Wednesday, July 31, 2013

La Colonización Danesa en las Islas Vírgenes

Gutiérrez de Arce, Manuel, La colonización danesa en las Islas Vírgenes: estudio histórico-jurídico, Publicaciones de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos de la Universidad de Sevilla, 11 (no. general) Serie 1: Anuario, no. 4.

Reseñado en Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1937-1948) © 1946:
En La colonización danesa en las Islas Vírgenes, de M. Gutiérrez de Arce, se habla de la ocupación del Archipiélago de las Vírgenes, primero por España y luego por los daneses (Islas de Santo Tomas, San Juan y Santa Cruz). Afirma el autor que la colonización danesa en las Antillas no tuvo ningún valor jurídico, y que representó una usurpación de territorios de Su Majestad Católica. Hoy día las islas pertenecen a los Estados Unidos. “Y como España jamás ha renunciado expresamente a estas islas, su derecho continua sobre ellas vivo y activo, gritando al mundo la presencia de una injusticia – una mas – de la Historia para con ella.” El articulo tiene un apéndice de documentos.

In “The Danish colonization in the Virgin Islands”, by M. Gutiérrez de Arce, the author speaks of the occupation of the archipelago of the Virgins, first by Spain and then by the Danes (Islands of St. Thomas, Saint John and Saint Croix). The author asserts that the Danish colonization in the West Indies had no legal value, and represented a usurpation of territories of Her Catholic Majesty. Today the islands belonging to the United States. "As Spain has never expressly waived control over these islands, maintaining her right over them alive and active, shouting to the world the existence of one more injustice of history to her." The article contains an appendix of documents.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Negroes in Brazil:A Study of Race Contact at Bahia

Pierson, Donald, Negroes in Brazil: A Study of Race Contact at Bahia, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1944.

See also The Educational Process and the Brazilian Negro, by Donald Pierson, and Neither Black Nor White: Slavery and Race Relations in Brazil and the United States by Carl N. Degler.

Donald Pierson:
He earned his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1939 with a thesis on race relations based on a stay in Bahia 1935. Then remained as a professor in the School of Sociology and Politics in São Paulo until 1959. His book Negroes in Brazil, the Study of Race Contact at Bahia, 1942, based on the thesis contains mostly numeric tables classifying people by race type, concluding that although the blacks occupy the lower rungs of the social ladder Brazilian, there was not racism as defined in the United States. The author devotes two chapters to the culture of African origin.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tesauro de Datos Históricos

Hostos, Adolfo de, Tesauro de Datos Históricos: índice compendioso de la literatura histórica de Puerto Rico, incluyendo algunos datos inéditos, periodísticos y cartográficos, (Tomo II), San Juan: Gobierno de Puerto Rico, 1949.

En 1937 a petición del Dr. Adolfo de Hostos, como Director nombrado del proyecto, quedó constituida La Oficina del Índice Histórico de Puerto Rico, como un proyecto de la Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration (P.R.R.A.) (Tesauro de Datos Históricos de Puerto Rico, 1990, Tomo I, prólogo VIII). El 30 de abril de 1946 se promulgó la Ley Número 486, por virtud de la cual las oficinas del Historiador Oficial, del Archivo Histórico y del Índice Histórico de Puerto Rico se fusionaron como una sola entidad gubernamental. A esa nueva entidad, conocida como el Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, le fueron traspasadas las más de 300,000 fichas, que contienen el desglose en 110,000 entradas, la información histórica de Puerto Rico, contenida en más de 150 obras de historia. Material que se utilizó para la preparación del "Tesauro de Datos Históricos de Puerto Rico", proyecto que nació en la Oficina del Índice Histórico de Puerto Rico, bajo la dirección de Adolfo de Hostos, Historiador Oficial de Puerto Rico. (Tesauro de Datos Históricos de Puerto Rico, 1990, Tomo I, prefacio V, prólogo VIII y página 110).

Ver además esto.

Revista/Review Interamericana

Revista/Review Interamericana, Vol III, No. 1, Spring 1973.[Special Edition on Race in the Americas]

Table of Contents:
Clarence Senior, Preface.

Slavery--The Crime and Its Aftermath:
Eric Williams, "The Blackest Thing in Slavery Was Not the Black Man."
Magnus Mörner, Legal Equality--Social Inequality: A Post-Abolition Theme.
The Beginnings:
T. Dale Stewart, The Indians of the Americas: Myths and Realities.
Asians in the Americas:
Ved P. Duggal, Relations between Indians and Africans in Guyana.
The View from Puerto Rico:
Luis M. Díaz Soler, Relaciones raciales en Puerto Rico.
R. Alfonso López Yustos, Racial Self-Perception of the Black Teacher in the Public Schools of Puerto Rico.
Other Disciplines:
Herbert J. Muller, Educación para el futuro.


Book Reviews

Boletín de la Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia (revista: dos volúmenes)

Boletín de la Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia, Vol. IV, No. 15, 1 de enero de 1976 & Vol. V, No. 17, 1 de enero de 1977.(dos volúmenes)

Aurelio Tió.

Sumario del Vol. IV, No. 15, 1 de enero de 1976:
Dignatarios de la Academia

Nota Editorial

Historia de la Fundación de la Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia

Historia de la Fundación del Ateneo Puertorriqueño

Relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico en 1776

La Villa de Mayagüez y la Guerra de Independencia en 1776

Primer Reconocimiento de las treces Colonias en América

Un Episodio de la Historia de América (En ocasión del Bi-centenario de los EE. UU.)

A Spanish American Love Story of 1776

The Discovery of the United States by an Expedition from Puerto Rico in 1513

Entrevista del “San Juan Star” con nuestro Director sobre Puerto Rico en 1776

United States – Puerto Rico relations during the Revolutionary War Era – Entrevista del “San Juan Star” con nuestro Director sobre la Villa de Mayagüez en 1777

Actividades de la Academia

Recensiones de Libros

Datos relacionados sobre las últimas dos recensiones de libros

Sumario del Vol. V, No. 17, 1 de enero de 1977:
Dignatarios de la Academia

Nota Editorial

Recuerdos de la Universidad Interamericana – Aurelio Tió – Clase del año 1924

Inter American University: The Past Remembered

The First University in the Americas

Día de la Hispanidad

Puerto Rico: Site of the Primordial University of the Americas

La Comunidad Hispánica

Panorama Histórico – La Cuenca del Caribe

Develación de un Oleo del Almirante Cristóbal Colón en el Ateneo

El Enigma del Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico

Coamo Cumple Siglos – Ramón Rivera Bermúdez

Historia del Servicio de Correos en Puerto Rico – Ramón Rivera Bermúdez

Ligeras Observaciones Sobre la Raza Autóctona de Puerto Rico

Entrevista Radial en la Voz de América

Notas sobre Paleografía Inglesa – Catalina Palerm

Reseña Biográfica de Enrique T. Blanco Geigel –Enrique T. Blanco Lázaro

Feria del Libro en San Germán

Historia y Leyenda del Descubrimiento de las Antillas – Manuel Pareja Flaman

Biografías Mínimas

Recensiones de Libros

Politics, Society, and Culture in the Caribbean

Silvestrini, Blanca G., Ed., Politics, Society, and Culture in the Caribbean: Selected Papers of the XIV Conference of Caribbean Historians, San Juan: University of Puerto Rico, 1983.

Blanca G. Silvestrini is from San Juan, Puerto Rico. A graduate from the University of Puerto Rico, she received her Ph.D. in Latin American History at SUNY-Albany and did postgraduate work in the Department of History of Science at Harvard.

PART 1: Cultural and Economic Influences of the United States in the Caribbean:

1) United States Cultural Influences on the English-Speaking Caribbean during the Twentieth Century, by Franklin W. Knight
2) La Iglesia Protestante como agente de americanización en Puerto Rico, 1898 – 1917, por Samuel Silva Gotay
3) La política de salud publica de los Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico, 1898 – 1913: Consecuencias en el proceso de americanización, por Blanca G. Silvestrini
4) The Idea of Race: The Cultural Impact of American Intervention in Cuba, 1898 – 1912, by Cathy Duke
5) Early United States Investors in Puerto Rican Sugar, by Muriel McAvoy-Weissman
6) El impacto de la invasión americana en la zona cafetalera de Puerto Rico: El caso de Utuado, por Fernando Picó
7) Las franquicias: instrumento de penetración económica en Puerto Rico, 1900 – 1915, por Maria Dolores Luque de Sánchez

PART 2: The French Antilles: Relationships with other Caribbean Areas:

8) Le projet des révoltes serviles de l’Île de Cuba dans la première moitie du XIXe siècle, par Alain Yacou
9) Relations avec l’étranger des minorités religieuses aux antilles françaises (XVIIe – XVIIIe siècles), par Gerard Lafleur
10) La Revolución Haitiana y el movimiento anti-esclavista en Puerto Rico, por Arturo Morales Carrión

PART 3: Workers in the English Speaking Caribbean

11) The Struggle of African Slaves and European Workers against Planter Rule, 1724 – 1780, by Hilary Beckles
12) Walter Citrine and the British Caribbean Workers Movement during the Moyne Commission Hearing, 1938 – 1939, by Sabadeo Basdeo
13) The Trinidad Labour Party and the Moyne Commission, 1938, by Brinsley Samaroo

Panorama Histórico de la Agricultura en Puerto Rico

Gil-Bermejo García, Juana, Panorama histórico de la agricultura en Puerto Rico, Sevilla: Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, 1970.

Parcialmente disponible en línea.

Extracto del obituario de Juana Gil-Bermejo, Anuario de Estudios Americanos, Vol 61, No 1 (2004):
Comenzó su vida académica en 1959 como Ayudante de clases prácticas del profesor Morales Padrón, flamante Catedrático de Historia de los Descubrimientos Geográficos en la Universidad de Sevilla. Así permaneció hasta 1965, año en que obtuvo, por concurso, una plaza de Adjunto interino. Su paso por la Universidad fue intenso y fructífero. A la par que dictaba clases —más numerosas de las que le hubieran correspondido como ayudante, debido a los frecuentes y obligados viajes del profesor Morales Padrón— se integró en un proyecto que se gestaba en el seminario al que pertenecía sobre la Historia del Caribe español y eligió como tema de tesis doctoral la agricultura en la isla de Puerto Rico.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Relación del Nuevo Descubrimiento del Famoso Río Grande de las Amazonas

de Carvajal, Fray Gaspar, Relación del nuevo descubrimiento del famoso Río Grande de las Amazonas, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1955.

Gaspar de Carvajal (c. 1500–1584) was a Spanish Dominican missionary to the New World, known for chronicling some of the explorations of the Amazon.
Caravajal, who was one of the survivors of the expedition, narrated the events in his work Relación del nuevo descubrimiento del famoso río Grande que descubrió por muy gran ventura el capitán Francisco de Orellana… In it, the friar recorded the dates of the expedition as well as a large number of notes of ethnological interest such as the sizes and dispositions of the indigenous peoples which occupied the banks of the river, their tactics of war, rituals, customs, utensils, and the like. (…)Father Carvajal's diary of the Orellana expedition has achieved prominence recently. For over four centuries, scholars dismissed its reports of large cities, well developed roads, monumental construction, fortified towns, and dense populations. It was thought that the acidic soils of Amazonia could not support the level of agriculture necessary to sustain such a civilization. His writings were largely dismissed as fabrications and propaganda. New archeological finds in the 21st century have verified much of his diary. This is a developing story, but our understanding of pre-Columbian Amazonia is being revolutionized. Father Carvajal's writings are being scrutinized for important clues on this lost civilization and for planning future archeological digs. They stand as the most valued contemporary chronicle of the pre-Columbian Amazonia culture, written before it disappeared and its works reclaimed by the jungle.

Disponible en línea.

Indian Tribes of Northern Mato Grosso, Brazil

Oberg, Kalervo, Indian Tribes of Northern Mato Grosso, Brazil, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1954.

Kalervo Oberg (1901–1973) was a world-renowned anthropologist. Oberg was dedicated to fieldwork, serving as a civil servant and a teacher. He traveled the world and wrote about these experiences so others could enjoy them as well. Born to Finnish parents in British Columbia, Canada, Oberg is perhaps best known for applying the term culture shock to all people who travel abroad into new cultures and for his doctoral dissertation, The Social Economy of the Tlingit Indians of Alaska.

Nomads of the Long Bow: the Siriono of Eastern Bolivia

Holmberg, Allan R., Nomads of the Long Bow: the Siriono of Eastern Bolivia, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950.

Available online.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1951.

From The Myth of the Passive Indian:
In 1950 the anthropologist Allan R. Holmberg published his classic text Nomads of the Longbow, a study of the Bolivian natives known as the Sirionó. Holmberg had lived with the Indians and studied their habits for two years. His assessment, which generations of scholars took as gospel and applied to other indigenous groups, was that the Sirionó were an unimpressive people who had existed for thousands of years without innovation or progress. He claimed the Sirionó had no real history prior to European contact, when Western influences at last put them on a path to genuine social evolution. Holmberg was wrong.

An Ecological Approach to Administrative Reform: The Brazilian Case (separata)

Garcia-Zamor, Jean-Claude, An Ecological Approach to Administrative Reform: The Brazilian Case, separata from International Review of Administrative Sciences Vol. 35, December 1969.
Available online.

Professor Garcia-Zamor is the author of five books, has edited or co-edited six others and contributed chapters to numerous other books. He has also published extensively on issues of development administration, organizational behavior, comparative public administration, and ethics and government in professional research journals in the United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, India, South Korea, Poland, and China. His latest book, The Leipzig Model: Myth or Reality? A Study of City Management in the Former East Germany, was published in 2008.

Brazil: Education in an Expanding Economy

Faust, Augustus F., Brazil: Education in an Expanding Economy, Washington: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1959.

From the Foreword:
The purpose of this study is to provide educational information about Brazil in its own setting for the use of educational institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, and scholars and other persons concerned with comparative and international education.

Black Education in the Danish West Indies from 1732 to 1853

Lawaetz, Eva, Black Education in the Danish West Indies from 1732 to 1853: The Pioneering Efforts of the Moravian Brethren, St. Croix: Published under the auspices of the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of the Virgin Islands by St. Croix Friends of Denmark Society, 1980.

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction

II. Moravian History in the Danish West Indies

III. Milestones in the History of Education in the Danish West Indies

IV. Language and Creole Translations

V. Cornelius and Malville


Appendix A (Discourse, May 16, 1841)

Appendix B (Princess Caroline Amalie letter)

Appendix C (Moravian School Diary, Excerpts)

Appendix D (School Ordinance of 1853)

Appendix E (Preface to Magens’ “Grammatica”)

Appendix F (Cornelius letter to Schimmelmann)


Friday, July 5, 2013

La Piedra de Tropiezo

van Leeuwen, Boeli, La piedra de tropiezo, Mexico: Joaquín Mortiz, 1964.

Reviewed in

Willem Cornelis Jacobus (Boeli) van Leeuwen:
He was a son of Pieter Hendrik van Leeuwen, district master in Curacao, then Governor of Bonaire and later Governor of the Windward Islands. (...) As a writer, he debuted in 1959 with the novel De rots der struikeling for which he received in 1961 the Vijverberg Prize (now Ferdinand Bordewijk Prize). Within this work life plays an important role in Curaçao. This is often linked to major biblical themes about guilt, sexuality and responsibility. The paradoxes between individual and social environment are thus expressed.

Indios do Brasil

Botelho de Magalhães, Amilcar Armando, Indios do Brasil, México, D.F.: Instituto Indigenista Interamericano, 1947.

Extract from Order and Progress: Brazil from Monarchy to Republic, by Gilberto Freyre:
Amilcar Armando Botelho de Magalhães (b. 1880 in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro) states that he has been an abolitionist from a tender age. “I feel that it is a sign of backwardness to pretend to find supremacies among races whose development has been simultaneous and along parallel lines. But without having the slightest prejudice, I can recognize the inferiority of the Negro, who is superior only in a degree of emotionality. All the white elements and all the aborigines, on the other hand, given equal conditions of space and time, have made greater achievement in the progress of their civilization.” As for Brazil: “I believe that there is no real racial problem in Brazil as such and that the natural tendencies of individual selection, according to biological and sociological principles, will result in an amalgam and in an increasing stability. What is needed is to facilitate racial inbreeding and to avoid, through adequate measures, the perpetuation of basic types, Indian or Negro, as separate entities apart from the whites. But this fusion is possible only on the lower levels of these races, among the workers, the peasants, the persons of least education.” As for the personal question: “I would repudiate and do everything possible to prevent miscegenation within my own family. I have already done so in one specific instance. Such things are highly prejudicial.”

From Community to Metropolis: A Biography of São Paulo, Brazil

Morse, Richard M., From Community to Metropolis: A Biography of São Paulo, Brazil, Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1958.

Available at Questia.

Reviewed in The Americas © 1959.

Reviewed in Foreign Affairs.