Thursday, March 2, 2023

Cambionan Social Cu Un Yiu Di Tera Ta Sonja Cune Den E Partinan Igual Di E Reinado Nobo

Nita, Amador Paulo, Cambionan Social Cu Un Yiu Di Tera Ta Sonja Cune Den E Partinan Igual Di E Reinado Nobo, Curaçao: Curaçaosche Courant, N.V.

E gloria di e potencia colonialnan a topa e mesun destino cu esun di Hitler cual a keda dera bao di e ruinanan di Berlin. Na India a surgi un resistencia pasivo contra e dominio di inglesnan, mientras cu na Indonesia e pueblo a lanta cu forsa di arma contra e autoridad hulandes. Na Antiyas y Surnam e hendenan a sigui mas un sistema di evolucion door di cual nos representantenan a tuma parti na diferente conferencianan di Mesa Redondo na Den Haag. En conferencianan di Mesa Redondo aki tabatin como meta: “Creacion di un Reinado nobo den cual tur e partinan lo tin derechonan igual. E ministronan cu ta carga responsabilidad den e gobierno Hulandes basta cu nan ta di buena fe, poniendo un solo firma, por declara tanto Surnam como Antiyas partinan igual di e Reinado Nobo. Pero e pregunta ta keda: e ideal di e obrero hulandes cu o a nace na Europa of mehor dicho e ideal di e obrero Antiyano pa logra un salario y provisionan social igual na esun di e Hulandesnan Europeo tambe lo keda realisa? Tantu na Surnam como na Antiyas ta reina e opinion general cu e idea di Union y Cooperacion den Reinado no por hanja nan origen den e letternan morto di algún formula di ley na Conferencia di Mesa Redonda só. Ora a cambia Staatsregeling di Corsouw na 1937 a nace tambe e speransa cu lo bini un mehor comprension entre yiunan di tera di Antiyas y Hulandesnan Europeo. Ora cu Interim-Regeling a drenta na vigor banderanan a ser hisa den tur skina. “Biba autonomia! Nos ta liber”, asina pueblo tabata grita tur caminda cu bo pasa. Pero pronto a bini na cla cu ta Hulandesnan Europeo mes a keda cu tur cos di bisa riba “Isla” y tur otro caminda. Comercio ta casi completamente den man di estranheronan. Mayoria di nan ta hende cu a bini Antiyas pober manera raton di kerki algun anjanan pasá y cu awor a ser eleva den e posicion di gruponan poderoso den nos comunidad. E relacion di Hulandesnan Europeo y yiunan di tera cu ta traha na C.P.I.M. por ser compara cu esun di un maestro y su cria. Den e siguiente capitulonan lo mi trata di proba cu pa realizacion di e cambionan social cu e yiunan di tera ta sonja cu ne den e partinan uni di e Reinado Nobo, ta absolutamente necesario pa e Hulandesnan Europeo cu ta biba aki y e companianan Hulandes grandi, pone un fin na a previlegiamentu di Hulandesnan Europeo riba yiunan di tera.

Translation, using Glosbe:
The glory of the colonial powers met the same fate as that of Hitler who was buried under the ruins of Berlin. In India, passive resistance arose against British rule, while in Indonesia the people rose up by armed force against Dutch authority. In Antilles and Surinam the people followed a further system of evolution by which our representatives took part in various Round Table conferences in The Hague. The goal of these Round Table conferences was to create a new kingdom in which all parties would have equal rights. The ministers with responsibility in the Dutch government, provided they are of good faith, can, by signing a single signature, declare both Surinam and Antilles equal parts of the New Kingdom. But the question remains: will the ideal of the European-born Dutch worker, or rather the ideal of the Antilles worker, to achieve equal wages and social provisions as the European Dutch, also be realized? In both Surinam and Antilles there prevails the general opinion that the idea of Union and Cooperation in the Kingdom cannot find its origin in the dead letters of some formula of law at the Round Table Conference alone. The change of the Constitution of Curaçao in 1937 also gave rise to the hope of a better understanding between the native people of Antilles and the European Dutch. When the Interim Arrangement came into force, flags were raised on all corners. “Live independence! We are free”, so people shouted everywhere you passed. But it soon became clear that it was the European Dutch who had everything to say about the “island” and elsewhere. Trade is almost entirely in the hands of foreigners. Many of them have come to Antilles a few years ago like poor rats and now they have been elevated to the position of powerful groups in our community. The relationship between the Dutch Europeans and the children of the land who work at C.P.I.M. can be compared to that of a teacher and his dog. In the following chapters I will try to prove that for the realization of the social changes that the children of the earth dream of in the united parts of the New Kingdom, it is absolutely necessary for the European Dutch living here and the large Dutch companies, to put an end to the Dutch privilege of European over the children of the earth.

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