan origen den e letternan morto di algún formula di ley na Conferencia di Mesa Redonda só. Ora a cambia Staatsregeling di Corsouw na 1937 a nace tambe e speransa cu lo bini un mehor comprension entre yiunan di tera di Antiyas y Hulandesnan Europeo. Ora cu Interim-Regeling a drenta na vigor banderanan a ser hisa den tur skina. “Biba autonomia! Nos ta liber”, asina pueblo tabata grita tur caminda cu bo pasa. Pero pronto a bini na cla cu ta Hulandesnan Europeo mes a keda cu tur cos di bisa riba “Isla” y tur otro caminda. Comercio ta casi completamente den man di estranheronan. Mayoria di nan ta hende cu a bini Antiyas pober manera raton di kerki algun anjanan pasá y cu awor a ser eleva den e posicion di gruponan poderoso den nos comunidad. E relacion di Hulandesnan Europeo y yiunan di tera cu ta traha na C.P.I.M. por ser compara cu esun di un maestro y su cria. Den e siguiente capitulonan lo mi trata di proba cu pa realizacion di e cambionan social cu e yiunan di tera ta sonja cu ne den e partinan uni di e Reinado Nobo, ta absolutamente necesario pa e Hulandesnan Europeo cu ta biba aki y e companianan Hulandes grandi, pone un fin na a previlegiamentu di Hulandesnan Europeo riba yiunan di tera.

Translation, using Glosbe:
The glory of the colonial powers met the same fate as that of Hitler who was buried under the ruins of Berlin. In India, passive resistance arose against British rule, while in Indonesia the people rose up by armed force against Dutch authority. In Antilles and Surinam the people followed a further system of evolution by which our representatives took part in various Round Table conferences in The Hague. The goal of these Round Table conferences was to create a new kingdom in which all parties would have equal rights. The ministers with responsibility in the Dutch government, provided they are of good faith, can, by signing a single signature, declare both Surinam and Antilles equal parts of the New Kingdom. But the question remains: will the ideal of the European-born Dutch worker, or rather the ideal of the Antilles worker, to achieve equal wages and social provisions as the European Dutch, also be realized? In both Surinam and Antilles there prevails the general opinion that the idea of Union and Cooperation in the Kingdom cannot find its origin in the dead letters of some formula of law at the Round Table Conference alone. The change of the Constitution of Curaçao in 1937 also gave rise to the hope of a better understanding between the native people of Antilles and the European Dutch. When the Interim Arrangement came into force, flags were raised on all corners. “Live independence! We are free”, so people shouted everywhere you passed. But it soon became clear that it was the European Dutch who had everything to say about the “island” and elsewhere. Trade is almost entirely in the hands of foreigners. Many of them have come to Antilles a few years ago like poor rats and now they have been elevated to the position of powerful groups in our community. The relationship between the Dutch Europeans and the children of the land who work at C.P.I.M. can be compared to that of a teacher and his dog. In the following chapters I will try to prove that for the realization of the social changes that the children of the earth dream of in the united parts of the New Kingdom, it is absolutely necessary for the European Dutch living here and the large Dutch companies, to put an end to the Dutch privilege of European over the children of the earth.

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, No 1, Augustus 1961

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide, 41ste Jaargang, No 1, Augustus 1961.

Beschikbaar online.

Available online.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Documenten uit de jaren 1639 en 1640 betrekking hebbende op de voorgenomen herovering van het eiland Curaçao door de Spanjaarden

Maduro, Antoine J., Spaanse Documenten uit de jaren 1639 en 1640 betrekking hebbende op de voorgenomen herovering van het eiland Curaçao door de Spanjaarden, Niet in de Handel, Oplaag 400 ex. 1961, Drukkerij Scherpenheuvel, Curaçao.

Documentos de los años 1639 y 1640 que se encuentran en el Archivo General de Indias en Sevilla, referentes a los designios que tenían los españoles para la reconquista de la isla de Curazao, conquistada por los holandeses el 29 de julio de 1634.

L'alternative democratique, nationale, progressive: bulletin de reflexion, d'orientation et de liaison du Regroupement des démocrates nationaux-progressistes d'Haiti (R.D.N.P.), Volume 1, Nos. 1, 2

Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux-progressistes d'Haiti, L'alternative democratique, nationale, progressive: bulletin de reflexion, d'orientation et de liaison du Regroupement des démocrates nationaux-progressistes d'Haiti (R.D.N.P.), Volume 1, No. 1 – Octobre – Decembre 1979, No. 2 – Janvier – Mars 1980, Caracas, Venezuela: R.D.N.P.

Le Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux progressistes (RDNP) est un parti politique haïtien membre de l'Organisation démocrate-chrétienne d'Amérique1, fondé en exil en 1979 par Leslie Manigat. Sa présidente est Mirlande Manigat, qui dirige à nouveau le parti depuis l’assassinat de Éric Jean Baptiste le 28 octobre 2022.

The Rally of Progressive National Democrats (RDNP) is a Haitian political party member of the Christian Democratic Organization of America, founded in exile in 1979 by Leslie Manigat. Its president is Mirlande Manigat, who has again led the party since the assassination of Éric Jean Baptiste on October 28, 2022.

L'alternative democratique, nationale, progressive: bulletin de reflexion, d'orientation et de liaison du Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux-progressistes d'Haiti (R.D.N.P.), Volume 1, No. 3

Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux-progressistes d'Haiti, L'alternative democratique, nationale, progressive: bulletin de reflexion, d'orientation et de liaison du Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux-progressistes d'Haiti (R.D.N.P.), Volume 1, No. 3 – Avril – Juin 1980, Caracas, Venezuela: R.D.N.P.

Le Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux progressistes (RDNP) est un parti politique haïtien membre de l'Organisation démocrate-chrétienne d'Amérique, fondé en exil en 1979 par Leslie Manigat. Sa présidente est Mirlande Manigat, qui dirige à nouveau le parti depuis l’assassinat de Éric Jean Baptiste le 28 octobre 2022.

The Rally of Progressive National Democrats (RDNP) is a Haitian political party member of the Christian Democratic Organization of America, founded in exile in 1979 by Leslie Manigat. Its president is Mirlande Manigat, who has again led the party since the assassination of Éric Jean Baptiste on October 28, 2022.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, No 3, Maart 1961

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide, 40ste Jaargang, No 3, Maart 1961.

Beschikbaar online.

Available online.

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, No 2, November 1960

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide, 40ste Jaargang, No 2, November 1960.

Beschikbaar online.

Available online.

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, No 1, Juli 1960

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide, 40ste Jaargang, No 1, Juli 1960.

Beschikbaar online.

Available online.

Bottom-up Development in Haiti

Maguire, Robert, Bottom-up Development in Haiti, Second Edition, Rosslyn, VA.: Inter-American Foundation, April, 1981.

Available online.

Dr. Maguire retired in 2017 as a full-time professor of International Development Studies at the Elliott School of International Affairs, where he also directed the Latin American & Hemispheric Studies Program, the Brazil Initiative, and the Focus-on-Haiti Initiative. At the Elliott School, he created and taught a graduate seminar called, “Bottom-Up Development,” which he has continued to teach after retiring. Between 2001 and 2011, he taught at Trinity Washington University where he created and directed its International Affairs Program. From 1979 to 1999, he served as the Representative for Haiti and the Caribbean of the Inter-American Foundation, a U.S. government agency that supports grassroots, bottom-up development initiatives undertaken by local, community-based organizations. In 2000, he worked at the U.S. Department of State as Special Haiti Advisor. As a respected expert on Haiti and US-Haiti policy, he advises numerous U.S. Executive Branch agencies, the U.S. Congress, and various international organizations.

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 19

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 19, July 23, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Step Towards Unity

The All-Age School Scandal
T.U.C. Annual Conference
Private Enterprise in Guyana
The Horrible Press
The Border Dispute
U.K. Office for Indians
The University
News Briefs

New Left in Guyana

Player of the Series
After Barbados

The Unsteady Flame: An Account of Guianese Poetry
Mother Courage and Her Children
Savory Paintings at the British Guiana Museum
Poem by Martin Carter
Sketch by Peter Andersen
Sketch by Leila Locke

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 18

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 18, July 9, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Guyanese Left?

Ivelaw Stevenson
Barbados Visit

The Sugar Commission
The (Dirty) Game of Politics
Civil Service Jungle

Portrait of Moses Bhagwan

From I.A. McDonald

Sketch by Peter Andersen
Towards a National Orchestra
The Unsteady Flame: A Short Account of Guianese Poetry

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 17

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 17, June 25, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


The Immigration Problem
An Industrial Development Policy
The Ace in the Hole
Exodus Continuing

From Eric Huntley
From Lloyd Best

An Account of Guianese Poetry
Review: Manna Day Show
Sketch by J. Drayton
Poem by Edwina Melville
Poem by M.S. Stoby

This Gentleman’s Game

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Annales des Antilles, No. 14 (Tabago, Antille Française)

Cottrell, René, Annales des Antilles, Bulletin de la Société d'histoire de la Martinique, Année 1966, No. 14.


Sommaire: Tabago, Antille Française, par J. C. Nardin

I. L'acquisition d’une Colonie.
1. La guerre.
2. La conquête.
3. Le traité.

II. Problèmes Administratifs.
1. Le gouvernement et l’administration général
a) Les premières année.
b) L’administration Dillon et Roume de Saint-Laurent.
2. La justice.
3. La défense.

III. Les Difficultés Économiques.
1. L’évolution de la production.
2. L’imbroglio commercial.
3. La commission de vérification des créances anglaises.

IV. Les Transformations de la Société.
1. La population blanche.
2. L’urbanisme.
3. Les nègres.

V. La Révolution.


Appendice: Liste des administrateurs de Tabago

Pièces Justificatives:
I. Un episode de la prise de Tabago par les Française (1781)
II. Considérations sur le remplacement des lois anglaises (1787)
III. La liquidation des créances anglaises.
IV. La fabrication du rhum.
V. Dépenses et recettes annuelles des planteur de Tabago sous le régimen française.
VI. Les difficultés commerciales.
VII. Concession d’une terre sous le régime française.
VIII. L’état de la propiété foncière à Tabago.
IX. Une fête sous l'Ancien Régime.
X. Un atelier d’esclaves.
XI. L’état sanitaire.
XII. La mésentente entre les administrateurs.
XIII. La Révolution à Tabago.

Sources et Bibliographie.

Table des Planches

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Annales des Antilles, No. 15

Cottrell, René, Annales des Antilles, Bulletin de la Société d'histoire de la Martinique, Année 1970, No. 15.

1. Les Grand’Cases des plantations à Saint Domingue aux XVII et XVIII siècle, par G. Debien.

2. Les Fonds Saint-Jacques, par Jacques Petitjean-Roget.

3. Un faux Monnayeur à la Martinique en 1745, par E. Hayot.

4. La mort mystérieuse du Marquis de Caylus, par Maurice Nicolas.

5. Rapport anonyme sur la Martinique, écrit vers 1753, présenté par Mlle. L. Chauleau.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Les Origines des Esclaves Antillais: V

Houdaille, Jacques, Les origines des esclaves antillais: V, Extrait du Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire, sér. B, nos. 3-4 (1964).

A Saint-Domingue:
Aujourd'hui, deux groupes d'analyses, d'origine tout à fait différent. Par leur comparaison entre eux ces groupes montrent des des parallèles, des contrastes aussi. Mais on n'a pas tenté les rapprochements. Ils seront faits au moment de la conclusion générale, la toute dernière. On aura donc: 1o l'analyse de 10 listes d'esclaves, de plantations: 8 de l'Ouest, 2 du Sud, des années 1796 et 1797; 2o le relevé de tous les baptêmes, sépultures et mariages de libres d'origine africaine précise, trouvés dans les registres paroissiaux de Port-au-Prince, de la Croix-des-Bouquets, de Léogane, du Petit-Goave, du Grand-Goave, de Baynet, d'Aquin, de Saint-Louis du Sud, de Limonade, du Port-de-Paix et de Santo-Domingo. C'est une occasion toute fortuite qui nous a permis d'examiner un des registre de l'"Administration anglaise à Saint-Domingue" qui correspondent aux années 1794-1798 où l'armée britannique occupa le Sud et l'Ouest de l'île. Dans ces recueils il s'agit surtout des biens de colons absents, mis sous séquestre, puis donnés à ferme par adjudication. Ces fermes commençaient naturellement par un inventaire général. Ces inventaires décrivent sommairement l'état de la plantation, présentent la liste des esclaves. L'ordre n'est pas toujours le même, n'est pas plus systématique que dans les inventaires d'avant la Revolution. Au reste ce sont les mêmes notaires qu'autrefois qui les dressent. Ont été retenues les listes qui précisaient l'origine des esclaves. Neuf des dix listes ont été prises dans le premier registre. Seul l'inventaire de la sucrerie Blanchard vient du 2e volume.

Today, two groups of analyses, of completely different origin. By their comparison between them these groups show parallels, contrasts too. But we did not attempt any comparisons. They will be made at the time of the general conclusion, the very last. We will therefore have: 1st the analysis of 10 lists of slaves, of plantations: 8 from the West, 2 from the South, from the years 1796 and 1797; 2nd the record of all the baptisms, burials and marriages of free women of specific African origin, found in the parish registers of Port-au-Prince, Croix-des-Bouquets, Léogane, Petit-Goave, Grand- Goave, Baynet, Aquin, Saint-Louis du Sud, Limonade, Port-de-Paix and Santo-Domingo. It was a very fortuitous occasion that allowed us to examine one of the registers of the "English Administration in Santo Domingo" which correspond to the years 1794-1798 when the British army occupied the South and West of island. In these collections it is above all a question of the property of absent settlers, placed in sequestration, then given to farm by adjudication. These farms naturally began with a general inventory. These inventories briefly describe the state of the plantation, present the list of slaves. The order is not always the same, nor is it more systematic than in the inventories before the Revolution. Moreover, it is the same notaries as in the past who draw them up. Were retained the lists which specified the origin of the slaves. Nine of the ten lists were taken from the first register. Only the inventory of the Blanchard sugar factory comes from the 2nd volume.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

New World (Anniversary Issue) Vol. 1, Nos. 27 – 28

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, Nos. 27 – 28, November 12, 1965.[Special Anniversary Issue]

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.
Anniversary Issue

A Fine Romance
Constitutional Conference
Bitter Sugar

From Miles Stoby
From Eric Huntley

The Intellectual Tradition and Social Change in the Caribbean
Review of the Year – Dec. 1964 to Nov. 1965

An Artist in Exile – From the West Indies
Art in Guyana Today
National Drama Finals
Poem by Syl Lowhar
Sketch by J. Drayton
Poem by Miles Stoby
Sketch by Leila Locke
Two Poems by Cyril Dabydeen

Beckles – A Loser
50 and Champ

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 39

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 39, Apr. 29, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

’O Words Are Lightly Spoken’

The Army and the Future
The Little Six
Unfree Trade
Quis Custodiet?

Socialism and the Guyanese Situation

Poem by Martin Carter
The Colour Problem
Book Review ‘Trouble in Guyana’


New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 38

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 38, Apr. 15, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Scholars’ Conference

The Guyana Marketing Corporation
A Permanent Emergency?
The Party Youth Sections
News From Jamaica

The Moyne Commission Report

New Poetry

Beyond a Boundary

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 36

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 36, Mar. 18, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The State of Emergency

Rice and Politics
Counter-Revolution in Ghana
The Owen Young Affair

The Role of Universities in the Caribbean

Motor Racing
Beyond a Boundary

From Donald Locke

Friday, January 27, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 35

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 35, Mar. 4, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Venezuelan Claim

The Press and Local Culture
Industrial Development
Let Us Hum
The Sattaur Case

DECOLONISATION: Community Development – The Key to National Regeneration

Shell Series

On Being White in America and Guyana
Poem: ‘Mais of Jamaica’ by Ian McDonald
Sketch by Leila Locke

from Ronald Savory

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 34

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 34, Feb. 18, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Where Has All The Money Gone?

The House of Assembly
The Labour Movement
WISCO Dispute Settlement
Local Industry
Fidel and China

From Pairadeau Mars
From Denis Williams

Reds – National Coach

Some Thoughts on Socialism

Jail Me Quickly – Five Poems by Martin Carter
Short Story – “Demerara” by W. Boyce
Sketch by J. Drayton

Thursday, January 26, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 33

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 33, Feb. 4, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Prime Minister and the Press

The New Deal
What’s Up with U.G.?
Sugar – a Regional Problem

Agricultural Research Conference
Infringement of Freedom

SPORTS FEATURE: An Interview with Reds Perreira

D. Locke Replies to E.A. Goodland
Poem: ‘Thoughts on a Guyanese Anthem’ by I. McDonald
Poem: ‘Pineapple Woman’ by I. McDonald
Sketch by W. Wharton
Book Announcement – Economics of Development in Small Countries, with special reference to the Caribbean

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 32

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 32, Jan. 21, 1966.(two copies)

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

A Neutral Guyana?

A New Deal for the Little Six?
Educational Reform
Emergency Forever?

Approach to the Problem of Socialism – Part II
African Leadership Vacuum

On Being White in America and Guyana
Poem by Antony La Rose

From Moses Bhagwan

Christianity in the Catacombs

Monday, January 23, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 31

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 31, Jan. 7, 1966.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


The Coalition and the Queen
Kaldor Revisited
The Refugee Problem

The Right of the Federal Republic to be the Able Representative of Germany

Approach to the Problem of Socialism

From E.B. John

C.L.R. James: The Man and His Work
Art in Guyana Today – Judging
Sketch by Leila Locke

Beckles Again

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 30

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 30, Dec. 24, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Labour Unrest

P.P.P. December Congress
Border Dispute
Benn and the P.P.P.

Guyana’s Struggle Against Reaction and Racism for Democracy and Independence

Art and the Akawaio
Poem by Antony La Rose
Sketch by Judy Drayton

Under 23’s Redeem B.G.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 29

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 29, December 10, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


The National Cane-Farming Committee Ordinance
Proposals on the Constitution
The ‘Pentagonisation’ of Latin America

From Gwyn Strike

Guyana’s Struggle Against Reaction and Racism for Democracy and Independence

Review by Martin Carter on New World Quarterly
Review: Raisin in the Sun by Neville Robinson
Sketch by Leila Locke
Poem – by Miles Stoby

Suriname on Top

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 26

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 26, Oct. 29, 1965.(two copies)

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Constitutional Conference

Free Trade Area
Border Dispute
Law Reform

From a Teacher

A Guyanese National Theatre?

Review of New World Quarterly by Martin Carter
Poem Toussaint L’Ouverture by Jan Carew
Sketch by Leila Locke

Motor Racing
Continental Sport

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 25

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 25, Oct. 15, 1965.(two copies)

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Rice Industry

W.I. Federation
No Loafers
The Doctor’s Dilemma

From local businessman

A New Look for the Rice Industry

A Guyanese National Theatre?
Sketch by J. Drayton
Sketch – Women of Guyana – 1st in a Series

B.G.F.A. vs. Army

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 24

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 24, Oct. 1, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


Disturbances in Kingston
The Loquacious Prodigals
The Theatre Guild

From disgruntled businessman
From Moses Bhagwan

A Guyanese National Theatre?

Review: Brink Top
Poem by Antony La Rose

Pacemen Needed

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 23

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 23, Sept. 17, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


From W.P.A.C. member
From Sheik F. Mohamed

Consumer and Producer Co-ops
Government and Cuba
Jamaican Showcase
The Independence Game – Round 3
Our Expatriate Bankers

Structure and Change in the Civil Service

Guyana’s Status

Language and Literature in Developing Countries – Part II
Poem by Lowhar
Faces of Georgetown by Judy Drayton
Sketch by Leila Locke
Poems by Jan Carew
Sketch by Leila Locke
Poem by Mark Matthews

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 22

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 22, Sept. 3, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


New Party in Trinidad
Engineering Conference in Trinidad
Thre Press
Trade with the Eastern Bloc
The I.C.J. Commission
The Bhagwan Affair

From John La Rose

Portrait of an Artist (No. 8) – E. R. BURROWES
Reply to Mrs. Jagan (continued)

Beckles Again

Literature and Language in Developing Countries
Woodcut by E.R. Burrowes
Woodcut by E.R. Burrowes

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 21

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 21, August 20, 1965.[two copies]

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

New World Identity

The Immigration Issue
A New Voice (continued)
Rice Conference
P.Y.O. Resignations

Reply to Mrs. Jagan

Theatre Review: Fall of a Chief
Book Review: ‘Old Thom’s Harvest’
Poems by M.R. Monar
Sketches by Emerson Samuels


New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 20

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 20, August 6, 1965.[two copies]

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


Agriculture Loans Bill
The Visit
The Independence Game (Part 2)
Exchange Control
Antigua Joins the Pact
A New Voice (Part 1)

From Rudy Grant

FEATURE – “Crossing Over”
First in a series of sketches by Emerson Samuels

Six Poems by Alec Best
Poem by L.O. Lowhar

Basketball – Be Serious
Motor Sport
Tennis Hopes

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 16

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 16, June 11, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Sexual Equality

From I.A. McDonald

What Price Patriotism?
(Im) Policy
The Rice Bill
The Dilemma of Mr. Benn

African Socialism & Atkinson Deal (contin.)

Cinema in B.G.
Children’s Theatre
Sketch of Peter Andersen
Queen’s College – “Schooldays Can Be Fun”
Dramatic Core at B.V.
Poem – by Cyril Dabydeen
Faces of Georgetown: No. 11 by Peter Andersen

Lennox Beckles
Beyond a Boundary
Indian Tour

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 15

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 15, May 28, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Password of Imperialism
New World Expands
Rural Enterprises

Local Cinema
Fools Step In
The Press
Regional Co-operation
Young People Arise!!
The Return of the Opposition

Atkinson Deal Pt. I

Portrait of an Artist No. 7: Helen Taitt

Beyond a Boundary
World Champs

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 14

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 14, May 14, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Planning Unit

Santo Domingo
National Incomes Policy
National Health Srvices
Bhagwan in Ghana
Education and the Coalition
Dr. Williams and B.G.
Sugar and Society

McCarthyism in Trinidad & Rural Education

Review: W.I. Plays
Art in the Interior
The Police Male Voice Choir
Poem: Evergone by Helen Taitt
Faces of Georgetown (No. 10)

Cycle Sports

Aspects of Irrigation in B.G.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 13

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 13, Apr 30, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Prophet (C.L.R. James)

The Budget
The YSM Rally
U.K. Immigration
African Travels
Why Cane Farming
The Party Congress

From S.W. Hubble, Office of the Commissioner for Canada
From R.R.H. Gurling

Sugar: Challenge and Change, Part IV
Prospects for Secondary Education

Australia’s Plight
Lance Gibbs

The Poetry of A.J. Seymour
Dido and Aeneas
Faces of Georgetown (No. 9)

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 12

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 12, Apr. 15, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

The Opening of the Legislature

National Unity
Co-op Principle
Little Seven
Return to the Legislature

Sugar: Challenge and Change, Part III
P.Y.O. Statement

Portrait of an Artist: (No. 6) Sparrow
The University of Michigan Jazz Band
Fantasticks on Tour
Faces of Georgetown (No. 7 & 8)
Letters to the Editor

Atkinson Races
Solomon – the Invaluable

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 11

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 11, Apr 2, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

National Incomes Policy
Statement by New World Associates

C.L.R. James
Participation in Sugar
Rice: The Problem of Markets
North American Aid
New Airport
PYO Statement
Sugar in Trinidad

Higher Education in the West Indies, Part 2 & Challenge and Change: The Sugar Industry in B.G., Part 2

Miriam Makeba in Guyana
Portrait of an Artist: V. Philip Moore
Faces of Georgetown 5 & 6
Statement by the Arts Editor

From Kit Nascimento

The Gamble that Paid Off
Toward the Second Test

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 8

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 8, Feb 19, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Local Government Reform

The Pied Piper
Buy Local
University Blues
The Persaud Affair

The Press and Radio in Guyana: The Press in Guyana & B.G. Newspaperman
Poem: Anonymous (by Martin Carter)

Review: Triangular Theatre
Portrait of an Artist: Ken Corsbie
Faces of Georgetown

Agriculture in Economic Development

West Indies vs. Australia
Interview: Patsy Peters

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 9

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 9, Mar 5, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.


Malcom X
Mineral Exploitation
Rice and Politics
Who Wants Federation?
The Greenwood Visit
The PNP’s New Policy
National Economic Council
Faces of Georgetown

The Press and Radio in Guyana: Invasion of Privacy & The Day ‘IKE’ Met Me & Information Media

From Clive Thomas

Portrait of an Artist: Hugh Sam
Review: “The Fantasticks”

Suggestions for the Rice Industry

Local Racing
The Doldrums

New World (fortnightly) Vol. 1, No. 10

DeCaires, David, Ed., New World, Vol. 1, No. 10, Mar 19, 1965.

New World is printed and published in British Guiana by the New World Associates at 215 King Street Georgetown.

Faces of Georgetown

Venezuelan Trade Mission
The Submit Conference
The New Aristocracy
Trade Unionism
Wigs & Gowns
African Travels

From D.J. Taitt
From Democrat

Higher Education in the West Indies & Challenge and Change: The Sugar Industry in B.G.
Faces of Georgetown

Price and Value in Art

Motor Racing at Atkinson