Saturday, February 18, 2012

Educational Research; The English-Speaking Caribbean

Miller, Errol L., Educational Research; The English-Speaking Caribbean, Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre, 1984.

Online PDF copy.

From the Foreword by Susanne Mowat:
Errol Miller in this book argues the case for assigning a higher priority to educational research than it has enjoyed so far. He is well equipped by training and experience to do so. His training in research came first from the University of the West Indies with further development at a North American university. The experience he gained through his academic activities as a lecturer at the University of the West Indies was subsequently enlarged by experiences in educational administration, both as principal of a teachers' college and as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education in Jamaica. He was thus able to evaluate for himself, in a setting where he exercised responsibility, the role of educational research in forming and helping shape policy. Overall, the author takes a critical, but optimistic, look at the state of the art in the region, taking note not only of some sound early endeavors but also of the existence of a useful infrastructure. Funding for research will continue to be crucial, he argues, as will be growing independence from external funding and greater reliance on domestic support. This latter will depend, as will the ultimate role to be played by educational research, on the climate for research, which means the set of attitudes and the commitment to using and respecting the fruits of educational research that the region is able to generate.

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