Monday, December 22, 2014

El Coronel No Tiene Quien le Escriba

García Márquez, Gabriel, El Coronel No Tiene Quien le Escriba, Mexico, D.F.: Ediciones Era, 1982. (cover detached)

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El coronel no tiene quien le escriba es una novela corta publicada por el escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez en 1961. Es una de las más célebres de las escritas por el autor, y su protagonista, un viejo coronel que espera la pensión que nunca llega, es considerado como uno de los personajes más entrañables de la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XX. Fue incluida en la lista de las 100 mejores novelas en español del siglo XX del periódico español «El Mundo».

No One Writes to the Colonel … is a novella written by the Colombian novelist and Nobel Prize in Literature winner Gabriel García Márquez. It also gives its name to a short story collection. (…)The novel, written between 1956–1957 and first published in 1961,[1] is the story of an impoverished, retired colonel, a veteran of the Thousand Days' War, who still hopes to receive the pension he was promised some fifteen years earlier. The colonel lives with his asthmatic wife in a small village under martial law. The action opens with the colonel preparing to go to the funeral of a town musician whose death is notable because he was the first to die from natural causes in many years. The novel is set during the years of "La Violencia" in Colombia, when martial law and censorship prevail.

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