Sunday, June 4, 2017

The British in the Caribbean

Hamshere, Cyril, The British in the Caribbean, Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1972.

Reviewed in The William and Mary Quarterly © 1974.

Reviewed in The Journal of American History.

Reviewed in Journal of Latin American Studies.

Reviewed in The American Historical Review.

From AbeBooks:
English exploration & colonization of the region, from Drake & Hawkins, colonies in Guyana, Barbados, Caribees; planters & slavers; to nineteenth century emancipations.

Interesting notes from: Nettelbeck, David, A history of Arusha School, Tanzania, 1974:
From 1946 to 1963 under the second major Headmaster (Cyril) Hamshere and a stable senior staff, the school expanded and became an efficient and somewhat impersonal yet vital and living community. (…) In 1961 the country gained its independence, followed in January 1962 by the abolition of separate European, Indian and African education departments. This history is brought to a conclusion in 1969, 7 years after the integrated system of education became effective. During these years, the school returned to semi-Diocesan control under a Board of Governors and became an "international community" feeling its way very hesitantly to a place within independent Tanzania. In 1969, the post-independence Headmaster Bryn Jones left, the last of the British indent staff arrived, and the first of many missionary recruited teachers was employed on terms similar to those of 1934. (…) The first Government appointee as Headmaster was Cyril Hamshere (M.A. Cantab) who was born in East Africa and whose father Archdeacon J.E. Hamshere had been Principal of the Diocesan Training College for pastors and teachers up to his retirement in 1928, when Wynn Jones took over from him. The missionaries who withdrew in 1946 from the staff hoped that through Hamshere, a personal if no longer official link between the Diocese and Government would be retained. (…) Those who worked with him describe Hamshere as an efficient, rather impersonal man who was dominating and demanding with his staff. His nick name was "Old Pomposity" and one of his common greetings was, “I am Mr. Hamshere. I am the Headmaster”. An amusing sidelight on his personality was the bell system he had connected to his study door. When a visitor knocked, a one bell-ring reply meant come in, two rings wait, and three rings go away! (…) For all his strength and gifts, Hamshere was not an educational innovator. Many exciting things went on outside the classroom, but apart from local studies in the social studies curriculum of the lower grades, the impression is of rather formal, academic classroom instruction, with outdated and dull text books, though this may have been typical of his time.

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