Saturday, February 21, 2015

Riding & Roping: The Memoirs of J. Will Harris

Harris, J. William, Riding & Roping: The Memoirs of J. Will Harris, Puerto Rico: Inter American University of Puerto Rico, 1977.

Available online.

The Inter American University was founded as Polytechnic Institute of Puerto Rico in 1912 by Rev. John Will Harris and his brother Clarence Harris. It was founded as an elementary and high school in the Lomas de Santa Marta sector of the town of San Germán in land now occupied by the University's San Germán Campus. In 1927, the first high school class graduation took place. In 1944, the institute was accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, thus becoming the first liberal arts college to receive such accreditation in Puerto Rico, as well as the first outside the continental United States. This accreditation has been maintained over the years.

Roots and Rhythms; Jamaica National Dance Theatre

Nettleford, Rex, Roots and Rhythms: Jamaica's National Dance Theatre, London: Andre Deutsch, 1969.

Reviewed in Caribbean Quarterly © 1970.

The National Dance Theatre Company of Jamaica (NDTC) is Jamaica's leading dance theatre company.
The company was founded in 1962 by Rex Nettleford and Eddy Thomas with fifteen dancers, with Nettleford acting as its artistic director and principal choreographer, and Martha Graham as patron.[2][3] Drawing on African Caribbean folk traditions and cultural themes as well as modern dance, the company has promoted Caribbean culture through its performances.[2][4][5] On its foundation, the stated aim was "projecting the movement patterns and customs of the island to people locally and abroad", and they stated that they would "maintain constant research and documentation of our folk legends and customs to be used as thematic material for new dances".

A Bibliography of the Caribbean, 1974

Wilkinson, Audine, A Bibliography of the Caribbean, Cave Hill, Barbados: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, September 1974.

This bibliography has been prepared in the hope that it will be useful as a guide to all those whose research interests are directly or indirectly linked to the Caribbean Area. It has been compiled from sources available in the Library of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (Eastern Caribbean) and includes books, monographs, articles, governmental and non-governmental documents. The territories covered here are the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the French West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique), Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, the Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, the Netherlands Antilles (Aruba and Curacao), Puerto Rico, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Titles for each territory are listed by author and not by subject.

Action Sociale et Développement dans les D.O.M.

Clouet Jean-Ernest, Action Sociale et développement dans les D.O.M., Cahiers du CERAG, Centre d'Etudes Régionales Antilles-Guyane, October 1980.

De la présentation:
Le présent Cahier du CERAG regroupe sous le titre "Action Sociale et Développement" trois textes qui sont des tentatives d'approche d'un problème, particulièrement important dans la vie politique, sociale économique et culturelle des Departements d'Outre-Mer: celui de la Politique Sociale.

Les études présentées considèrent davantage les interactions et les liaisons nécessaires entre une "Politique Sociale" et une Politique de Développement économique et laissent volontairement de côté l'approche sectorielle des divers régimes de prestations et d'aide sociale; le projet ici est beaucoup plus de conduire le lecteur sur le chemin d'une réflexion globale sur la politique de développement socio-économique à mettre en oeuvre dans les D.O.M. En ce sens et compte-tenu de leurs caractères limitatifs ces textes ne sauraient être considérés que comme une introduction à une étude des moyens d'intégration de l'Action Sociale dans une politique de développement.

From the Presentation:
This CERAG Workbook groups under the title "Social Action and Development" three texts which are attempts to approach a problem, especially important in the political, economic and cultural social life of the Overseas Departments: the Social Policy.

The studies presented further consider the interactions and connections necessary between "Social Policy" and an economic development policy and voluntarily leave aside the sectoral approach of the various benefit schemes and social assistance; the project here is much more to lead the reader on the way to a global reflection on the socio-economic development policy to be implemented in the DOM. In this sense, and in light of their limiting characters these texts cannot be considered as an introduction to a study of the means of integration of Social Action in development policy.

Cahiers du CERAG: La Martinique: Sous L’Amiral Robert, Tome 2

Cahiers du CERAG, Centre d'Etudes Régionales Antilles-Guyane, N° 36, La Martinique: Sous L’Amiral Robert, Tome 2, Novembre 1979.

Table des matières:
Présentation, par René Acheen

"Le Régime de Vichy en Martinique (Juin 1940 – Juin 1943): L’Application des mesures d’ordre public", par Fitz A. Baptiste (U.W.I.; Trinidad)

Témoignages, par Victor Saint-Cyr, Georges Gratiant, René Menil.

Georges Robert, né à Courseulles1 le 31 janvier 1875 et mort à Paris le 2 mars 1965 est un officier de marine et administrateur français. Il termine sa carrière militaire avec le grade d'amiral.

A Study of Yards in the City of Kingston

Brodber, Erna, A Study of Yards in the City of Kingston, Working Paper # 9, Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, 1975.

Erna Brodber graduated from the University College of the West Indies (UCWI) in 1963 with a BA in History, continuing to complete the MSc Sociology and the PhD in History from the University of the West Indies (UWI). Her work, over many decades, has followed two distinct, though intersecting courses. Her sociological research has focused on social history and biography, the study of inner-city communities and the respective roles of race, gender, culture and class in Caribbean society.

The Political Economy of Race in the Caribbean and the Americas: A Preliminary Interpretation

Girvan, Norman, The Political Economy of Race in the Caribbean and the Americas: A preliminary Interpretation, Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, 1975.

Available online.

Norman P. Girvan, (1941 – 9 April 2014), was a Jamaican professor, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States between 2000 and 2004. He was born in Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica.[1] He died aged 72 in Cuba on 9 April 2014,[2] after having suffered a fall in Dominica in early 2014.[3] He had been a member of the United Nations Committee on Development Policy since 2009, and in 2010 was appointed the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's personal representative on the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy.[4][5] He was Professor Emeritus of the University of the West Indies (UWI).

The Working Class in the Third World: A Study in Class Consciousness and Class Action in Jamaica, 1919-1952

Ambursley, Fitzroy L., The Working Class in the Third World: A Study in Class Consciousness and Class Action in Jamaica, 1919-1952, Series B, No. 1, Department of Sociology, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, April, 1978.

This paper was presented as a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of B.A. Combined Honours, Birmingham University, 1978. It was supervised by Dr. J. Larrain (University of Birmingham) and Professor R. Cohen (University of the West Indies).

Monday, February 16, 2015

La Independencia de Haití y su Influencia en Hispanoamérica

Córdova-Bello, Eleázar, La independencia de Haití y su influencia en Hispanoamérica, Caracas: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1967.

Prologo por el Dr. Ricardo Pattée.

I. Estado político, económico, cultural y social de Haití antes de iniciarse la rebelión emancipadora.

II. Proceso formativo de la colonia y del grupo social de europeos.

III. Política metropolitana dirigida a evitar la unidad de la sociedad colonial en América.

IV. Formación de la conciencia nacional americana.

V. La independencia: aspectos étnico y social de la guerra.

VI. Aspecto ideológico y sentido emancipador de la guerra. Louverture, forjador de la nacionalidad; Dessalines, el jacobino negro libertador.

VII. Efectos de las enseñanzas de la revolución francesa en Haití.

VIII. Precio de la independencia: exterminio del europeo y ejercicio de la tiranía doméstica.

IX. Efectos de la revolución haitiana en otros núcleos coloniales americanos, en especial Hispano-América: a) en las capas populares; b) en las elites criollas.

X. La revolución social en la emancipación de América.

XI. El caudillismo, fenómeno político-social derivado de las guerras de emancipación de América.

XII. Éxodo de colonos franceses de Haití y otros dominios franceses de las Antillas. Refugiados en Venezuela; problemas que causaron. Establecimiento en Cuba de gruesos contingentes. Su aporte al progreso económico y social de ese país.

XIII. La lengua criolla, signo cultural ligado a la nacionalidad haitiana.

XIV. ¿Fueron “contiendas civiles” las guerras de emancipación angloamericana, haitiana e hispanoamericana?


De la portada:
Córdova-Bello es Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Se trata, por tanto, de un trabajo de autor calificado ya que, además de su título universitario, es Profesor Titular, Miembro del Instituto de Estudios Hispanoamericanos y Jefe de Catedra de Seminario de Historia de América: Ideas Políticas del Siglo XVIII de la citada Casa de Estudios; Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de la Historia; Profesor del Instituto Pedagógico Nacional; y ex Catedrático de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Les Petites Antilles: Etude sur leur Evolution Economique, 1820-1908

Chemin Dupontès, P, Les Petites Antilles: Etude sur leur evolution economique, 1820-1908, Paris: Desormeaux, 1981.

Réserver en revue dans Bulletin of the American Geographical Society:
A scientific study of the economic conditions in the Lesser Antilles, including the islands belonging to England, Denmark, and the Netherlands, as well as those of France. The author points a moral for the consideration of his compatriots. He proves that Great Britain, through much study and sacrifice, has established the prosperity of her own little islands, with which the French islands do not favourably compare. Now that beet sugar culture has nearly ruined the cane sugar industry of the Antilles, France should study how to fully utilize the varied resources of the soil in her own possessions. The author discusses this question in relation to all the islands and his book is a careful and informing study of their economic evolution.

Machine Age Maya: The Industrialization of a Guatemalan Community

Nash, Manning, Machine Age Maya: The Industrialization of a Guatemalan Community, The American Anthropologist: Memoir No. 87, Vol. 60, No. 2, Part 2, April 1958.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist.

Manning Nash (1924—December 12, 2001) was an anthropologist and ethnographer, professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago until his retirement in 1994, and a specialist in the study of the modernization of developing nations in Latin America and Asia. Nash conducted the first anthropological study of a factory in a Third World country, and his expertise in modernization of developing nations led to his fieldwork in Guatemala, Mexico, Burma, Iran, and Malaysia.

Penny Capitalism: A Guatemalan Indian Economy

Tax, Sol, Penny Capitalism: A Guatemalan Indian Economy, Smithsonian Institution Institute of Social Anthropology, Publication 16, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist.

Reviewed in Technology and Culture © 1964.

Reviewed in The Hispanic American Historical Review © 1967.

Reviewed in Ethnohistory © 1964.

Reviewed in Economic Development and Cultural Change © 1978.

Sol Tax (30 October 1907 – 4 January 1995) was an American anthropologist. He is best known for creating action anthropology and his studies of the Meskwaki, or Fox, Indians, for "action-anthropological" research titled the Fox Project, and for founding the academic journal Current Anthropology. He received his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1935 and, together with Fred Eggan, was a student of Alfred Radcliffe-Brown.

Cultural Geography of the Modern Tarascan Area

West, Robert C., Cultural Geography of the Modern Tarascan Area, Smithsonian Institution Institute of Social Anthropology, Publication 7, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1948.

Available on line.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1949.

Reviewed in Geographical Review © 1949.

Reviewed in Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1937-1948) © 1948.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

"La Guadeloupe Tome 1: La Nature Et Les Hommes" & "La Guadeloupe Tome 2: Les Iles et Leurs Problèmes"

Lasserre, Guy, La Guadeloupe Tome 1: La Nature Et Les Hommes, Bordeaux: Union Française d'Impression, 1961.
Lasserre, Guy, La Guadeloupe Tome 2: Les Iles et Leurs Problèmes, Bordeaux : Union Française d'Impression, 1961.

Réserver en revue dans Norois: Year 1963, Volume 37, Issue 37, pp. 62-63.

Population: Year 1963, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 137-141: Notes et Documents:
La thèse de Doctorat ès lettres que M. Guy Lasserre a consacrée à la Guadeloupe est une étude de géographie régionale. Dans le tome I, "La nature et les hommes" sont étudiés le milieu physique et l'héritage du passé. Le tome II a comme soustitre "Les Iles et Leurs Problèmes": s'y trouvent une présentation des diverses îles de l'archipel guadeloupéen, et une analyse des problèmes socio-economiques et politiques de la Guadeloupe.

The PhD thesis of Arts of Mr. Guy Lasserre, devoted to Guadeloupe, is a regional geography study. In Volume I, "Nature and men" the physical environment and the legacy of the past are studied. Volume II has the subtitle "The Islands and Their Problems": it is a presentation of the various islands of the Guadeloupe archipelago, and an analysis of the socio-economic and political problems of Guadeloupe.

Les Esclaves aux Antilles Françaises, XVIIe-XVIIIe Siècles

Debien, Gabriel, Les esclaves aux Antilles françaises, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Basse-Terre: Société d'histoire de la Guadeloupe, Fort-de-France: Société d'histoire de la Martinique, 1974.

Réserver en revue dans Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien, Year 1975, Volume 25, Issue 25, pp. 220-221.

Dès l'introduction:
Qu'on n'attende pas un livre de synthèse. Ce sera plutôt un faisceau de notes. Non par fausse modestie, mais parce que le mot notes exprime bien le caractère rapide, fragmentaire et discontinu de nos observations. Il est encore prématuré de présenter une vue d'ensemble sur les esclaves de nos Antilles. Cet essai sera donc limité: d'abord son champ est étroit. Nous resterons surtout aux XVIIIe siècle. Puis il ne s'attache qu'aux esclaves des plantations, les plus nombreux, il est vrai. Enfin, faute d'assez nombreux renseignements, il a été impossible de pousser certains chapitres aussi loin qu'on le souhaitait: ainsi, les conditions du travail, l'état sanitaire, les limites de la christianisation, ou même d'aborder plusieurs questions pourtant d'importance: les châtiments, la place des créoles dans les ateliers, certaines formes de la résistance à la servitude comme les incendies volontaires et les empoissonnements, la persistance des africanismes. La démographie ne peut pas être traitée ni étudiée la place exacte des esclaves de couleur.

We do not expect a book summary. This will be a bundle of notes. No false modesty, but because the word ‘Notes’ expresses the rapid fragmentary and discontinuous nature of our observations. It is too early to present an overview of the slaves of our Antilles. This trial will be limited: first, its scope is narrow. We will remain especially in the eighteenth century. Then he attaches only to plantation slaves, the most numerous, it is true. Finally, lack of enough of information, it was impossible to push some chapters as far as we wanted: well, working conditions, health status, the limits of Christianity, or even to address several issues yet important, punishment, instead of Creole in the workshops, some forms of servitude resistance as arson and stocking, persistent Africanisms. Demographics cannot be treated or studied the exact place colored slaves.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Colonies étrangères et Haïti: résultats de l'émancipation anglaise, Tome I & II

Schoelcher, Victor, Colonies étrangères et Haïti: résultats de l'émancipation anglaise, Tome Premier; Tome Deuxième, Paris: Paul Ollendorff, 1843.

Disponible en ligne.

Victor Schoelcher (París, 22 de julio de 1804 - Houilles, 25 de diciembre de 1893) fue un político francés, uno de los más fervientes antiesclavistas.
Diputado por la Martinica y Guadalupe entre 1848 y 1850 se sienta en la izquierda del hemiciclo. Era republicano, defendió los derechos de la mujer y fue contrario a la pena de muerte. Durante el Segundo Imperio Francés que siguió al golpe de estado de Luis Napoleón Bonaparte fue detenido y tuvo que exiliarse a Inglaterra, en donde se encontró a menudo con su amigo Víctor Hugo. Tras la batalla de Sedán que supone la derrota de las tropas imperiales regresa a Francia. Tras la abdicación de Napoleón III, vuelve a ser elegido diputado por la Martinica en la Asamblea Nacional en 1871. En 1875, pasa a ser senador perpetuo.

Victor Schoelcher (1804-1893) was a French humanitarian, statesman and writer who devoted his life and fortune to the abolition of slavery in the French colonies.

An Outline History of Spanish American Literature

Hespelt, E. Herman, [Chairman and Editor], An Outline History of Spanish American Literature, Second Edition, New York: F.S. Crofts & Co., 1944.

Reviewed in Hispanic Review © 1942.

Reviewed in The Hispanic American Historical Review © 1945.

Dr. E. Herman Hespelt was born September 6, 1886 in Binghamton, New York.
Professor Hespelt’s specialty was 19th century Spanish Literature, but he also made some excellent studies of the novels of Fernán Caballero, and edited a number of readers for use in Spanish classes.

My Mother Who Fathered Me: A Study of the Family in Three Selected Communities in Jamaica

Clarke, Edith, My Mother Who Fathered Me: A Study of the Family in Three Selected Communities in Jamaica, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1957.

Available online at Questia and Scribd.

Reviewed in the Journal of Comparative Family Studies © 2002.

From the book sleeve cover:
As Secretary from 1936 to the Board of Supervision, concerned with the administration of poor relief throughout Jamaica, she (Clarke) was able to obtain an intimate knowledge of the living conditions. She gives an accurate, vivid picture of the customs which place so much responsibility on the mother and leave the father remembered most often as the man ‘who fathered the idea of me and left me the sole liability of my mother who really fathered me.’

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Black Separatism and the Caribbean, 1860

Bell, Howard Holman, James Theodore Holly & Dennis J. Harris, Black Separatism and the Caribbean, 1860, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1970.

Reviewed by Bob Corbett, March, 1990.

Limited search at Hathitrust.

James Theodore Augustus Holly (born in Washington, D.C., 3 October 1829; died in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 13 March 1911) was the first African-American bishop in the Protestant Episcopal church, and spent most of his episcopal career as missionary bishop of Haiti.

Howard H. Bell, obituary:
He was the administrator of the Texas Southern University libraries. He taught history at Dillard University in New Orleans, Texas Southern University in Houston and Morgan State University in Baltimore. He retired in 1978 as a Professor of Black History at Howard University in Washington, D.C

Politics, Public Administration and Rural Development in the Caribbean

Illy, Hans F., Politics, Public Administration and Rural Development in the Caribbean, München, Köln: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Inst., 1983. (Signed by the author for Dr. Mathews)

Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute (ABI) – Illy, Prof. Dr. Hans F..

Table of Contents:

Constraints on Rural Development in the Caribbean, by Hans F. Illy.

Plantations as Institutions Under Stress in the Caribbean Today – A Historical-Geographic Approach, by Frank C. Innes.

Public Administration in the Era of Independence, by Ken I. Boodhoo.

Desarrollo Administrativo en el Caribe y el Caso de la República Dominicana, por José María Jácome M.

Peasants, Government, and Technological Change in Haitian Agriculture, by Mats Lundahl.

Socialism and Agricultural Policies in Jaiamica in the 1970’s, by Carl Stone.

From Slavery to Nationalization: the St. Kitts Plantation System and the People’s Move Toward Political Independence, by David H. Bai.

The Surinamese Society in Transition, by Betty Sedoc-Dahlberg.

El Proceso de Colectivización Rural en Cuba (English Summary), por Juan Valdez Paz.

A Critical Assessment of Cuban Agriculture, by Sergio Roca.

El Reto del Desempleo y la Política de Distribución de Tierras en Puerto Rico (English Summary), por Francisco Watlington Linares.

Some Reflections on Agricultural Policy in Belize, by Cornelius P. Cacho.

Developing Marketing Systems in the Dominican Republic, by Jerry LaGra.

Social Control Instead of Social Change: The Administration of Land Reform in the Dominican Republic, by Hans F. Illy.

The Land of Look Behind: A Study of Jamaica

Macmillan, Mona, The Land of Look Behind: a Study of Jamaica, London: Faber and Faber, 1957.

William Miller Macmillan’s Family:
Mona Macmillan became an author in her own right, publishing Introducing East Africa in 1952, The Land of Look Behind: A Study of Jamaica (1957), Mediator and Moderator: The life of Sir Henry Barkly, 1969, Champion of Africa: W.M. Macmillan, the second phase, 1985, and a memoir, Mona's Story, posthumously, in 2008. She also edited the writings of the controversial Zambian archbishop, Emmanuel Milingo, and, with her daughter, Catriona, the correspondence of the Pratt family. She died in Oxfordshire in 2003 at the age of 95..

From the book jacket:
At a time when an independent Caribbean Federation is due to be born, this study of one of the strongest Federal members (and incidentally Britain’s second oldest colony in the area) is very apt. Mrs. MacMillan has written a vivid account of the island of Jamaica. This is not a history book though she tells its story from the days of the Spanish occupation, through the British conquest and the heyday of the plantocracy, down to the present rapid progress towards complete self-government. It is with the present –and the future- of Jamaica that the author is really concerned. She describes the scenery, the industries, the economy, the life of the island with its contrast of fabulous millionaire beaches and poverty stricken shacks. She does much to explain the apparently hopeless prospects which have driven so many Jamaicans to seek a better future in Britain.

Jamaica: A Historical Portrait

Hurwitz, Samuel J., and Edith F. Hurwitz, Jamaica: A Historical Portrait, New York: Praeger, 1971.

Noted in International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) © 1972.

From the book jacket:
”Jamaica” is an interpretative account of the factors that have helped to shape contemporary Jamaica from its origins in the sixteenth century to modern times. The authors point out that the country’s recorded history began during the great age of exploration that ushered in the capitalist era. “Jamaica was shaped and forged by the same forces that created the new economic and political order.” In the mercantilist era following the age of exploration, Jamaica became a British colony; and “the slave trade, an important source of commercial wealth … brought large numbers of Africans to the island..."

Cuba: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture

MacGaffey, Wyatt, Clifford R. Barnett, Cuba: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture, New Haven: Hraf Press, 1962.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1963.

Reviewed in The Hispanic American Historical Review © 1963 .

Reviewed in International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) © 1963 .

Publisher’s Note:
The survey of World Cultures, of which Cuba is the tenth in the series, is one of several means by which the Human Relations Area Files seeks to promote and facilitate the comparative study of human behavior and a greater understanding of cultures other than our own.