Saturday, January 15, 2011

Richard Schomburgk's Travels in British Guiana, 1840-1844

Roth, Walter E. (translator), Richard Schomburgk's Travels in British Guiana, 1840-1844, Vol. I, Georgetown: Daily Chronicle Office, 1922.

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Shomburgk, Robert Hermann (1804-1865) - English traveler, a German by birth. In the years 1835-1844 investigated Guiana Plateau and crosses the river (mainly Essequibo) (...) London Geographic Society invited him to conduct a comprehensive study British Guiana. But because its borders had not yet been established even approximately, in the course of his work, Robert Shomburgk widely parted scope of the territory investigated, finding the most advantageous length of England its boundaries the only colony in South America. He took his assistant's younger brother Richard (Richard) Shomburgka, who accompanied Robert in all journeys the country and has proven very valuable employee in the collection of materials, and in processing. Richard is particularly interested in botany and in this scientific field proved to be a fully independent researcher. (...) In 1840 saw the publication of their book Geographical and statistical description British Guiana, in 1841, two books by Robert Shomburgka: Travels in Guiana and the Orinoco in the years 1835-1839. Paintings and interior regions of Guyana. Richard Shomburgk published a three-volume work Travels in British Guiana in 1840-1844 gg. (Leipzig, 1847-1848). Working in outlying areas British Guiana, the brothers have collected abundant materials for the establishment of not only east of the Netherlands Guiana, but the southern and western borders with Brazil and Venezuela.

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