Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ingratitude and Outrage: 27 Years in the Dominican Republic

Benítez Rexach, Félix, Ingratitude and Outrage: 27 Years in the Dominican Republic, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial El Imparcial, 1962.

Part I – Statement presented by Puerto Rican Civil Engineer and Contractor, Mr. Félix Benítez Rexach, through Radio Caribe in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 8, 1962, in which he explained to the Dominican People his solely professional participation in the development of the public works of that country, throughout the 27 years he lived among them, working and helping to enhance the progress of the Republic.

Part II – After the exposition of facts made by engineer Félix Benítez Rexach to the Dominican People over the radio, printed in Part I hereof, this second Part is a brief and truthful account of the inconceivable vexation and abuse suffered by Mr. Félix Benítez Rexach at the hands of the present Dominican Government.

Félix Benítez Rexach [note 1] (March 27, 1886 – November 2, 1975) was a Puerto Rican engineer and businessman who built the Normandie Hotel, located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (…) Benítez Rexach also worked on various projects in the Dominican Republic, as a consequence of the friendship which he had with that country's dictator, Rafael L. Trujillo. Among his works in that country were the Port of Santo Domingo and the "Avenida Jorge Washington" (George Washington Avenue). (…) Benítez Rexach was a passionate Puerto Rican patriot and a personal friend of Pedro Albizu Campos, president of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party.

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