Sunday, January 26, 2014

Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean

Horowitz, Michael M., Ed., Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean, Garden City, NY: the Natural History Press, 1971.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist © 1972.

Reviewed in Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs © 1973.

Table of Contents:
Introductory Essay.

1. The Caribbean as a Socio-cultural Area, by Sidney Mintz.
2. The Origin of Negro Slavery, by Eric Williams.

3. New Languages for Old in the West Indies, by Douglas Taylor.

4. Social Stratification and Cultural Pluralism, by Lloyd E. Braithwaite.
5. Social Stratification and Ethnic Identification, by Elliott P. Skinner.
6. West Indian Characteristics of the Black Carib, by Nancie L. Solien.

7. Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar, by Fernando Ortiz.
8. Specific Aspects of Plantation Systems in the New World: Community Subcultures and Social Classes, by Eric R. Wolf
9. A Typology of Rural Community Forms in the Caribbean, by Michael M. Horowitz.
10. The Caribbean Social Type: Neither “Peasant” no “Proletarian”, by Richard Frucht.

11. Land Tenure and the Family in Four Selected Communities in Jamaica, by Edith Clarke.
12. Land Tenure in Three Negro Villages in British Guiana, by Raymond T. Smith
13. Changing Agricultural Land Use on Guadeloupe, French West Indies, by Don R. Hoy.
14. Patterns of Land Tenure in the Leeward and Windward Islands and Their Relevance to Problems of Agricultural Development in the West Indies, by Herman J. Finkel.

15. Jamaican Fishing: A Game Theory Analysis, by William C. Davenport.
16. Cooperative Labor Groups in Haiti, by Alfred Metraux.
17. The Business of Higglering in Jamaica, by Margaret Fisher Katzin.
18. Kin Groups in a Haitian Market, by Caroline J. Legerman.
19. Traditional Markets and Marketers in the Cibao Valley of the Dominican Republic, by Douglass G. Norvell and R. V. Billingsley.

20. Household and Family in the Caribbean, by Nancie L. Solien.
21. Four Categories of Interpersonal Relationships in the Family and Community in a Jamaican Village, by Yehudi A. Cohen.
22. Life Cycle in an East Indian Village in Trinidad, by Morton Klass.
23. Culture and social Structure in the Caribbean: Some Recent Work on Family and Kinship Studies, by Raymond T. Smith.
24. A Decision Model of Conjugal Patterns in Martinique, by Michael M. Horowitz.

25. The Belief System of Haitian Vodun, by George Eaton Simpson.
26. The Focus of Cuban Santeria, by William R. Bascom.
27. Carnival in Nineteenth Century Trinidad, by Andrew Pearse.
28. Animism and Islam Among the Javanese in Surinam, by Waal Malefijt, Annemarie De.
29. The Prophets: a Revivalistic Folk Religious Movement in Puerto Rico, by Scott Cook.
30. The Rastafarian Brethren of Jamaica, by Sheila Kitzinger.

The United States and the Caribbean in the Twentieth Century

Langley, Lester D., The United States and the Caribbean in the Twentieth Century, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1982.

From the author’s Preface:
…in this work, my intent is to tell the story of American involvement in the political, economic, and cultural lives of the Caribbean republics in the twentieth century. The perspective is the view from the United States, but I have incorporated enough of the internal histories of the republics to provide background and a more balanced perspective. My approach is chronological and episodic, for successive American leaders in the twentieth century have looked at the Caribbean differently from their predecessors, and each has encountered problems in some of the republics which, though exhibiting similarities to issues elsewhere, are nonetheless deserving of individual attention. Thus Woodrow Wilson’s perceptions of Caribbean politics differed from those of Theodore Roosevelt; and Roosevelt’s handling of Cuban and Panamanian affairs revealed still more distinctions and qualifications of policy toward separate portions of what contemporaries called the American empire.

Caribbean Lands: A Geography of the West Indies

MacPherson, John, Caribbean Lands: A Geography of the West IndiesLondon: Longmans, 1963.

Table of Contents:
The Background:

1. The Formation of the West Indies
2. Caribbean Climate
3. Vegetation and Soils
4. The Settlement and Development of the West Indies

The Islands:
5. Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands
6. Trinidad and Tobago
7. Barbados
8. The Windward Islands: Grenada, the Grenadines, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica
9. The Leeward Islands: Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla, Montserrat
10. The French West Indies: Martinique, Guadeloupe and its Dependencies
11. The Netherlands Antilles: Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Maarten
12. The Virgin Islands: United States Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands
13. The Bahamas
14. Cuba
15. Hispaniola: Haiti, the Dominican Republic
16. Puerto Rico

The Neighboring Territories:
17. British Honduras (Belize)
18. British Guiana

América Latina, Conciencia y Nación: un nuevo enfoque sobre su tiempo y perspectiva

El Instituto de Altos Estudios de América Latina, América Latina, conciencia y nación: un nuevo enfoque sobre su tiempo y perspectiva, Caracas: Equinoccio, Editorial de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, 1977.

De la portada:
El Instituto de Altos Estudios de América Latina, de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Caracas, organizo en el mes de mayo de 1976 un Seminario Internacional con el título: América Latina, conciencia y nación. En este Seminario se trato de reunir a las mentes más lucidas y vigilantes del pensamiento latinoamericano para que expusieran sus ideas, maduradas a lo largo de muchos años de reflexión sobre la realidad apasionante y dramática de nuestros pueblos. Los temas considerados fueron los siguientes: América Latina en el mundo; el conocimiento económico de América Latina; lo especifico del hombre latinoamericano; la integración de la cultura latinoamericana; el cambio tecnológico necesario y posible; y la posibilidad de un nacionalismo latinoamericano.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 13

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 13, Kingston, Jamaica: Heinemann Educational Books, 1980.

The Passion to Exist: Slave Rebellions in the British West Indies 1650 - 1832, by Michael Craton.

Slaves Use of their ‘Free’ Time in the Danish Virgin Islands in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century, by Neville Hall.

Sir John Gorrie: A Radical Chief Justice of Trinidad (1885 – 1892), by Bridget Brereton.

Book Reviews.

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 12

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 12, Kingston, Jamaica: Heinemann Educational Books, 1979. (two copies)

The Search for Identity: The Political Aspirations and Frustrations of Virgin Islanders under the United States Administration, 1917 – 27, by Isaac Dookhan.

The Attitudes of Influential Groups of Colonial Society towards the Rural Working Population in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico, 1860 – 73, by Teresita Martinez de Carrera.

Slavery Remembered: The Celebration of Emancipation in Jamaica, by B. W. Higman.

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vols. 10 & 11

The Journal of Caribbean History, Vols. 10 & 11, Kingston, Jamaica: Heinemann Educational Books, 1978.

The Flight from the Estates Reconsidered: the British West Indies, 1838 – 42, by Douglas Hall.

German Immigrants in Jamaica, 1834 – 8, by Carl H. Senior.

Charles Warner and the Development of Education Policy in Trinidad, 1838 – 70, by Carl Campbell.

The Transition to Plantation Agriculture in the Dominican Republic, 1870 – 84, by Patrick Bryan.

The United States and the Caribbean

Szulc, Tad , Ed., The United States and the Caribbean, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

Reviewed in Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien © 1971.

Table of Contents:
Introduction, by Tad Szulc.


The Politics of the Caribbean, by Gordon K. Lewis.
Social Life of the Caribbean, by Anthony P. Maingot.


Puerto Rico, by Ben Stephansky.
Cuba, by George Volsky.
The Commonwealth Caribbean, by Frank McDonald.
The Hispanic Caribbean, by Juan de Onis.
The European Lands, by Gerard Latortue.


The Caribbean and North America, by Kalman H. Silvert.

Historic Basseterre: The Story of a West Indian Town

Inniss, Probyn , Historic Basseterre: The Story of a West Indian Town, Basseterre: P. Inniss, 1985.

1. Introductory.

2. Basseterre during the French Occupation.

3. Basseterre 1713 – 1838.

4. Basseterre 1838 to the Present:
Health Facilities.
Churches and Schools.
The Growth of Commerce.
The Government of Basseterre.
Public Buildings, Monuments and Utilities.
Cultural and Recreational Facilities.

5. Basseterre in Perspective.

6. Glimpses of Old Basseterre 1900 – 20.

7. Chronology of Events in the History of St. Kitts.

8. Bibliography.

From CARIFTA to Caribbean Community

Caribbean Free Trade Association. Commonwealth Caribbean Regional Secretariat, From Carifta to Caribbean Community, Georgetown: Guyana lithographic, 1972.

From the Foreword by Sec. Gen. William G. Demas:
This booklet, published to celebrate the fourth anniversary of CARIFTA, tries to set out for the benefit of the West Indian public in as simple terms as the subject would permit the further steps beyond CARIFTA to be taken towards achievement of meaningful economic integration and functional cooperation in the Caribbean. It also tries to explain as clearly as possible exactly why the steps set out are necessary. Like its companion volume, CARIFTA and the New Caribbean, to which it is a sequel, this booklet is intended to inform the West Indian public about important regional issues. But, unlike the former publication, which sought to explain the background to the new movement towards regionalism in the Area, this publication looks forward and sets out the tasks to be faced in the future.

The Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) was organised to provide a continued economic linkage between the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean following the dissolution of the West Indies Federation which lasted from January 3, 1958 to May 31, 1962.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Administration of a Revolution: Executive Reform in Puerto Rico under Governor Tugwell, 1941-1946

Goodsell, Charles T., Administration of a Revolution: Executive Reform in Puerto Rico under Governor Tugwell, 1941-1946, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965.

Reviewed in Caribbean Studies © 1966 .

Reviewed in The American Historical Review © 1966.

From the book jacket:
This book is a study of how, under Tugwell’s leadership, the decrepit, incompetent colonial bureaucracy of Puerto Rico was transformed into a vigorous, effective, and creative apparatus. The book’s importance lies both in providing a fuller understanding of Puerto Rico’s recent past and also in pointing up the great importance of an adequate administrative underpinning for the social revolutions of all developing areas.

Rexford Guy Tugwell (July 10, 1891 – July 21, 1979) was an agricultural economist who became part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's first "Brain Trust," a group of Columbia academics who helped develop policy recommendations leading up to Roosevelt's 1932 election as President. Tugwell subsequently served in FDR's administration for four years and was one of the chief intellectual contributors to his New Deal. His ideas on urban planning during the Great Depression resulted in the construction of Greenbelt, Maryland and other new suburbs.

British Guiana: The Land of Six Peoples

Swan, Michael, British Guiana: The Land of Six Peoples, London: H. M. Stationery Office, 1957.(2 copies)

Available online at Questia.

From the author’s Preface:
This book is the result of a visit which I made to British Guiana for three and a half months at the beginning of 1955. I went to the Colony at the invitation of the Colonial Office, who wished a book to be written about it by an impartial observer. All expressions of opinion are my own and are not necessarily shared by the Colonial Office or the British Guiana Government. I travelled in most areas of the Colony -- by aeroplane, river-steamer, jeep, dug-out canoe and on foot -- and shared, if only superficially, in the diverse forms of living which make the country so fascinating; I stayed on sugar estates in the coastal areas, enjoyed the social life of the expatriate English in Georgetown, met Guianese of every race and passed some weeks with primitive Indians in the deep Interior.

Estudios de Folklore Venezolano

Acosta Saignes, Miguel, Estudios de Folklore Venezolano, Caracas: Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1962.

Carta prólogo

Teoría del folklore venezolano.

El área cultural prehispánica de los Andes venezolanos.
Las cofradías coloniales y el folklore.

Las Turas.

La cerámica de la luna.
La canoa en tierra.

Origen de algunas creencias venezolanas.
Introducción al estudio de la gallina en el folklore de Venezuela.

Las Decimas de Carlos Rojas:
A lo divino.
A lo humano.
De jactancia.
En argumento.
Decima de Carlos Rojas.

Fiesta Colectiva:
San Benito en Betijoque.

La vivienda rural en Trujillo.
Vocabulario de vegetales.


Índice Analítico
Miguel Acosta Saignes (nacido en San Casimiro, estado Aragua el 8 de noviembre de 1908 y fallecido en Caracas el 10 de febrero de 1989), fue un periodista, ensayista, político, etnohistoriador, geógrafo y docente venezolano. Fundador de los estudios antropológicos en Venezuela y de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). En 1977 fue galardonado con el Premio Casa de las Américas (ensayo) por: Bolívar: Acción y utopía del hombre de las dificultades. En 1987 recibió el Premio Nacional de Cultura Popular de Venezuela.

Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón: Orientador y Guardián de una Cultura / Recopilación de su Obra Escrita (Tomo I & II)

Díaz Soler, Luis M., Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón: Orientador y Guardián de una Cultura, Tomo I, Rio Piedras: Instituto de Literatura Puertorriqueña, 1960.

Díaz Soler, Luis M., Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón: Recopilación de su Obra Escrita, Tomo II, Rio Piedras: Instituto de Literatura Puertorriqueña de la UPR, 1960.

De la “Advertencia” del recopilador (Tomo II):
Los materiales que aquí se recogen fueron escritos durante los primeros doce años de esta centuria; la mayor parte de ellos, corresponden a los años comprendidos entre 1910 y 1912 inclusive, siendo el año 1911 uno de fructífera producción literaria. La Correspondencia de Puerto Rico, diario que perteneció al Dr. Manuel Zeno Gandía, amigo de toda la vida de Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón, dio acogida a la mayor parte de la producción literaria que aquí se consigna.

Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón (April 22, 1855 - December 13, 1913) was a Puerto Rican lawyer and politician, a member of the Puerto Rican House of Representatives, and a lifelong political contrarian. He favored Puerto Rican autonomy when Puerto Rico was a Spanish colony. After the Spanish-American War, when the island was ceded to the United States, he advocated statehood for Puerto Rico. In later years, Matienzo Cintrón supported Puerto Rico's independence.

CSUCA: A Regional Strategy for Higher Education in Central America

Mitchell, Willard H., CSUCA: A Regional Strategy for Higher Education in Central America, Lawrence: Center for Latin American Studies, 1967.

Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano:
El CSUCA tiene como objetivo promover la integración centroamericana, y particularmente la integración y el fortalecimiento de la educación superior en las sociedades de América Central.

Su propósito es mejorar la calidad de la educación superior en Centroamérica, crear y transmitir conocimientos, integrar saberes, divulgar sus experiencias, y orientar sus acciones a lograr el bien común de nuestra región y participar en la solución de los problemas globales. El Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano nació a raíz del Primer Congreso Universitario Centroamericano que se celebró del 15 al 24 de septiembre de 1948 en San Salvador, dando así vida a la Confederación Universitaria Centroamericana y con ella su máxima autoridad: El CSUCA.

Voyage aux trois Guyanes et aux Antilles (Le Tour du Monde)

Verschuur, G., et. al. Voyage aux trois Guyanes et aux Antilles, Paris: Hachette et cie, 1894.

Parecen ser extractos del periódico Le Tour du Monde. La primera pagina, y el índice pp. 1 - 96, y pp. 145 - 160, y la ultima parte sobre Porto Rico, por M.J. Claine.

Apparently newspaper extracts from Le Tour du Monde. Here is the first page, and the index pgs. 1 - 96, and pgs. 145 - 160, and the final part about Porto Rico, by M.J. Claine.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Searching for the Invisible Man: Slaves and Plantation Life in Jamaica

Craton, Michael, Searching for the Invisible Man: Slaves and Plantation Life in Jamaica, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978.

Reviewed in The International Journal of African Historical Studies © 1979.

Reviewed in The Florida Historical Quarterly © 1979.

Reviewed in The William and Mary Quarterly © 1980.

Reviewed in Latin American Research Review © 1982.

From the inner sleeve:
Though centered on a single Jamaican sugar estate, Worthy Park, and dealing largely with the period of formal slavery, this book is firmly placed in far wider contexts of place and time. The "Invisible Man" of the title is found, in the end, to be not just the formal slave but the ordinary black worker throughout the history of the plantation system.

Michael Craton uses computer techniques in the first of three main parts of his study to provide a dynamic analysis of the demographic, health, and socioeconomic characteristics of the Worthy Park slaves as a whole. The surprising diversity and complex interrelation of the population are underlined in Part Two, consisting of detailed biographies of more than 40 individual members of the plantation’s society, including whites and mulattoes as well as black slaves. This is the most ambitious attempt yet made to overcome the stereotyping ignorance of contemporary white writers and the muteness of the slaves themselves.

Part Three is perhaps the most original section of the book. After tracing the fate of the population between the emancipation of 1838 and the present day through genealogies and oral interviews, Craton concludes that the predominant feature of plantation life has not been change but continuity, and that the accepted definitions of slavery need considerable modification.

Patterns of Foreign Influence in the Caribbean

De Kadt, Emanuel, Ed., Patterns of Foreign Influence in the Caribbean, England: published for the Royal Institute of International Affairs by Oxford University Press, 1972.

Reviewed in International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) © 1973.

Reviewed in Journal of Latin American Studies © 1974.

1. Introduction, by Emanuel de Kadt.

2. The Caribbean and the Outside World: Geopolitical Considerations, by Peter Odell.

3. The Ex-Colonial Society in Jamaica, by Douglas Hall.

4. Foreign Influence in Guyana: The Struggle for Independence, by Colin V. F. Henfrey.

5. The French Antilles and Their Status as Overseas Departments, by Guy Lasserre & Albert Mabileau.

6. The Dutch Caribbean and its Metropolis, by Harry Hoetink.

7. Cuba and the Super-Powers, by Robin Blackburn.

8. The Social Structure of Guatemala: the Internal Dynamics of US Influence, by Bryan Roberts.

9. The United States and the Caribbean, by Lincoln Gordon.

A Family of Islands: A History of the West Indies 1492 to 1898

Waugh, Alec, A Family of Islands: A History of the West Indies 1492 to 1898, Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1964.

Reviewed in Caribbean Studies © 1965.

Alexander Raban Waugh (Alec Waugh) (8 July 1898 – 3 September 1981), was a British novelist, the elder brother of the better-known Evelyn Waugh and son of Arthur Waugh, author, literary critic, and publisher.
According to his nephew Auberon, Alec Waugh "wrote many books, each worse than the last".

Los Viajes de Colón

Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo, Los viajes de Colón, Nota preliminar por Jaime Delgado, Madrid: Ediciones “Atlas”, 1944.

Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo:
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo coincidió con los hijos de Colón en la corte del príncipe Juan, asistió al recibimiento de Colón en Barcelona en 1493 y, más tarde, fue cronista oficial de Indias. En 1535 publicó su Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas y tierra-firme del mar Océano. En los capítulos 5 y 6 del segundo libro narra el Primer Viaje de Colón.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The West Indies and Their Future

Guérin, Daniel, The West Indies and Their Future, London: Dennis Dobson, 1961.

From the inner sleeve:
This book does more than draw attention to the West Indies. It explains them and clarifies what they are by presenting a panoramic, overall view of the Caribbean from which emerges a fact too little recognized and which it impresses on the reader’s mind: there is such a thing as Caribbean unity – a unity, Daniel Guérin declares, that has been fashioned out of poverty. For everywhere in the West Indies – whether thanks to sugar-cane monoculture, to racism or to the Administrations – the same forces concert to produce the same sorry order. Apart from these questions Daniel Guérin’s book presents a sketch of the comparative history of all the Caribbean peoples which, going beyond its manifold forms, gets at the core of the dynamism peculiar to Caribbean history.

Daniel Guérin (19 May 1904, Paris – 14 April 1988, Suresnes) was a French anarcho-communist author, best known for his work Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, as well as his collection No Gods No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism in which he collected writings on the idea and movement it inspired, from the first writings of Max Stirner in the mid-19th century through the first half of the 20th century. He is also known for his opposition to Nazism, fascism, Stalinism and colonialism, in addition to his support for the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) during the Spanish Civil War, and his revolutionary defence of free love and homosexuality.

West Indian Nationhood and Caribbean Integration

Demas, William G., West Indian Nationhood and Caribbean Integration, Barbados: CCC Publishing House, 1974.

From the Foreword:
The fundamental thesis about Caribbean integration which I have always held is that the English-speaking Caribbean countries, because of their relatively small size and relatively weak and dependent economies, should consolidate themselves into as tight and coherent a grouping as possible so that they could cooperate economically and in other ways with the bigger countries with stronger economies of both the Caribbean Sea and the wider « Caribbean Basin » on terms that would be less unequal and more self-respecting for the West Indian peoples, than would be the case if each West Indian country sought to develop bilateral relationships with such countries, with the risk of getting involved in new forms of external dependence.

Table of Contents :

1. Development, Identity and Unity in the Caribbean

2. The Road to West Indian Nationhood

3. "Power to the West Indian People"

4. What is the Caribbean Community ?

5. Some Thoughts on the Caribbean Community

The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses

Froude, James Anthony, The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1888.

Froude, James Anthony, The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1900.

Available online.

James Anthony Froude (23 April 1818 – 20 October 1894) was an English historian, novelist, biographer, and editor of Fraser's Magazine.
Following completion of the Life of Carlyle Froude turned to travel, particularly through the British colonies, visiting South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and the West Indies. From these travels, he produced two books, Oceana, or, England and Her Colonies (1886) and The English in the West Indies (1888), which mixed personal anecdotes with Froude's thoughts on the British Empire. Froude intended, with these writings, "to kindle in the public mind at home that imaginative enthusiasm for the Colonial idea of which his own heart was full.".[58] However, these books caused great controversy, stimulating rebuttals and the coining of the term Froudacity (by Afro-Trinidadian intellectual John Jacob Thomas, who used it as the title of his book-length critique of The English in the West Indies).

See also Froudacity: West Indian Fables Explained.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Caribbean Confederation, a Plan for the Union of the Fifteen British West Indian Colonies, Preceded by an Account of the Past and Present Condition of the Europeans and the African Races Inhabiting Them...

Salmon, C.S., The Caribbean Confederation, a plan for the union of the fifteen British West Indian Colonies, preceded by an account of the past and present condition of the Europeans and the African races inhabiting them, with a true explanation of the Haytian mystery, in which is embodied a refutation of the chief statements made by Mr. Froude in his recent work "The English in the West Indies", London, Paris, New York & Melbourne: Cassell & Co., 1888. [in a state of extreme deterioration]

Available online.

From the book-cover:
Charles Spencer Salmon late president of Nevis; formerly colonial secretary and administrator of the government of the Gold Coast; chief commissioner Seychelles Islands, etc. member of the committee of the Cobden Club.*

*The Cobden Club was a political gentlemen's club in London founded in 1866 for believers in Free Trade doctrine, and named in honour of Richard Cobden, who had died the year before.

The Slave Colonies of Great Britain; or, A picture of Negro Slavery Drawn by the Colonists Themselves...

Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Dominions, The Slave colonies of Great Britain; or, A picture of Negro slavery drawn by the colonists themselves: being an abstract of the various papers recently laid before Parliament on that subject, London: printed by Ellerton & Henderson, 1825. [lacks cover]

Available online.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas

Tannenbaum, Frank, Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947.

Reviewed in The New York Review of Books.

Reviewed in The American Historical Review © 1947.

See also Google Books.

From the book-cover:
In this compact and illuminating book Frank Tannenbaum, …, makes a mature and penetrating examination of attitudes toward the Negro in the Americas. By the evidence of history he contrasts the position of those parts of America settled largely from Great Britain, France and Holland with those parts settled largely from Spain and Portugal. He demonstrates that the national history and religious backgrounds of the European home communities strongly affected attitudes toward slaves and slavery in the New World. In the course of this illuminating discussion much light is thrown on present-day moral and legal aspects of the race problem in the United States and in Latin America.

Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla: Guía del Visitante

De la Peña y Cámara, José María, Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla: Guía del Visitante, Sevilla: Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 1958.

Archivo General de Indias.

Este folleto no está destinado a los investigadores, sino a los visitantes, y en especial a los de habla española.

El Comercio y la Navegación entre España y las Indias en Época de los Habsburgos

Haring, C.H., El Comercio y la Navegación entre España y las Indias en Época de los Habsburgo, Brujas; París: Desclée de Brouwer, 1939.

English version available online.
See also Google Books.

Clarence H. Haring:
The son of a businessman, Henry Getman Haring, and Amelia Stoneback, Clarence Haring received his bachelor of arts degree in modern languages from Harvard University in 1907. Selected for a Rhodes Scholarship in 1907, he studied under Professor Sir Charles Harding Firth at Oxford University from 1907–1910, where he was a member of New College. (A great grandson, Whitney Haring-Smith, was himself a Rhodes Scholar, selected in 2007.) Under Firth's guidance, Haring produced his first book on The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century. This research laid the groundwork for Haring's life long work on the history of the Spanish Empire and in Latin America. While at Oxford, Haring also studied briefly at the Humboldt University of Berlin in 1909.

Los Bucaneros de las Indias Occidentales en el Siglo XVII

Haring, C.H., Los bucaneros de las Indias Occidentales en el siglo XVII, Brujas; París: Desclée de Brouwer, 1939.

English version available online.
See also Google Books.

Del Prefacio del autor:
Los “Bucaneros de las Indias Occidentales” constituyo una tesis presentada en mayo de 1909 a la Facultad de Historia Moderna en la Universidad de Oxford para la opción al grado de Bachiller en Filosofía. Fue escrito bajo la dirección de C. H. Firth, Profesor Regio de Historia Moderna en Oxford, a quien el autor debe eterna gratitud por su constante ayuda y estimulo durante la preparación de la obra.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Caudillos" et "caciques" en Amérique. Contribution à l'étude des liens personnels

Chevalier, François, Mélanges offerts à Marcel Bataillon par les hispanistes français: "Caudillos" et "caciques" en Amérique. Contribution à l'étude des liens personnels, [Extrait], Bordeaux Feret et fils. (damaged by termites)

François Chevalier (Alençon, 27 de mayo 1914 - París, 6 de mayo 2012) fue un historiador francés, uno de los fundadores del americanismo en Francia y de la historia agraria moderna de América Latina.

Caribbean Education: The Need for Relevance

Shorey, Leonard L., Caribbean education: The need for relevance, [Inaugural Antonio Jarvis Memorial Lecture], Caribbean Research Institute, College of the Virgin Islands, 1973.

Dr. Leonard L. Shorey is Extra-Mural Tutor (equivalent to a director of continuing education) of the University of the West Indies in Barbados. Dr. Shorey, born on that island, has taught in several other Caribbean islands. He holds a B.A. degree from London University, a post-graduate diploma in education from the University of the West Indies, a Masters degree in education and a Ph.D. from McGill University in Canada. Dr. Shorey has served on several educational boards and committees, including the Barbados National Curriculum Development Council, and is a well known author of publications on West Indian education.

Project VIBIB: The Virgin Islands Bibliography Project – A Prospectus and Pre-Proposal

Highfield, Arnold R. & Walter I. Knausenberger, Project VIBIB: The Virgin Islands Bibliography Project – A Prospectus and Pre-Proposal, College of the Virgin Islands, September, 1984.

I. Overview of the Project.

II. Work Completed to Date.

III. Work Remaining.

IV. Timetable for Completion.

V. Staffing and Budgetary Needs.

IRELA 1985 – 1995: Ten Years of Promoting European – Latin American Relations

Institute for European – Latin American Relations (IRELA), IRELA 1985 – 1995: Ten Years of Promoting European – Latin American Relations, Madrid: IRELA, 1995.


Ten Years at the Service of European – Latin American Relations.

IRELA’s Publications: An Overview.

Financial Support and Projects.

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Fidel Castro and the United States Press

Wallach, John P., Fidel Castro and the United States Press, [The Cuban – American National Foundation], New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Inc., 1986. (pamphlet is in poor condition because of termites)

From the Cover:
We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Transaction Books for allowing the Cuban American National Foundation to reprint this essay from The Selling of Fidel Castro: The Media and the Cuban Revolution, edited by William A. Ratliff (New Brunswick, U.S.A., and Oxford, U.K., 1986.) This essay was written for The Media and the Cuban Revolution, a conference made possible in part with a grant provided by the Tinker Foundation.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rafael Altamira: An Appreciation

Mathews, Thomas G., Rafael Altamira: An Appreciation, Separata from The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1971.

Available online.

Importancia de la Integración Universidades-Ministerios de Salud en la Educación Continua del Médico General

Moros Ghersi, Carlos A., Importancia de la integración Universidades-Ministerios de Salud en la educación continua del médico general. IX Reunión de Ministros de Salud del Área Andina. Bogotá, Colombia, 1983.

Carlos Alberto Moros Ghersi (Los Teques, Venezuela, 14 de abril de 1934 - Caracas, Venezuela, 8 de enero de 2013) fue un médico internista, científico, catedrático y rector de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, además de político ejerciendo el cargo de Senador electo del Congreso Nacional por el Estado Miranda 1993-1998. Entre otros cargos destacados en el sector público Moros Ghersi ejerció como Presidente del Comité Mirandino de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado Miranda entre 2000-2004, periodo durante el cual se elaboraron de 13 convenios entre el estado Miranda y las universidades públicas y privadas.

Puerto Rico and the Truman Administration, 1945 – 47: Self-Government “Little by Little” (separata)

Bhana, Surendra, Puerto Rico and the Truman Administration, 1945 – 47: Self-Government “Little by Little”, Separata from Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives, Fall, 1973.

This article originally formed a portion of the author’s study of the development of Puerto Rican autonomy during the Truman administration, a study that will be published by the University Press of Kansas in 1974. The author is greatly indebted to Antonio Fernós – Isern, resident commissioner of Puerto Rico between 1946 and 1964, for his comments and suggestions about the original manuscript.

An Attempt by the Roosevelt Administration to “reinforce” Self-government in Puerto Rico: the Elective Governor Bill of 1943 (separata)

Bhana, Surendra, An Attempt by the Roosevelt Administration to “reinforce” Self-government in Puerto Rico: the Elective Governor Bill of 1943, Separata from Revista Interamericana Review, Vol. II, No. 4, Winter, 1973.

Available online.

Surendra Bhana: I teach a course entitled Rise and Fall of Apartheid. Having lived in South Africa for over 40 years under this system, the subject has been of great interest to me personally. My teaching brings many personal observations about growing up in South Africa. My knowledge of English, Afrikaans, Gujarati, and some Zulu has been very useful in that experience. It has been an interesting journey in which I have witnessed White supremacy and Black consciousness merge into a multi-racial and democratic South Africa in 1994.

Puerto Rico and the United States: the United Nations Role, 1953- 1975

García Muñiz, Humberto, Puerto Rico and the United States: the United Nations Role, 1953- 1975, Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico: Vol. LIII, Núm. 1, 1984.

This is an examination of the case of Puerto Rico in the United Nations from 1953 to 1975. The central proposition of this study is that the 1953 United Nations decision that took Puerto Rico out of its jurisdiction is no longer valid, because, due to resolution 1514 (XV), the United Nations has re-involved itself, but not the extent warranted by the complexity of the issue.

This study was originally presented as a thesis in 1980 for the degree of Master in Science in International Relations at the Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.

Les Monuments du roi Christophe: la Citadelle le Palais de Sans Souci le site des Ramiers

Jean Claude Duvalier, Président a Vie de la République d’Haïti, les monuments du roi Christophe: la Citadelle le Palais de Sans Souci le site des Ramiers, Office National du Tourisme et des Relations Publiques (Haïti).

The Sans-Souci Palace was the royal residence of King Henri I (better known as Henri Christophe) of Haiti, Queen Marie-Louise and their two daughters. It was the most important of nine palaces built by the king, as well as fifteen châteaux, numerous forts, and sprawling summer homes on his twenty plantations.[1] Construction of the palace started in 1810 and was completed in 1813. It is located in the town of Milot, Nord Department. Its name translated from French means "carefree."

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina

Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina (24 de octubre de 1891 - 30 de mayo de 1961) fue un militar y político dominicano, dictador del país como generalísimo del ejército desde 1930 hasta su asesinato en 1961.

Women and Migration, Latin America and the Caribbean: A Selective Annotated Bibliography

Garcia Castro, Mary, Jean Gearing & Margaret Gill, Women and migration, Latin America and the Caribbean: a selective annotated bibliography, Gainesville: Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, February, 1984.

From the Introduction (II. The Importance of Gender in Migration Studies):
Most of the Studies in this bibliography date from 1978 or later. Many of them can be criticized for their single-minded preoccupation with removing female migrants from invisibility. Their analysis is often limited to descriptions of female migrants’ characteristics and experiences, focusing on women’s living and working conditions, cultural and psychological profiles, and individual effects of participation in migration. These studies sometimes recall the strident feminist tones of the mid-1970s, as they stress the oppression and exploitation of women and emphasize women’s position as passive victims of the patriarchal social order. Of the approximately 220 studies on women and migration reviewed for this bibliography, less than half can be considered as having a feminist perspective. A feminist perspective must go further than the analysis of sex to consider the issues of gender. Sex is a demographic category, while gender, a more inclusive term, is a socioeconomic political category.

Politics and Economics in the Caribbean, 2nd Edition

Mathews, Thomas G. & Fuat M. Andic, Eds., Politics and Economics in the Caribbean, {Second Edition completely revised}, Rio Piedras: Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1971 (two copies).

From the Preface by the Editors:
When the first edition of Politics and Economics in the Caribbean was published, five years ago, the focus of the attention was the French & Dutch Caribbean with tangential reference to the British Caribbean. Long out of print, the book is still demanded by Caribbeanists and Universities alike as a reference and text book. Encouraged by this demand the present editors have prepared a completely new and enlarged edition. In addition to the areas covered in the first edition, this new version is enriched by articles on Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Political Overview, by Thomas Mathews.
Economic Overview, by Fuat Andic.

The Dominican Republic: The Politics of Chaos, by Abraham Lowenthal.

Economic Aspects of the Dominican Republic, by Bernardo Vega.

Contemporary Political Development in Haiti, by Gerard Latortue.

The Politics of Puerto Rico: An Interpretation and a Speculation, by Robert Anderson.

The Macroeconomics of Puerto Rican Development, by Antonio J. González.

The Charter of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, by Albert Gastmann.

The Politics of the Netherlands Antilles, by Albert Gastmann.

The Economy of the Netherlands Antilles, by Fuat and Suphan Andic.

The Politics of Surinam, by Albert Gastmann

The Economy of Surinam, by Fuat and Suphan Andic.

Political Status of the French Caribbean, by Gerard Latortue.

The Economy of the French Antilles, by Jouandet Bernadat.

The U.S. Virgin Islands: Prototype of the Caribbean Tourist Economy, by Gordon Lewis.

The Commonwealth Countries of the Caribbean, by Thomas Mathews.

Economic Background of the British West Indian Islands, by Alfred Thorne

Economic Integration and Preferential Trade: The Caribbean Experience, by Aaron Segal

Informe final del estudio comparativo de la Escuela Radiofónica de Educación Familiar de la Asociación Dominicana pro Bienestar de la Familia, Inc.

Ortega, Manuel M. & Jorge Max Fernández, Informe final del estudio comparativo de la Escuela Radiofónica de Educación Familiar de la Asociación Dominicana pro Bienestar de la Familia, Inc., Santo Domingo: Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Centro de Investigaciones, 1973.

PROFAMILIA una institución privada, pionera en servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva, a sus 43 años de existencia se ha convertido hoy en una fuerte institución de salud integral que ofrece una amplia gama de servicios, consultas y procedimientos especializados para el cuidado de la salud de la población. La calidad de los servicios clínicos que ofrecen la Red de Clínicas ubicadas en Santo Domingo Este, Distrito Nacional, Santiago, San Francisco de Macorís y San José de las Matas, es el principal desafío de la institución, empeñada en estandarizar e implementar sus protocolos de atención.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

La República Dominicana y la Integración Económica de America Latina

Tamames, Ramón, La República Dominicana y la Integración Económica de América Latina, Buenos Aires: Instituto para la integración de América Latina, 1968.

Del prologo:
Los presidentes latinoamericanos, en su reunión de Punta del Este, en abril de 1967, decidieron constituir, a partir de 1970, un Mercado Común, mediante la convergencia progresiva de los dos esquemas de integración económica existentes en el área – la ALALC y el Mercado Común Centroamericano – y la incorporación de los países todavía no comprometidos. En este último grupo figura la República Dominicana, cuyo presidente fue uno de los signatarios de la histórica Declaración.


En su estudio, el profesor Tamames, partiendo de un diagnostico global de la economía dominicana, analiza de forma particular los problemas del sector externo para concluir en la necesidad de diversificar la composición y la distribución geográfica del comercio exterior dominicano, como forma de reducir el grado de vulnerabilidad de la economía del país a las fluctuaciones del los precios internacionales. La diversificación de las exportaciones dominicanas, sin embargo, es dificultada sobre todo por la estrechez del mercado interno cuya dimensión es insuficiente para la instalación de plantas industriales que puedan explotar debidamente las economías de escala y producir a costos comparables a los del mercado internacional. En este sentido, la incorporación de la República Dominicana a uno de los esquemas de integración en marcha en América Latina, podría constituir una solución.

Ramón Tamames Gómez Economista español de renombre y uno de los más respetados y admirados por sus compañeros de profesión, no sólo por sus conocimientos en materia nacional, sino también por su amplia tarea de investigación y divulgación a nivel internacional. Destaca en el campo de la economía aplicada y estructura económica, así como en el de la Unión Europea (especialmente en lo referente a la Unión Monetaria) y desarrollo sostenible. Su libro Estructura Económica de España, camino ya de las 30 ediciones, es el texto de referencia en la mayor parte de universidades españolas para el estudio de la materia.

Ciencia y Sociedad; Revista

Ciencia y Sociedad, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, Vol. II, No. 1 Enero – Junio de 1977.

Tabla de Contenido:

Estructuras Morfosintácticas en el Español Dominicano: Algunas Implicaciones Sociolingüísticas, por Maximiliano A. Jiménez Sabater.

La Investigación de Mercados Internacionales, por Miguel Sang Ben.

Política de Salud Mental en la America Latina, por Juan Marconi Tassara.


Estudios de Población en la República Dominicana: Realizaciones y Prioridades, por Manuel M. Ortega.

Principales Esfuerzos Innovadores en la Escuela Actual, por Jorge M. Fernandez.


Psiquiatría Comunitaria: Alcoholismo y Neurosis, por Liliana Menéndez y Oscar C. Yciz


Educacion y Sociedad: El Caso de la República Dominicana, por Eduardo Latorre.

Reseñas Bibliográficas, por Miguel A. Heredia.

Las Ciencias Sociales en la República Dominicana: Una Evaluación

Fondo para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales, Las Ciencias Sociales en la República Dominicana: Una Evaluación, Sto. Domingo: Editora Taller, 1977.

De la Introducción:
Este pequeño libro contiene las ponencias y trabajos presentados por los señores José del Castillo, Cesar García, Julio Brea Franco, Luis Gonzalez Fabra, Ezequiel Garcia, Manuel Ortega y Modesto Reynoso, en el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Sociología y Ciencias Sociales, organizado por el Fondo para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales y celebrado en la sala de conferencias del Museo del Hombre Dominicano, el día 19 de Marzo de 1977.