Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ethnic and Cultural Pluralism in Intertropical Communities, Report of the 30th Meeting of INCIDI

International Institute of Differing Civilizations, Ethnic and Cultural Pluralism in Intertropical Communities: Report of the 30th Meeting (INCIDI) Held in Lisbon on the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th April 1957, Bruxelles: INCIDI, 1957.

See Online Books by International Institute of Differing Civilizations.

Constitution of INCIDI.
Committee of the Institute for the years 1955-1957.
Committee of the Institute for the years 1957-1958.
List of Members.

List of Participants.
Opening Meeting held on15th April 1957.
Introductory Report.

Special Reports, classified by continent, alphabetically by name of authors, separating contributions in English and French:
R.A.J. van Lier – Suriname et Antilles néerlandaises.
Kenneth Kirkwood – British Central Africa.
Philip Mason – Kenya.
Peter C. W. Gutkind – British East Africa.
Sir Hilary Blood - Mauritius.
Ellen Hellmann – Union of South Africa.
Malak Guirguis – Egypt.
S.N. Eisenstadt – Israel.
Saad ed Din Fawzi – Sudan.
Janki Nath Bhat – India.
Francis G. Carnell – Burma, Thailand and Malaya.
M.M. Djojodigoeno – Indonesia.
K.E. Priestley – Hong Kong.
M.G. Smith – British Caribbean.
William C. Sayres – Rural Colombia.
Miguel Leon-Portilla – Mexico.
Gilberto Freyre – Brazil.

General Reports and Summary of the Discussions:
Legal and Political Aspect
General Report by Adriano Moreira…
Economic Aspect
General Report by Gaston Leduc…
Social Aspect
General Report by P.J. Idenburg…
Cultural Aspect
General Report by Gilberto Freyre.
Closing of the Session.
Conclusions adopted by the 30th session on Ethnic and Cultural Pluralism in Intertropical Communities.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The West on Trial: The Fight for Guyana's Freedom

Jagan, Cheddi, The West on trial: the fight for Guyana's freedom, London: Michael Joseph, 1966.

Reviewed in The Journal of Developing Areas.

Excerpt of review by Krishna Persaud:
Although Dr. Jagan has written voluminously, “The West on Trial” remains his most enduring work, and it is his political testament. It is the unrivalled and definitive study of Guyana’s fight for self-determination, against overwhelming odds. But it is also an invaluable resource for students of Guyana’s early history. The rivalry among the Dutch, French and British for control of the territory is chronicled with the flair and intellectual rigour of a consummate historian.

See also Cheddi Jagan Research Centre.

Cuba, ¿Es Socialista?

Dumont, René, Cuba, ¿es socialista?, Venezuela: Editorial Tiempo Nuevo, 1970.

Reviewed by James Petras for Science & Society © 1972.

René Dumont (Cambrai, 13 de marzo de 1904 - 18 de junio de 2001) fue un ingeniero agrónomo, sociólogo y ecologista francés

Friday, November 25, 2016

Revista Bimestre Cubana, Vol. LXXV, Julio – Diciembre, 1958 (Journal)

Ortiz, Fernando, [Director], Revista Bimestre Cubana de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, Vol. LXXV, Julio – Diciembre, 1958, La Habana, Cuba.

Problemas de la Economía Antillana, por Ramiro Guerra.

La Colonización y el Desarrollo de las Plantaciones, por Elena Padilla.
La Plantación como un Símbolo Social Cultural, por Sidney Mintz.
Color de Piel y Clase Social, por Oracy Nogueira.
Aspectos Generales del Sistema de Explotación Rural en el Nuevo Mundo, por Jean Price-Mars.

Martí y los Racistas, por Martin S. Stabb.

Los Últimos Años de Don Cosme de la Torriente, por Jorge L. Martí.

Inversiones Públicas Versus Inversiones Privadas Extranjeras en las Regiones Subdesarrolladas, por Felipe Pazos.

Algunos Aspectos del Desarrollo Económico de Cuba, por Regino G. Boti y Felipe Pazos.

Cultura y Transculturación, por Domingo Villamil.

La Expedición Cubana del Three Friends, por Rafael Cruz Pérez.

Revista Bimestre Cubana. Publicada desde 1831, recoge en sus páginas trabajos de autores cubanos o extranjeros sobre Cuba, con temas de literatura, historia, economía, ciencia y técnica, estadística, bibliografía y noticias sobre las actividades de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mitre and Argentina

Jeffrey, William H., Mitre and Argentina, New York: Library Publishers, 1952.

Reviewed in The Hispanic American Historical Review © 1953.

Reviewed in The Americas © 1953.

Reviewed in The American Historical Review © 1953.

From the Preface:
This study of a man, Bartolomé Mitre, and his nation, Argentina, is presented as an effort to cover, in the English language, a little known era in the history of one of our neighbors to the south, particularly as revealed in the life of one of its greatest men. It begins with the brief treatment of Argentine history from independence to the overthrow of Rosas, then turns to the life of Bartolomé Mitre himself, his early years, his wanderings in exile, his return to Argentina to recognize first Buenos Aires and then the nation. It follows him through the presidency of the nation and Argentina's greatest war and then into a retirement made useful by extensive literary efforts and an occasional return to the political and diplomatic scene. His life, spanning most of the nineteenth century, was one rich in service to the nation and the continent, well deserving the title Benemérito de la Patria.

Cultural Pluralism and Nationalist Politics in British Guiana

Despres, Leo A., Cultural Pluralism and Nationalist Politics in British Guiana, Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1967.

Reviewed in Social and Economic Studies © 1969 .

Reviewed in World Politics © 1970 .

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1970 .

Reviewed in Comparative Politics © 1972 .

From the Foreword by M.G. Smith:
In this book, Professor Despres presents an account of Guyanese society and its development during the closing years of colonial rule. These decades witnessed the rise, arrest, and fragmentation of a popular movement for local independence from British domination. The monograph accordingly provides an arresting case study of an independence movement which dissolved into bitter sectional strife before achieving its goal.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Proyecto de Incorporación de Santo Domingo a Norte América: Apuntes y Documentos

Rodríguez Demorizi, Emilio, Proyecto de incorporación de Santo Domingo a Norte América: apuntes y documentos, Santo Domingo: Editora Montalvo, 1964.(This book was a gift to Dr. Mathews from Frank Hernandez in 1966)

Disponible en linea.

From Annexation of Santo Domingo:
The Annexation of Santo Domingo was an attempted treaty during the later Reconstruction Era, initiated by United States President Ulysses S. Grant in 1869, to annex "Santo Domingo" (as the Dominican Republic was commonly known) as a United States territory, with the promise of eventual statehood. President Grant feared some European power would take the island in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. He privately thought annexation would be a safety valve for African Americans who were suffering persecution in the US, but he did not include this in his official messages. Grant speculated that the acquisition of Santo Domingo would help bring about the end of slavery in Cuba and elsewhere. Militarily he wanted a US naval port in the Dominican Republic which would also serve as protection for a projected canal across Nicaragua.

Riqueza Mineral y Agrícola de Santo Domingo

Rodríguez Demorizi, Emilio, Riqueza mineral y agrícola de Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo: Editora del Caribe, 1965.

De la “Advertencia”:
La Historia de nuestra Minería es la Historia de nuestras vicisitudes: desde los remotos años de Colón, el primero en la avidez del oro en la Española, hasta nuestros días, grávidos de las áureas esperanzas que germinan en el seno de nuestra tierra en Hatillo, en Pedernales, en las arenas del Yaque, en las olvidadas minas de Cotuí, de la Buenaventura, de San Cristóbal y de Jaina. Pero en esta obra se aspira, más que a contribuir al estudio de la Minería en Santo Domingo, plena de sorprendentes alternativas, a crear incentivos para la explotación de nuestros máximos veneros de riqueza. A reserva de consagrar otro volumen a la Historia de los comienzos de la Minería, la Agricultura y la Ganadería en la Isla – vale decir del Nuevo Mundo – la presente labor se limita a recoger los textos de mayor interés relativos a nuestras minas, por demás desconocidos y dispersos, algunos de los cuales se refieren también a la riqueza agrícola.

Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi (1904-1986). Nació en la ciudad de Sánchez, Samaná, República Dominicana, el 14 de abril de 1904, hijo de Félix Francisco Rodríguez y Genoveva Demorizi Campos. Historiador, lingüista diplomático e intelectual, en el más estricto sentido de la palabra, con su rica producción bibliográfica se propuso delinear todos los contornos de la dominicanidad a través de la historia, la geografía, la literatura, el arte, el folclor, la economía, y todas las ramas de las ciencias humanas, así como las más nobles expresiones del espíritu. Es el más grande y prolífico documentalista en la historiografía dominicana Su vida y su obra hablan de la solidez de su vocación como historiador, responsablemente ejercida a través de una infatigable, generosa y trascendente labor como documentalista, lo cual ha convertido su producción intelectual en insoslayable punto de referencia para el estudio o investigación de cualquier tema dominicano.