Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ingratitude and Outrage: 27 Years in the Dominican Republic

Benítez Rexach, Félix, Ingratitude and Outrage: 27 Years in the Dominican Republic, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial El Imparcial, 1962.

Part I – Statement presented by Puerto Rican Civil Engineer and Contractor, Mr. Félix Benítez Rexach, through Radio Caribe in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 8, 1962, in which he explained to the Dominican People his solely professional participation in the development of the public works of that country, throughout the 27 years he lived among them, working and helping to enhance the progress of the Republic.

Part II – After the exposition of facts made by engineer Félix Benítez Rexach to the Dominican People over the radio, printed in Part I hereof, this second Part is a brief and truthful account of the inconceivable vexation and abuse suffered by Mr. Félix Benítez Rexach at the hands of the present Dominican Government.

Félix Benítez Rexach [note 1] (March 27, 1886 – November 2, 1975) was a Puerto Rican engineer and businessman who built the Normandie Hotel, located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (…) Benítez Rexach also worked on various projects in the Dominican Republic, as a consequence of the friendship which he had with that country's dictator, Rafael L. Trujillo. Among his works in that country were the Port of Santo Domingo and the "Avenida Jorge Washington" (George Washington Avenue). (…) Benítez Rexach was a passionate Puerto Rican patriot and a personal friend of Pedro Albizu Campos, president of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party.

La Desnutrición y sus Implicaciones Sociales en la República Dominicana

Consejo Nacional de Población y Familia, La desnutrición y sus implicaciones sociales en la República Dominicana, Santo Domingo: Taller, 1976.

Discurso de orden del Dr. Alfonso Lockward en la apertura del seminario sobre la desnutrición y sus implicaciones sociales en la República Dominicana.

Introducción al seminario sobre el impacto social de la desnutrición en la República Dominicana (nutrición y cultura).

Estrategia para la producción y mercadeo de los productos agropecuarios dentro de las metas de desarrollo económico dominicano, por Bienvenido Brito.

Situación nutricional y salud pública en la República Dominicana, por Víctor Suero.

Salud, educación, nutrición: estrategia para la acción, por Amiro Pérez Mera.

Nutrición, distribución del ingreso y desarrollo agrícola, por Flavio Machicado Saravia.

Resumen y conclusiones.

Crisis in the British West Indies

Washington, S. Walter, Crisis in the British West Indies, New York: Foreign Affairs, July 1960.

Available online.

At a time when so many of the colored peoples of the world are demanding and gaining their independence from colonial rule, it is something of an anomaly to find a people who, having taken a second look, are not sure they want it so quickly or in the way it was planned. This is what has happened on the island of Jamaica, one of the principal units in the Federation of the West Indies.

Statu quo en Haiti?: d'un Duvalier à l'autre : l'itinéraire d'un fascisme de sous-développement

Manigat, Leslie François, Statu quo en Haiti?: d'un Duvalier à l'autre: l'itinéraire d'un fascisme de sous-développement, Paris: La technique du livre, Juin, 1971.

Leslie François Saint Roc Manigat (August 16, 1930 – June 27, 2014) was a Haitian politician who was elected as President of Haiti in a tightly controlled military held election in January 1988.[1] He served as President for only a few months, from February 1988 to June 1988, before being ousted by the military. Leslie Manigat was a professor at the prestigious l'Université de Paris-VIII Vincennes, where he gave courses on World History. He also published articles on education in various Haitian newspapers: Le Nouvelliste, La Phalange, and Le Matin.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Military - Separata

McAlister, Lyle N., The Military, Separata from Continuity and Change in Latin America, John J. Johnson, Ed., Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1964.

From the intro.:
The chapter examines the role of the military in the dynamics of change in Latin America. The military is defined collectively as the regular armies, navies, and air forces and, occasionally, the gendarmeries of the several nation states, since the regional caudillo as military leader and regional and local forces as military organizations have largely disappeared.1
The armed forces are discussed from three points of view: (1) as organizations performing their primary military functions; (2) as agencies responsible for a wide variety of public services; and (3) as a political group or political groups.

The Dominican Intervention in Retrospect - Separata

Lowenthal, Abraham F., The Dominican Intervention in Retrospect, Separata from Public Policy, Volume XVIII, Fall 1969, Number 1.

See also The Dominican Intervention.

The Soulouque Regime in Haiti 1847 - 1859: A Reevaluation

MacLeod, Murdo J., The Soulouque Regime in Haiti 1847 - 1859: A Reevaluation, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Center for Latin American Studies, 1971.

Available online.

Faustin-Élie Soulouque (15 August 1782 – 6 August 1867)[1] was a career officer and general in the Haitian Army when he was elected President of Haiti in 1847. In 1849 he was proclaimed Emperor of Haiti under the name Faustin I. He soon purged the army of the ruling elite, installed black loyalists in administrative positions, and created a secret police and a personal army. In 1849 he created a black nobility in the country. However, his unsuccessful attempts to reconquer the neighbouring Dominican Republic undermined his control and a conspiracy led by General Fabre Nicolas Geffrard forced him to abdicate in 1859.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Poems of Resistance from British Guiana

Carter, Martin, Poems of Resistance from British Guiana, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1954.

Martin Wylde Carter (7 June 1927 – 13 December 1997) was a Guyanese poet and political activist. Widely regarded as the greatest Guyanese poet, and one of the most important poets of the Caribbean region, Carter is best known for his poems of protest, resistance and revolution.[1][2][3][4] Carter played an active role in Guyanese politics, particularly in the years leading up Independence in 1966 and those following immediately after. He was famously imprisoned by the British government in Guyana (then British Guiana) in October 1953 under allegations of "spreading dissension", and again in June 1954 for taking part in a PPP procession.[5][6] Shortly after being released from prison the first time, Carter published his most well-known poetry collection, Poems of Resistance from British Guiana (1954).

From the Foreword by Sydney King:
You are about to read poetry which is significant for oppressed people, and particularly for Guiana and the whole Caribbean. Added significance resides in this poetry because Martin Carter approaches the world from the profound humanist standpoint of a Communist. The increasing grandeur of his work shatters the philistine belief that art is a pose divorced from real life, that bringing reality into art is the death of art.

Voices, Vol. 1, Nos. 4, 5 & 6 (Journals)

Voices, Vol. 1, No. 4, Port of Spain Trinidad: The Book Shop, June-Aug., 1965.
Vol. 1, No. 5, December 1965.
Vol. 1, No. 6, 1966.

Contents of Vol. 1, No. 4:
The Holocaust, by Judy Miles.
The Suicide, by Marshall Laub.
Casual Meeting, by Janice Bain-Mottley.
Hot Night, by Miles Hender.
The Tropic Night, by Wayne Brown.
Looking East of Queen, by Venice Millington.
Night’s Face, by Ann Richardson.
Translation from Octavio Paz, by Lloyd King.
At Two O’clock, by Judy Miles.
Religion in Schools, Correspondence.
Dirge in a Dark Vision, by Roger Mc Tair.
Spectacle, by Padraig O’Broin.
Notes, New Contributors.

Contents of Vol. 1, No. 5:
Talking About the Thirties, by Alfred Mendes.
Christmas Thoughts, by Clifford Sealy
Trinidad Carol, by Henry Beissel.
Noble Savage Visits Brave New World, by Elliot Bastien.
My Sister, by Barbara Jones.
The Myth of “To Sir With Love”, by Kenneth Ramchand.
Fragments, by Wally Look Lai.
Who is my Neighbor Now?, by Steven de Castro.
Hillside Re-View, by Anon.
Notes, New Contributors.

Contents of Vol. 1, No. 6:
Ketch Me Wantin’, by Douglas Archibald.
Pan, by Clifford Sealy.
Calypsonian, by Marguerite Wyke
Pan at Carnival, by Henry Beissel.
White Crescendo, by Clive Yetming.
A Short Note on Concrete, by Lionel Kearns.
Power, by Andre Salkey.
Property, by Andrew Salkey.
The Room, by Judy Miles.
Passe, by Joan Rainford.
Poetic, by Lionel Kearns.
Poet as Salesman, by Lionel Kearns.
Little Boy, by Anthony La Rose.
Untitled, by Barbara Jones.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Educational Trends in the Caribbean: European Affiliated Areas

Hauch, Charles C., Educational Trends in the Caribbean: European Affiliated Areas, Washington D.C.: Office of Education, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1960.

Reviewed in The Americas, Volume 17, Issue 4 April 1961.

From the Foreword:
The present bulletin is another in the Office of Education's long established series on education in other countries. This bulletin deals with some of the most apparent educational trends at the present time in European affiliated areas of the Caribbean. These include the British, Netherlands, and French affiliated areas. The educational ties of these areas with the United States add importance and interest to such a study. To cite just one example, more than 1,400 students from the British Caribbean areas alone were enrolled in institutions of higher learning in the United States during the 1958-59 school year, according to published statistics of the privately supported Institute of International Education. Information in this bulletin is based in considerable part on direct observation by the author of educational institutions and practices, and on discussions with educational and other specialists, in certain of the Caribbean areas during the latter part of 1958. These observations and discussions were supplemented by extensive study of published source materials and other writings on the area generally and its educational patterns and facilities.

Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 17 (Journal)

Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4, Jamaica: ISER, December 1968.

The Prestige Ranking of Occupations: Problems of Method and Interpretation Suggested by a Study in Guyana, by Sara Graham & David Beckles.

Cultural Pluralism and Sociological Theory: A Critique and Re-evaluation, by Malcolm Cross.

Demographic-Resource Push in Rural Migration, by R.N. Harris & E.S. Steer.

Higglering in Jamaica and the Mystique of Pure Competition, by Douglas G. Norvell & Marian K. Thompson.

Motives and Objectives of Migration: Selective Migration and Preferences toward Rural and Urban Life, by Leatrice D. MacDonald & John S. MacDonald.

The Effect of the Home on the School in Trinidad, by P.B. Dyer.

Some Financial Aspects of United States Contribution to the alliance for Progress, by Karel Holbik.

Impact of the Tea Industry on the Growth of the Ceylonese Economy, by Youngil Lim.

The Effects of Relative Changes in Final Demands on Industrial Outputs: A Note, by A.A. Francis.

West Indians in Canada: The Household Help Scheme, by Frances Henry.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ballads for Jamaicans

Norman, Alma, Ballads for Jamaicans, Kingston?: Alma Norman, n.d.

”Jamaican is our name”.

Ysassi – Defender of Jamaica.

Henry Morgan Remembers.

Judgment at Port Royal.

Queen Nanny’s Town.

Cudjoe and the man from Westmoreland.

Cuffey in Havana.

Revolt of Chief Tacky.

The Legend of the Golden Table.

Three Finger Jack.

The Curse of Rose Hall.

Lament for Sam Sharpe.

The Mountain Men.

Ballad of ’65.

”George William Gordon! Where are you now?”

Jamaica Wanderers.

Estudios Sociales, Año VII, Nums. 1- 2 (Journal)

Estudios Sociales, Año VII, Nums. 1-2 (Ene - Jun 1974).

Situación y tendencias demográficas actuales en la República Dominicana, por Nelson Ramírez.

Elementos para una mejor comprensión y evaluación de la política poblacional de la República Dominicana, por Manuel M. Ortega.

Algunos aspectos en la relación población-ecología en la República Dominicana.

Políticas de desarrollo económico y población, por José Luis Alemán.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dominican Republic: A Study in the New Imperialism

Institute for International Labor Research, Dominican Republic: A Study in the New Imperialism, New York: Institute for International Labor Research, 1965.

From the Introduction by IILR Chairman Norman Thomas:
As a public service in a matter of deep importance for the present and future, the Institute for International Labor Research has compiled the documents included in this pamphlet. The Institute is not a political organization in the sense that it supports any party in the areas in which it works. It is educational and had an important share in the organization known as CIDES which was carrying out a rather elaborate and useful plan for education in the Dominican Republic during the presidency of Juan Bosch. CIDES, which was the brainchild of our secretary treasurer, Sacha Volman, was one of the victims of the military junta which overthrew President Bosch.

This pamphlet presents in order the following articles and documents:
1. Theodore Draper’s “The Roots of the Dominican Crisis,” published in The New Leader, May 24, 1965. Mr. Draper is a recognized authority on Communism and Cuba.
2. President Bosch’s own story of the troubled weeks following the military overthrow of Donald Reid Cabral published in The New Leader, June 21, 1965, under the title, “Tale of Two Nations.”
3. Comments, very charitable to President Johnson, on the Dominican situation and its economic background by Jose Figueres, former president of Costa Rica, well known for his friendship for the U.S. His title is “Revolution and Counter Revolution in Santo Domingo.”
4. A brief denial by Figueres and the other gentlemen concerned of former Ambassador John Bartlow Martin’s charge in Life that Jose Figueres of Costa Rica, Romulo Betancourt, former president of Venezuela and Luis Muñoz Marín, former governor of Puerto Rico, had declined to go to the Dominican Republic in an effort to bring peace to the war-torn island. The denial as well as the original article was published by Life.
5. Comment of Teodoro Moscoso, Puerto Rican Operation Bootstrap leader, who was long our official representative in the Alliance for Progress.
6. Luis Homero Lajara Burgos, whose statement we next print, has occupied the following posts: Director General of Security in the provisional government of Dr. Rafael Molina Urena; Rear Admiral (ret.) of Dominican Navy; Chief of Staff of Dominican Navy; Chief of Dominican National Police; member of General Staff of Inter-American Defense Board; Naval Attache, Dominican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
7. An article, “U.S. Must Back Dominican Revolution,” by Prof. Robert J. Alexander, an authority on Latin America, in New America (June 18, 1965).
We conclude the pamphlet with a statement in which I speak for myself rather than officially for the Institute of which I am chairman.

Revista Dominicana de Antropología e Historia, Año III, Vol. 3: Nums. 5-6 (Journal)

Revista Dominicana de Antropología e Historia, Año III, Vol. 3: Nums. 5-6 (Ene - Dic 1973).

Esquemas de evolución de las sociedades, por Maurice Godelier.
Ecología y arqueología, por Mario Sanoja Obediente.
Música folklórica: yoruba, bantú, abakuá, por Argeliers León.
En busca de "El Dorado": algunos aspectos sociológicos del huaquerismo en Costa Rica (Traducido por Jorge A. Lines), por Dwight B. Heath.
Transcripción fonética de textos folklóricos, por Ralph S. Boggs.
La utilización de las fuentes orales y escritas por la historia inmediata (Traducido por Amadeo Julián), por Benoît Verhaegen.
Relaciones entre los grupos de parentesco por descendencia o afinidad, y sus normas de residencia entre los pueblos primitivos, por Horacio Larraín Barros.
Instrumentos musicales de posible origen africano en la costa del Perú, por Fernando Romero.
Estudio tipológico-estructural del folklore, por Elizar Maletinski.
El estatuto científico de las ciencias sociales, por Dolores Avalos Gutiérrez.
Bataille o el rescate del mal, por Mario Vargas Llosa.
Forcejeos diplomáticos y rivalidad política entre Castilla y Portugal en la expansión atlántica, 1291-1494, por Pedro J. Santiago.
V. I. Lenin y la metodología de la historia, por Evgenii Mikhailovich Zhukov.

Introducción a la Economía de la Cuenca del Caribe

Guerra-Borges, Alfredo, Introducción a la economía de la Cuenca del Caribe, Ciudad México: Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, 1985.

De la carátula:
Los acontecimientos de los últimos años han destacado a la Cuenca del Caribe como una región de crecientes tensiones, todas las cuales, aun aquellas que tienen un carácter interno, son inseparables de los intereses y las políticas de los Estados Unidos coinciden de alguna manera en estos. Hay que reconocer al Presidente Reagan haber contribuido más que ninguno a poner la Cuenca del Caribe en el primer plano de la noticia cotidiana. La Cuenca ha pasado a ser el Cercano Oriente del Hemisferio Occidental. Y sin embargo, muy poco sabemos acerca de la Cuenca. Nos referimos al gran público, y no a los especialistas, claro está. En México y Centroamérica se tiene, en general, pocas noticias sobre la economía, la historia y la cultura de los Estados antillanos. Lo inverso también es cierto.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Consideraciones Sobre la Historia Sísmica de la República Dominicana

Martínez Barrio, Domingo, Consideraciones sobre la historia sísmica de la República Dominicana, Ciudad Trujillo: Universidad de Santo Domingo, 1946.

Del propósito y los datos sobre los que se ha operado:
El estudio de una cantidad grande de datos incompletos, proporciona siempre una menor contribución a la sismología que el de un concienzudo trabajo sobre un solo sismo. No obstante, primero por cumplir uno de los puntos establecidos en el “Programa de cooperación sismológica interamericana”, del que es autor el Ing. P. Ulrich y después, para que no sea muy destacado el vacío que se encuentra en el estudio histórico-sísmico de nuestro país, nos hemos decidido, aunque con escasos elementos, a afrontar este tema.

El presente trabajo se fundamenta sobre los datos suministrados por la obra de Fray Cipriano de Utrera que lleva por título “Santo Domingo, dilucidaciones históricas.”

Also of interest.