Sunday, June 29, 2014

Discursos de la Dra. Berta Becerra de León, Directora de la Escuela [Cubana de Bibliotecarios], y del Dr. Verner W. Clapp, Assistant Chief Librarian of the Library of Congress

Escuela Cubana de Bibliotecarios, Discursos de la Dra. Berta Becerra de León, Directora de la Escuela, y del Dr. Verner W. Clapp, Assistant Chief Librarian of the Library of Congress, Washington D.C. en la Solemne instalación de dicha Escuela, el día 13 de Septiembre de 1950, Habana: Escuela Cubana de Bibliotecarios, 1950.(panfleto en muy mal estado comido por comején)

La Escuela Cubana de Bibliotecarios y la Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios: Génesis documental de dos instituciones actuales, por María del Rosario Díaz Rodríguez, Biblioteca Nacional José Martí:
No fue hasta el 29 de mayo de 1947, que la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras aprobó el plan para la creación de una Escuela de Bibliotecarios anexa a la Facultad. Otra vertiente de la formación bibliotecaria la inició la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, cuando el 13 de septiembre de 1950 comenzó con la creación de la Escuela Cubana de Bibliotecarios. Estuvieron en su inauguración, entre otras personalidades, el presidente de la Sociedad, Dr. Antonio M. Eligio de la Puente, el Dr. Cosme de la Torriente, autor del primer proyecto para crear una escuela semejante, y el presidente de la Junta de Patronos de la Biblioteca Nacional —creada por iniciativa del propio Fernando Ortiz— Emeterio S. Santovenia. El Dr. Jerrold Orne, director de las Bibliotecas de la Washington University de la ciudad de Saint Louis, Missouri, viajó a Cuba como asesor.

Caribbean Quarterly, March – June 1978 (Journal)

Caribbean Quarterly, Vol. 24, Nos. 1 & 2, March – June 1978.

Available online.

Table of Contents:
Juan de Bolos and his Pelinco, by S.A.G. Taylor and David Buisseret.

Hugh Clifford in Trinidad 1903 - 1907, by A. J. Stockwell.

The early laws of Montserrat (1668 – 1680): the legal schema of a slave society, by Howard A. Fergus.

Analysis of the 1750 Carriacou Census, by Francis Kay Brinkley.

Antonio Soberanis and the disturbances in Belize 1934 -37, by Peter D. Ashdown.

Grandiose schemes of foreign colonization in Guyana: a survey of their origin, provisions and abandonment, by James W. Vining.


Transportation Memorandum, by Fred Nunes

British Museum and After, by Velma Pollard.


Sources of Jamaican History 1655 – 1838: A bibliographical Survey with particular reference to Manuscript Sources, by K.E. Ingram, reviewed by Elsa V. Goveia.

The Guiana Maroons: A Historical and Bibliographical Introduction, by Richard Price, reviewed by Barbara K. Kopytoff

Caribbean Quarterly, June – September 1969 (Journal)

Caribbean Quarterly, Vol. 15, Nos. 2 & 3, June – September 1969. (Two copies; one given to Dr. T. Mathews by Sir Philip)

Available online.

Table of Contents:
Tribute to Sir Philip Sherlock, by R.M. Nettleford. (Address delivered on the retirement of the Vice-Chancellor)

Year’s Ending (Poem), by P.M. Sherlock.

The student and the university’s civilizing role, by Lucille Mathurin Mair.

Gib Hall Revisited (Poem), by Derek Walcott.

The role of the extra-mural department, by J. Roby Kidd & R.M. Nettleford.

University Study (Poem), by Mervyn Morris.

The evolution of community development in Jamaica (1937 – 1962), by Sybil Francis.

97 Years Old (Poem), by Robert Henry.

The U.W.I. and the teaching of West Indian history, by Elsa Goveia.

Empty Lot (poem), by Dennis Craig.

An introduction to Caribbean literature, by A. Derrick (Text of a lecture delivered in Antigua under the auspices of the Extra-Mural Department)

Worthing Midnight (Poem), by Slade Hopkinson.

Calypso Drama (excerpt from Dr. Hill’s book now in preparation, The Trinidad Carnival: Mandate for a National Theatre), by Errol Hill.

Spectator Sport (Poem), by Dennis Scott.


i) The role of the University of the West Indies in family planning, by Karl A. Smith.

ii) Interview with an artist (Jennifer Dickson, interviewed by Hugh Morrison after her exhibition held at Creative Arts Centre, UWI, Mona, June, 1969).

Oedipus at Colonus (Poem), by John Figueroa.

Gabrielle (Short Story), by Colin Hope.

Famine (Poem), by Wayne Vincent Brown.


Poma de Ayala, New Chronicle and good Government, by Felipe Guaman, reviewed by Wilson Harris.

The Hero and the Crowd in a Colonial Polity, by A.W. Singham, reviewed by Morris Cargill.

Black Intellectuals come to Power, by Ivar Oxaal, reviewed by Ken Post.

Negus (Poem) (excerpt from Islands), by Edward Brathwaite.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Background to Independence

Hoyos, F. A., Background to Independence, New York: Advocate Press, 1967.

From the author’s Foreword:
”Background to Independence” is, in the main, a collection of articles that were first published in the “Sunday Advocate” under the caption “Towards Independence”. They appeared in fifteen installments and ended shortly before Barbados attained independence in November 30, 1966.

1) Battle for Freedom.
2) A Stormy Period.
3) Scylla and Charybdis.
4) Social Revolution.
5) Benevolent Despotism.
6) Crown Colony Government.
7) Prescod the Pioneer.
8) The Federation Riots.
9) The People Assert Themselves.
10) Against Autocracy.
11) The Workers Revolt.
12) Constitutional Advance.
13) The Federal Idea.
14) Federal Fiasco.
15) The Agony and The Ecstasy.

History of Alliouagana: A Short History of Montserrat

Fergus, Howard A., History of Alliouagana: A Short History of Montserrat, Plymouth, Montserrat: University Centre, May 13, 1975.

Reviewed in Caribbean Quarterly © 1976.

Sir Howard A. Fergus was born at Long Ground in Montserrat. He attended Bethel Primary, Montserrat Grammar School, Erdiston Teacher’s College in Barbados, the University College of the West Indies (1961-64) and the Universities of Bristol (Cert Ed. 1968) and Manchester (M.Ed, 1978) and UWI (Ph. D, 1978).

Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 15, (Journal)

Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2, Jamaica: ISER, June 1966.

Population Growth in Grenada in the Twentieth Century, by Jack Harewood.

The Labour Force, Employment and Unemployment in Cuba, 1957 – 1961, by James O’Connor.

An Experimental Comparison of Some Alternative Methods of Computing Demand Elasticities, by George E. Cumper.

Distribution of Income in Trinidad-Tobago, and Comparison with Distribution of Income in Jamaica, by E. Ahiram.

A “Reproduction Function” for Young Women in Mexico, by W. Whitney Hicks.

The Transfer Process: Theory and Experience in a Developing Economy, by Clive Y. Thomas

Agricultural Development in “Traditional” and “Peasant” Economies, by George L. Beckford.

El Caribe Contemporáneo 3-4

El Caribe Contemporáneo 3-4, Numeros 3 – 4, México: UNAM, Julio – Diciembre 1980.

1. La política de Reagan y El Caribe, por Suzy Castor.

2. CARICOM: El momento actual, por James Millette.

3. Campesinos y plantaciones en la agricultura del Caribe, por Carlos M. Vilas.

4. Haití: el fracaso del proyecto neo-duvalierista, por Gerard Pierre Charles.

5. Perfiles: Arthur Lewis: Gérmenes de una Idea, por Susan Craig.

6. Documento: Lineamientos económicos y sociales para el quinquenio 1981 – 1985, (Segundo Congreso del Partido Comunista Cubano).

7. Sección Informativa.

8. Sección Bibliográfica.

El Caribe Contemporáneo 2

El Caribe Contemporáneo 2, Numero 2, México: UNAM, Marzo – Junio 1980.

1. La trama de la muerte de Walter Rodney, por Ricky Singh.

2. El espacio estratégico: Caribe – Centroamérica, en la coyuntura actual, por Suzy Castor.

3. El populismo y los movimientos populares en el Caribe Angloparlante, por Hilbourne Watson.

4. Antillas Francesas: ensayo de interpretación socio histórica, por Renee Acheen y Francis Rifaux.

5.El problema de la democracia en Puerto Rico, por Emilio González Díaz.

6. La revolución dominicana de 1965, por Franc Baez Evertz.

7. Sección Informativa.

8. Sección Bibliográfica.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Islas - 54

Islas 54, Revista de la Universidad Central de las Villas, Mayo – Agosto, 1976.

Enrique José Varona y el Positivismo, por Pablo M. Guadarrama González.

La Clase Obrera Cubana en Vísperas de la Revolución, por Eddy Trimiño Vergara.

La Situación Socio-económica del Campesinado Cubano antes de la Revolución, por Vladimir Akulai y Domingo Rodríguez Fragoso.

La Economía en la Novela Cubana del siglo XIX: Lucha de Clases, por Enrique Sosa.

Del Realismo Temprano: La Narrativa en el Siglo XVIII, por Boris Shukov.

Mendive Dramaturgo, por Rine Leal.

Mendive, Poeta y Forjador de Conciencias, por Luis M. Yero.

La Nube Negra, por Rafael María de Mendive.

La Vida: A Puerto Rican Family in the Culture of Poverty-San Juan and New York

Lewis, Oscar, La Vida: A Puerto Rican Family in the Culture of Poverty —San Juan and New York, New York: Random House, 1965.

Reviewed in International Migration Review © 1967.

Oscar Lewis, born Lefkowitz (December 25, 1914 – December 16, 1970)[1] was an American anthropologist. He is best known for his vivid depictions of the lives of slum dwellers and his argument a cross-generational culture of poverty among poor people transcends national boundaries. Lewis contended that the cultural similarities occurred because they were "common adaptations to common problems" and that "the culture of poverty is both an adaptation and a reaction of the poor to their marginal position in a class-stratified, highly individualistic, capitalistic society."[2] He won the 1967 U.S. National Book Award in Science, Philosophy and Religion for La Vida; A Puerto Rican Family in the Culture of Poverty.

Cultos Afroamericanos

Pollak-Eltz, Angelina, Cultos Afroamericanos, Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 1977.

Reseñada en Anthropos © 1975.

Índice general:
1. Importancia de los Estudios Afroamericanos.
2. Cambio cultural y Sincretismo.
3. Difusión de los cultos y su integración en la sociedad moderna.
4. Religiones afroamericanas y la Iglesia Católica.
5. Sectas afroamericanas y política.
6. Organización de los centros de cultos afroamericanos.
7. Ritual.
8. Metodología y definición.
9. Origen de los esclavos negros, historia de la esclavitud.
10. Culturas afroamericanas.

1. Generalidades.
2. Religiones de los habitantes de la Costa de Oro.
3. La religión de los Ewe-Fon en Dahomey.
4. La religión de los Yoruba de Nigeria.
5. Religiones bantús de la región de Zaire-Angola.

1. Generalidades.
2. El Candomble Nago de Bahía.
3. El Batuque de Puerto Alegre.
4. Chango en Recife.
5. Influencia Dahomeyanan en Brasil.
6. Las religiones bantú en Brasil, La Macumba de Rio de Janeiro.
7. Cultos afro-indígenas en Brasil.
8. La Pagelança en el Nordeste de Brasil.
9. El Catimbo.
10. La Umbanda.
11. Resumen.

1. Generalidades.
2. Chango en Trinidad y Grenada.
3. Los Shouting Baptists en las Antillas.
4. Myalismo, Obeah y el Convince Cult de Jamaica.
5. Los Caribes Negros.
6. El Culto Vodun en Haití.
7. Religión y magia en las Antillas Francesas.
8. Ritos africanos en Santo Domingo.
9. La Santería Cubana.

1. Relictos africanos en el culto a los santos católicos.
2. El Culto a María Lionza.
3. Practicas afroamericanas en Venezuela.

1. Generalidades
2. Los negros urbanos de Paramaribo.
3. Los negros cimarrones (Bushnegroes).





Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 17

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 17, Kingston, Jamaica: Heinemann Educational Books, 1982.

Race, Electoral Violence and Constitutional Reform in Jamaica, 1830-54, by Smithin Wilmot.

Spanish American Independence in the Jamaican Press, by Bruce B. Solnick.

West Indian Opposition to British Policy: Barbadian Politics, 1774-82, by S.H. Carrington.

Book Reviews.

Lengua y Literatura Españolas en las Antillas Neerlandesas

Terlingen, Juan, Lengua y literatura españolas en las Antillas Neerlandesas, Curaçao: Edición del Ministerio de Asuntos Culturales y del Servicio de Información del Gobierno de las Antillas Neerlandesas, s.f..

Reseñada en Thesaurus, Tomo XVI, No. 1, 1961.

Benta: dos cien cantica dje dushi tempu bieuw

Brenneker, Paul Hubertus Frans, Benta: dos cien cantica dje dushi tempu bieuw, Boekhandel St. Augustinus, 1959.

From “Mi Amigu I Amiganan” (p. 3):
Ata un boeki forma cu 200 cantica dje dushi tempu bieuw. E ta un rikeza formidabel, sali di nos dushi idioma.

Brenneker-Juliana collection.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Aspects of Dominican History

Gov’t of Dominica, Aspects of Dominican History, Dominica: issued by Government of Dominica to commemorate fifth anniversary of associated statehood with Britain, November 3, 1972.

Reviewed in Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer.

From the Acknowledgements:
The Government of Dominica wish to express its profound thanks and appreciation to the undermentioned authors and respective Publishing Institutions for permitting the reproduction of their several articles in this Journal: “Aspects of Dominican History”. This invaluable gesture will be recorded in the annals of history of this country.
(a) Prof. Joseph Borome, native of Dominica, famous historian and at present Professor of History at the City College, City University of New York, for his four articles;
(b) Mr. Douglas Taylor noted anthropologist resident in Dominica but now on the staff of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study – a man who has undertaken extensive research into the lives of our indigenous people, the Caribs, -- for his five articles;
(c) Rev. Fr. Raymond Proesmans, CSsR., resident in Dominica, authority in and custodian of our local history for several years and former Headmaster of the St. Mary’s Academy, for his “Notes on the slaves of the French”, and
(d) Dr. Cecil Goodridge, (who holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Edinburgh) a former Headmaster of the Dominica Grammar School, and now attached to the staff of the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, for his “Dominica – the French Connexion”.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Changing Face of the Caribbean

Hawkins, Irene, The Changing Face of the Caribbean, Barbados: Cedar Press, 1976.

From the Foreword by Alister McIntyre:
This book is designed to fill a long-felt need for a non-technical introduction to the economies of the Caribbean which would be suitable for general readers both within the region and overseas. The analysis brings together a considerable amount of information on the English and non-English speaking Caribbean.

Political Structure.
Economic Characteristics.
Recent Economic Performance.

An Overview.
External Pressures.
Internal Dynamics
Social, Racial and Cultural Tensions.
Educational Imbalances.
The Widening Chasm.
The Agricultural Sector.
The Mining Sector.
The Manufacturing Sector.
The Tourism Sector.
Trade Penetration.
Investment Tentacles.
Control Through Aid.
Migration and Brain-Drain.

An Overview.
Puerto Rico: A Sell Out to the United States.
Cuba: Path of Independence.
Haiti: Non-Development Strategy.
Commonwealth Caribbean: “Middle of the Road” Compromise.
Regional Integration: The Only Way Forward
Selected Bibliography

Diagnóstico de Seis (6) Islas del Caribe Oriental

Fundación para la Capacitación e Investigación Aplicada a la Reforma Agraria & Instituto Nacional de Capacitación Agrícola, Diagnóstico de Seis (6) Islas del Caribe Oriental, Caracas: CIARA & INAGRO, 1981-82.

De la Introducción:
Es interés del Gobierno Venezolano establecer un Programa de Cooperación Internacional con algunas Islas del Caribe Oriental como son: Santa Lucia, Antigua, Montserrat, San Kitts-Nevis, Grenada, y Dominica, a fin de coadyuvar a su desarrollo en el Sector Agrícola, lo cual servirá también para estrechar los vínculos de amistad y de intercambio cultural y comercial. Para sustentar el Programa de Cooperación aludido, se realizó un diagnóstico de cada una de estas Islas, tomando en consideración la información recopilada por la Misión Venezolana que las visitó en noviembre de 1980 y la bibliografía citada. Estos diagnósticos individuales que incluyen datos sobre geografía, economía y sociopolítica de cada una de las Islas, constituirán el instrumento básico para la reflexión sobre la cooperación que les puede proporcionar el gobierno de Venezuela a dichas islas y en particular servirán como base para la formulación del plan de capacitación que se proponen estructurar el CIARA y el INAGRO.

The Dominica Story: A History of the Island

Honychurch, Lennox, The Dominica Story: A History of the Island, Lennox Honychurch, 1975.

The Dominica Story: A History of the Island is a history book from 1975, written by famed Dominican historian Lennox Honychurch. Originally presented as a miniseries for Radio Dominica (now DBS Radio) in 1974, the inaugural edition covered every aspect of local history from prehistory up to the then-present (the island's 1967 Associated Statehood). The book's first edition of 18 chapters was an immediate bestseller upon its release. A revised version with 21 chapters was printed in 1984. A commercial edition, this time with 24 chapters and focusing on local events in the 1980s and 1990s, was published in 1995 by the Caribbean imprint of Macmillan.

See also Lennox

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Current History, (January, 1969)

Current History, [A Monthly Magazine of World Affairs], Vol. 56, No. 329, January 1969.

US – Latin American Relations, by John J. Johnson.
Brazil: Second Phase of the Revolution, by Rollie E. Poppino.
The US and Panama: The Burden of Power, by Lester D. Langley.
New Leadership for the OAS, by George W. Grayson Jr.
Bolivia Under Barrientos, by Thomas M. Millington.
Mexico: Why the Students Rioted, by James N. Goodsell.
Uruguay: A Bankrupt Welfare State, by Samuel Shapiro.
The Cuban Revolution in 1968, by Ernst Halperin.
Trinidad and Tobago, by Eric Williams.

Book Reviews
The Month In Review

Current History, (December, 1966)

Current History, [A Monthly Magazine of World Affairs], Vol. 51, No. 304, December 1966. (5 copies)

Puerto Rico Moves Forward, by Charles T. Goodsell.
The Dominican Search for Stability, by Henry Wells.
The Three Guianas, by Thomas Mathews.
Guatemala in Perspective, by Mario Rodriguez.
Mexico's Economy: A New Stage, by Dwight S. Brothers.
Tyranny in Haiti, by Gerard Latortue.
The Castro Regime in Cuba, by Ernst Halperin.

Map - Latin America
Book Reviews
Current Documents - Premier Castro's August 30, 1966, Speech
The Month In Review
Index: July - December 1966, Vol. 51, Numbers 299 - 304..

Current History, (November, 1966)

Current History, [A Monthly Magazine of World Affairs], Vol. 51, No. 303, November 1966.

US Policy in Latin America, by Ronald S. Schneider.
Ecuador: A Present Day Portrait, by James D. Cochrane.
Uruguay Today, by Susan M. Socolow.
Colombia: A Tarnished Showcase, by John M. Hunter.
Democracy for Venezuela, by Philip B. Taylor, Jr.
Chile: “Revolution in Liberty”, by Federico G. Gil.
Brazil’s “Revolutionary” Government, by C Neale Ronning.
Argentina: Search for Consensus, by Samuel L. Baily

Current Documents – Johnson on the Alliance for Progress
Book Reviews
The Month In Review

Current History, (January 1966)

Current History, [A Monthly Magazine of World Affairs], Vol. 50, No. 293, January 1966. (5 copies)

The Challenge in Panama, by Larry L. Pippin.
Costa Rica: Mighty Midget, by C. Harvey Gardiner.
Turmoil in the Dominican Republic, by Henry Wells.
Honduras: Problems and Prospects, by William S. Stokes.
The West Indies After the Federation, by Thomas Mathews.
Mexico: 1966 and Beyond, by Frank Brandenburg.
Cuba Seven Years After, by David D. Burks.

Map - Central America
Book Reviews
Current Documents - Report on Panama Treaty Negotiations; OAS Resolution on Dominican Republic
The Month In Review, by Mary Katharine Hammond.

Current History (January, 1965)

Current History, [A Monthly Magazine of World Affairs], Vol. 48, No. 281, January 1965. (5 copies)

The US in Latin America, by Ronald N. Schneider.
Brazil in Quandary, by John J. Johnson.
Argentina: Struggle for Recovery, by Arthur P. Whitaker.
Chile Enters a New Era, by Donald W. Bray.
Changing the Guard in Mexico, by Martin C. Needler.
The Caribbean Kaleidoscope, by Thomas Mathews.

Maps - Mexico; Latin America
Current Documents - The OAS on Cuba
Book Reviews
The Month in Review

Current History, (January, 1964)

Current History, [A Monthly Magazine of World Affairs], Vol. 46, No. 269, January 1964.

Potential in Brazil, by John J. Johnson.
A Testing Ground in Colombia, by John M. Hunter.
Argentina: A Fragmented Society, by Arthur P. Whitaker.
Ecuador’s Socio-Political Mosaic, by Edmund S. Urbanski.
Five years of Cuban Revolution, by Ronald M. Schneider.
Dictatorship in Haiti, by Hubert Herring.

Map – The Alliance for Progress
Current Documents – The Charter of Punta del Este
Book Reviews
The Month In Review, by Mary Katharine Hammond.