Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dominican Republic: A Study in the New Imperialism

Institute for International Labor Research, Dominican Republic: A Study in the New Imperialism, New York: Institute for International Labor Research, 1965.

From the Introduction by IILR Chairman Norman Thomas:
As a public service in a matter of deep importance for the present and future, the Institute for International Labor Research has compiled the documents included in this pamphlet. The Institute is not a political organization in the sense that it supports any party in the areas in which it works. It is educational and had an important share in the organization known as CIDES which was carrying out a rather elaborate and useful plan for education in the Dominican Republic during the presidency of Juan Bosch. CIDES, which was the brainchild of our secretary treasurer, Sacha Volman, was one of the victims of the military junta which overthrew President Bosch.

This pamphlet presents in order the following articles and documents:
1. Theodore Draper’s “The Roots of the Dominican Crisis,” published in The New Leader, May 24, 1965. Mr. Draper is a recognized authority on Communism and Cuba.
2. President Bosch’s own story of the troubled weeks following the military overthrow of Donald Reid Cabral published in The New Leader, June 21, 1965, under the title, “Tale of Two Nations.”
3. Comments, very charitable to President Johnson, on the Dominican situation and its economic background by Jose Figueres, former president of Costa Rica, well known for his friendship for the U.S. His title is “Revolution and Counter Revolution in Santo Domingo.”
4. A brief denial by Figueres and the other gentlemen concerned of former Ambassador John Bartlow Martin’s charge in Life that Jose Figueres of Costa Rica, Romulo Betancourt, former president of Venezuela and Luis Muñoz Marín, former governor of Puerto Rico, had declined to go to the Dominican Republic in an effort to bring peace to the war-torn island. The denial as well as the original article was published by Life.
5. Comment of Teodoro Moscoso, Puerto Rican Operation Bootstrap leader, who was long our official representative in the Alliance for Progress.
6. Luis Homero Lajara Burgos, whose statement we next print, has occupied the following posts: Director General of Security in the provisional government of Dr. Rafael Molina Urena; Rear Admiral (ret.) of Dominican Navy; Chief of Staff of Dominican Navy; Chief of Dominican National Police; member of General Staff of Inter-American Defense Board; Naval Attache, Dominican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
7. An article, “U.S. Must Back Dominican Revolution,” by Prof. Robert J. Alexander, an authority on Latin America, in New America (June 18, 1965).
We conclude the pamphlet with a statement in which I speak for myself rather than officially for the Institute of which I am chairman.

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