Saturday, March 19, 2011

Caribbean Studies: A Symposium

Rubin, Vera, Ed., Caribbean Studies: A Symposium, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1960.

Read it at Questia
Preface to the Second Edition Vera Rubin ix

Preface Vera Rubin 1

Plantation America: A Culture Sphere Charles Wagley 3

Man-Land Relations in the Caribbean Area Preston E. James 14

Discussion Jean Gottmann 20

Contemporary Social-Rural Types in the
Caribbean Region Elena Padilla 22

Discussion Edgar T. Thompson 29

The African Heritage in the Caribbean M. G. Smith 34

Discussion George E. Simpson &
Peter B. Hammond 46

Race Relations in Caribbean Society Eric Williams 54

Discussion Frank Tannenbaum 60

The Family in the Caribbean Raymond T. Smith 67

Discussion John V. Murra 75

Methods of Community-Analysis in the
Caribbean Robert A. Manners 80

Discussion Conrad M. Arensberg 92

The Present Status of the Social Sciences in
the British Caribbean Lloyd Braithwaite 99

Cultural Perspectives in Caribbean Research Vera Rubin 110

Notes on Contributors 123

Vera Dourmashkin Rubin was born in Moscow on August 6, 1911. She came to the United States in 1912 with her father, a journalist, She lived with her father, his brother, a physician, and her aunt who raised her in a Jewish community on New York's Lower Eastside. In 1930, Rubin graduated summa cum laude from New York University with a major in French Literature. While caring for two children, she continued her studies at Columbia University. She studied anthropology with Ruth Benedict, Julian Steward, and Margaret Mead who became a lifelong friend. She received the doctorate in anthropology in 1952.

Alliance Rhetoric Versus Latin American Reality

Lowenthal, Abraham, "Alliance Rhetoric versus Latin American Reality", reprinted from Foreign Affairs, An American Quarterly Review, April, 1970.

Read it HERE.

The Dominican Policy of the United States

Wilson, Larman C., "The Dominican Policy of the United States", World Affairs, American Peace Monographs, Reprints and Essays, Volume 128, No. 2, July, August, September, 1965.

Proyecto "Operacion Confianza"

Brache, Guillermo R., Proyecto "Operacion Confianza", para inversiones masivas inmediatas bajo garantias internacionales, Santo Domingo: Comisión de la Alianza para el Progreso de la República Dominicana, 1964.

Definición y Objetivos Básicos y Ulteriores
El proyecto "Operación Confianza" es un esfuerzo metódico y consciente, basado en procedimientos específicos y consideraciones oportunas destinado a contribuir a la agilización de la incorporación del sector privado de la vida nacional e internacional al vasto esfuerzo continental que adelantan los gobiernos democráticos de América bajo el programa de la Alianza para el Progreso. Se intenta lograr dicha incorporación en forma específica, deliberada, progresiva, coordinada y contractual, canalizando el esfuerzo a través de la creación de bancos o financieras de fomento privados.

The United States and the Caribbean

Szulc, Tad, Ed., The United States and the Caribbean, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

Sponsored by University of Miami and The American Assembly, Columbia University:
Tad Szulc - Introduction
Gordon Lewis - "The Politics of the Caribbean"
Anthony P. Maingot – “Social Life of the Caribbean”
Ben S. Stephansky – “Puerto Rico”
George Volsky – “Cuba”
Frank Mc Donald – “The Commonwealth Caribbean”
Juan de Onis – “The Hispanic Caribbean”
Gerard R. Latortue – “The European Lands”
Kalman H. Silvert – “The Caribbean and North America”

Latin America Yesterday and Today

Rothchild, John, Ed., Latin America Yesterday and Today, New York: Bantam pathfinder editions, 1973. (paperback)

The Hispanic American Historical Review © 1975

Constitutes a teaching aid or introduction to Latin American history for the use of interested laymen.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Estudios lascasianos, IV Centenario de la muerte de fray Bartolomé de las Casas

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, Ed. Estudios lascasianos, IV Centenario de la muerte de fray Bartolomé de las Casas (1566-1966), Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos de Sevilla, 1966.

Reviewed in The Americas.

Scientific Commons:
Compendio de estudios sobre el dominico sevillano fray Bartolomé de las Casas, escritos por especialistas de América y Europa (Lewis Hanke, Guillermo Lohmann Villena, Manuel María Martínez, Venancio Diego Carro, Raymond Marcus, Manuel Luengo Muñoz, Pablo Ojer, Carmelo Sáenz de Santa María, Juana Gil-Bermejo García, Alejandro Cioranescu, Eugenio Fernández-Méndez y Manuel Giménez-Fernández) con motivo del cuarto centenario del fallecimiento del religioso andaluz. Los textos reunidos ofrecen una imagen multifacética de Las Casas, cuya actuación en los terrenos historiográfico, religioso y jurídico tiene repercusiones en toda la América española. 1 used from $155.92

International Relations in the Caribbean: a Symposium

Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Hogeschool van de Nederlandse Antillen (Institute of Higher Studies of the Netherlands Antilles), International Relations in the Caribbean: a symposium/Symposium on International Relations in the Caribbean, Curacao: January 24-26, 1974.

Introductory Speech by Carlos Dip, Dean of the Law School
Bernard Coard - "The Meaning of Political Independence in the Commonwealth Caribbean"
Basil Ince - "The Caribbean in World Politics"
Amechi Uchegbu - "The Role of International Law in the Caribbean"
Neville Linton - "The Role of Race in Modern International Relations"
Bernard Coard - "Economic Integration through Increased Dependence: the Case of Central America"
Amechi Uchegbu - "The Implications of the European Economic Community for the Caribbean"
Neville Linton - "The Road to Self-Determination: An Afterword"

Social Structure of the British Caribbean

Cumper, George, Caribbean Affairs: Social Structure of the British Caribbean (Excluding Jamaica), Parts I & III, [General Editor: Philip Sherlock], The Extra-Mural Department, University College of the West Indies, N.D.

From the Introduction to Part I:
The chief object of this pamphlet as of the similar pamphlet on the social structure of Jamaica already published, is to provide statistical material for study groups interested in social questions. Most of the material is taken from the Report of the 1946 Census, the unpublished sections of which were made available through the courtesy of Mr. L. G. Hopkins, Vital Statistics Advisor. (...) Part I is concerned with vital statistics and the age and sex distribution of the population. Part II deals with the family, housing, racial groupings and the relation between town and country. Part III deals with occupations, industrial divisions, industrial incomes and employment.

Lessons from the Caribbean Revolutions

Sinclair DaBreo, D., Lessons from the Caribbean Revolutions: To peace, justice, equality and equal opportunity for all the people of the Caribbean Castries, St. Lucia: D. Sinclair DaBreo Publication, 1975.

D. Sinclair DaBreo was a broadcaster/program director [of Windward Islands Broadcasting Service (WIBS), also known as Radio Grenada] from 1973-1974.

Guyana Journal, Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 & 3

Searwar, L., Ed., Guyana Journal, Vol. 1 Nos. 1, 2 & 3, Georgetown: Ministry of External Affairs, April, December, 1968 & December, 1969.(two copies of No. 3)

Latin American Research Review © 1971:
The Ministry of External Affairs of Guyana has begun a publication of the Guyana Journal. The journal carries articles on matters of economic and political importance to Guyana, news of events in official circles and speeches.

Contents of No. 1:
Foreword by the Prime Minister, Hon. L.F.S. Burnham, Q.C.; Caribbean Economic Integration; Guyana at the U.N.; United Nations Day; Human Rights Day; Guyana/Venezuela Mixed Commission; Guyana/Suriname Boundary; Guyana at International Conferences; Economic Affairs; Distinguished Visitors; Postings and Accreditations; Diplomatic Corps; From the Editor’s Notebook; From the Clippings; Speeches

Contents of No. 2:
Caribbean Economic Integration; Guyana at the UN; International Human Rights Day; Guyana/Venezuela Relations; The Wearing of Two Hats; Guyana at International Conferences; Mission to Brazil; Mission to Argentina; Economic Affairs; Human Rights Conference, Paris; Distinguished Visitors; Postings and Accreditations; Diplomatic Corps; Foreign Policies of Caribbean States; From the Editor's Notebook; Speeches

Contents of No. 3:
Caribbean Regional Integration; Guyana at the UN; Guyana/Venezuela Relations; Relations with Brazil; Guyana/Surinam Relations; Guyana at International Conferences; Distinguished Visitors; Conference of Heads of Missions; Expansion of Diplomatic Representation; Postings; Diplomatic Corps; Guyana to Become a Republic; Speeches; Obituary

Guyana Journal online.

Revolución Dominicana

Cordero Michel, Emilio, Revolución Dominicana [panfletos]; dos copias sin fecha.

Emilio Cordero Michel nació en Santo Domingo el 10 de febrero de 1929. Historiador, educador y abogado. (...) Ha dictado conferencias sobre historia dominicana, sociología y política en diferentes universidades extranjeras. Sus escritos históricos y políti-cos han aparecido en la prensa nacional. Es profesor de Historia de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo y Director del Colegio Universitario de dicho centro de estudio (1971-1975).

Escritores dominicanos

El Alcazar de Diego Colon

Schoenrich, Otto, El Alcazar de Diego Colon: Paginas de su Historia/History of the Palace of Diego Columbus in Ciudad, Trujillo, Dominican Republic, Ciudad Trujillo, R.D.: Editores Pol Hermanos, 1958. (very fragile paperback; missing pages)

Conferencia pronunciada en el Paraninfo del Universidad de Santo Domingo en la tarde del día 17 de febrero de 1956. El Dr. Otto Schoenrich, abogado y publicista de New York, es autor de las obras intituladas: Santo Domingo – A Country with a Future y The Legacy of Christopher Colombus.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Old Roseau

Birge, William S., M.D., In Old Roseau: Reminiscences of life as I found it in the island of Dominica, and among the Carib Indians, New York: Isaac H. Blanchard Co., 1900.

From the Introduction:
This little book was written in the beginning as a relaxation from the worry and care of an active professional life, and to recall to mind the many pleasant and varied incidents narrated herein. It was not intended for publication, but at the solicitation of friends, who have been entertained by its perusal, saying that it differed so materially from the ordinary humdrum book of travel, I have considered to place it in the hands of the publisher.

William S. Birge?
"William S. Birge, M.D., born in 1857 at Cooperstown, N. Y., is a son of D. L. and Amey (Spafford) Birge. He took a two years' academic course at the University of the City of New York, then studied medicine at the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn; at the medical department of Syracuse University and at the medical department of the University of the City of New York, where he was graduated in 1881. He practiced in Truro two years then came to Provincetown. He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and medical examiner for this district. For a time he was acting assistant surgeon in the United States marine service. He married Ella F., daughter of Zemira Kenrick." 5

British Honduras Colonial Dead End 1859-1900

Clegern, Wayne M., British Honduras Colonial Dead End 1859-1900, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1967. (two copies - second one in box 3)

Reviewed in The Americas.



Wayne M. Clegern is Professor of History at Colorado State University. He received a Ph.D. in History from the University of California, Berkeley. He has published articles in the American Journal of International Law, Hispanic American Historical Review, The Americas, and Caribbean Studies...

Los trabajadores puertorriqueños y el Partido Socialista 1932-1940

Silvestrini de Pacheco, Blanca, Los trabajadores puertorriqueños y el Partido Socialista 1932-1940, Río Piedras, PR: Editorial Universitaria, 1978. [Doctoral Dissertation translated from the original: Puerto Rican Workers and the Socialist Party, 1932 to 1940]

Blanca G. Silvestrini is from San Juan, Puerto Rico. A graduate from the University of Puerto Rico, she received her Ph.D. in Latin American History at SUNY-Albany and did postgraduate work in the Department of History of Science at Harvard. After teaching at the University of Puerto Rico as an Assistant Professor, she became interested in the Law and Society field and completed a Law degree and J.S.M. from Stanford University. Professor Silvestrini was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences in 1987 and Visiting Professor of Law at Stanford until 1990.

The Governor Goes Professor

Torres, Frank, The Governor Goes Professor: A Glaring Story of Rexford Guy Tugwell Puerto Rico's Reign of Expert Experimentation, Ponce, Puerto Rico: Frank Torres, May 1946.


"The island's loyal inhabitants have withstood and shared their trying national tasks in both wars and they should be entitled and welcomed to share their Nation's blessings of American Government equality." Frank Torres LL.B.

Proyecciones (3 )

Junta Central Electoral, Proyecciones, Marzo, 1967; Proyecciones 4, Julio, 1967; Proyecciones 5, Agosto, 1967; Santo Domingo de Guzman, R.D.

Recordando la memorable gesta del 30 de Marzo del 1844:
Carta a Segundo Imbert, por Pedro Eugenio Curiel
Carta a General Pierrot, por José María Imbert
Movimiento Independentista de Santiago, por el Dr. Alejandro Llenas
Canto a la Patria, por Apolinar Perdomo
Entusiasmo Patriótico, por Juan de Js. Reyes
30 de Marzo, por Juan Chery Victoria
La Tórtola, por Félix M. del Monte
Santiago (Oda). Por Manuel Nemesio Rodríguez Objío
Dos Cartas Históricas:
Carta al Presidente de la Republica Dominicana del 1936, por Américo Lugo
Carta al Presidente de la Junta Central Electoral del 1923, por Emilio Prud’Homme
Lectura Constructiva:
Acción Admonitoria, por D. Moreno Jimenes
Se discute en todo el mundo sobre la enseñanza, por Gregorio Marañón
Tenemos miedo, reproducido de “revista”
La Sociedad y sus órganos, por Eugenio María de Hostos
Dos Discursos Memorables:
A Máximo Gómez, por Eugenio Deschamps
El Padre Meriño frente a Báez
Cuestiones Históricas:
Juramento Trinitario
Ulises Espaillat, por el General Luperón
Decreto de l a Cámara Legislativa, mandando guardar duelo por la muerte del Ex presidente Ulises F. Espaillat, por el General Luperón

Proyecciones 4
Dos cartas y dos discursos históricos:
Al General Ignacio M. González, Eulises F. Espaillat
Carta de Monseñor Nouel al Ministro americano Russell
Discurso leído en el Liceo de Puerto Plata, Fernando Arturo Merino
Discurso a José de Diego, Eugenio Deschamps
Composiciones poéticas:
Meandros en el camino, D. Moreno Jimenes
Canto a Santo Domingo, Francisco Villaespesa
Bandera Antillana, José de Diego
Gloria, Pablo Francisco Bidó
Los tres relojes, Felipe Dávila Fernández de Castro
El Tocoloro, Manuel de Js. Peña y Reynoso
El Nacimiento de mi Primogénito, Salomé Ureña de Henríquez
Una Voz dirá tu Nombre, Fabio Fiallo
Mannahatta, Walt Whitman
Himno Rustico, Manuel B. Otero (Uruguayo)
Lectura para todos:
Ahora o Nunca, Domingo Moreno Jimenes
Los Forjadores de Ideales, José Ingeniero
Exposición de las Relaciones, Eugenio María de Hostos
El Destino Humano, Lecomte du Noüy
La Tierra Juvenil, Pierre Teilhard de Chardín
Las Actitudes del Profesor, Irene Gutiérrez
Palabras Injuriosas, Arturo Majada
Prosa Literaria:
Tres Héroes, José Martí
Elogio de la Belleza, Manuel A. Machado
El Maravilloso don de la conversación, M.D. Perez Camarero

Proyecciones 5
Sección Histórica:
La Restauración y sus enlaces con la historia de Occidente, Pedro Troncoso Sánchez
Restauración, Bernardo Pichardo
Anónimo. Episodio de la Guerra de la Restauración, Temístocles A. Ravelo
Luperón y la Restauración, Manuel Rodríguez O.
Primeros años de Independencia, Sumner Welles
Una carta, un discurso y un comentario:
Carta al periódico “La Discusión”, Emiliano Tejera
Discurso en la Jura del Presidente Báez, Fernando A de Meriño
Protesta del Vicario Meriño
Dos mensajes y una exhortación:
Mensaje al Presidente Roosevelt
Desarrollo de los pueblos, Papa Paulo VI
Exhortación. De Proyecciones
Sección Poética:
Los héroes sin nombre, Federico Bermúdez
Miserere, Enrique Henríquez
Canto a la Bandera, Fabio Fiallo
El Cuervo, Edgar Allan Poe
Los Rizos de mi Morena, Rubén Darío
Guaja, Vicente Neira
Lectura para todos:
La Pampa de Granito, José Enrique Rodó
Una Alerta, Domingo Moreno Jimenes
Valor Cívico, Nicanor Balet Peraza
Konrad Adenaur, “Scala”
Retorno a la Libertad, Walter Lippmann
La Formación de si mismo, Juan Roura Parella
Ameghino, José Ingeniero
La Crisis de Una sociedad en transformación, M.D. Pérez C.
Función Social del Sindicalismo, John A. Fitch
Clasificación de Relaciones, Eugenio María de Hostos