Saturday, December 28, 2013

Symposium: Is Puerto Rico Fully Self-Governing?

Templin, Ralph T., Symposium: Is Puerto Rico Fully Self-Governing?, (re-printed from the Journal of Human Relations, Vol. II, No. 1, Autumn, 1953), Cedarville, OH: Ralph Templin, 1953.

From the author’s obituary:
Dr. Templin was acquainted with Gandhi during his years as an educational missionary (under the control of the Methodist Church) in India, and he was well known as an interpreter of Gandhi’s ideas. This was the subject of his last public lecture, delivered some months ago at Wittenberg University. His educational work in India was ended when he took a public stand in behalf of the nonviolent movement for Indian freedom, and in 1940 he and his family were expelled by the pro-British authorities. He returned to the United States to become director of the School of Living, 1941-45, at Suffern, New York. After receiving his degree of doctor of education from Columbia University, in 1946, he moved with his family to Yellow springs to work with Arthur E. Morgan in Community Service, Inc. He later taught sociology at Wilmington College, and in 1948 was appointed professor sociology at Central State University, where he also took on the editorship of the Journal of Human Relations, which he continued after his retirement in 1962.

Election of Governor: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Territorial and Insular Possessions of the Committee on Public Lands, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress First Session on HR 3309

Subcommittee on Territorial and Insular Possessions of the Committee on Public Lands, Election of Governor: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Territorial and Insular Possessions of the Committee on Public Lands, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress First Session on HR 3309 A Bill to Amend the Organic Act of Puerto Rico, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, May 19, 1947.(contained a sheet with some notes by Dr. Mathews)

From the statement (PDF) of: Jesús T. Piñero (the first native Puerto Rican to be appointed governor of Puerto Rico by the Government of the United States):
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I am delighted to have the opportunity to testify on the bills you are considering to amend the Organic Act of Puerto Rico. If the Congress enacts either of these bills, the people of Puerto Rico will elect their Governor beginning next year, and the Governor will be allowed to appoint the heads of the executive departments and the justices of the supreme court. As Secretary Krug has just told you, this is something that all Puerto Ricans want.

Discurso de Don Luis Muñoz Marín: Gobernador del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico con motivo de su Inauguración el 2 de enero de 1953

Muñoz Marín, Luis, Discurso de Don Luis Muñoz Marín: Gobernador del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico con motivo de su Inauguración el 2 de enero de 1953, San Juan: Departamento de Hacienda, 1953.

Governor Muñoz Marín officially took office on January 2, 1949. He held the post of Governor for sixteen years, being re-elected again in 1952, 1956 and 1960.

Puerto Rico, 1964: A People at the Crossroads

Rexach Benítez, Roberto & Celeste Benítez, Puerto Rico, 1964: A People at the Crossroads, Humacao, PR: Rexach Benítez, June, 1964.

Roberto Rexach Benítez (December 18, 1929 – April 4, 2012) also known as his stage name Bobby, was a Puerto Rican politician, and former Senator and Representative.

Puerto Rico in the Area of Democracy

Muñoz Marín, Luis, Puerto Rico in the Area of Democracy, Issue 1 of The University of Puerto Rico Bulletin, Series XII, September, 1941.

Commencement address delivered before the graduating class of the University of Puerto Rico, May 28, 1941 & Fourth of July Address, broadcast by Luis Muñoz Marín, President of the Senate of Puerto Rico, July 4, 1941

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rural Santo Domingo: Settled, Unsettled, and Resettled

Clausner, Marlin D., Rural Santo Domingo: Settled, Unsettled, and Resettled, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1973.

Reviewed in The Hispanic American Historical Review © 1974.

From a flier:
The history of the Dominican Republic is the history of almost five centuries of land settlement, for the majority of Dominicans still live in rural areas, and whatever affects those areas is of national importance. Thus the focus of this well documented study – perhaps the most concentrated yet comprehensive history ever made of the Dominican Republic – is on the campesinos, or country folk, who have repeatedly been the victims of colonial exploitation and foreign invasion.

History of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement, Vol. I (19th Century)

Lidin, Harold J., History of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement, Vol. I (19th Century), Hato Rey: Harold Lidin, 1981.

From the author’s Preface:
This work tells how the Puerto Rican independence movement began, what keeps it alive, why it inspires, why it stumbles, why it sometimes kills. Neither this first volume, which analyzes the 19th century movement, nor the second volume – which will cover the 20th century through 1980 – predicts whether the independence movement will terminate in triumph or defeat. The third, and presumably final volume, will include the answer.

Self Determination for Puerto Rico

Senior, Clarence, Self Determination for Puerto Rico, New York, NY: Post War World Council, April, 1946.

From the Foreword by Oswald Garrision Villard:
This pamphlet is published by the Post War World Council not merely because of the unusual competence of Clarence Senior, the autor, but because the time for a showdown as to Puerto Rico is at hand. The coming to this country of a deputation headed by Muñoz Marín, the outstanding political leader of the island, the vote of the Puerto Rican Legislature for a plebiscite on the future of the island and the right to elect its governor – both vetoed by Governor Tugwell (and repassed over his veto) as infringing upon the privileges of Congress and the President – and the general rising the world over of colonial peoples, all these make it clear that the United States must decide at once upon a new policy toward the island. So does the long report on its status just published by the United States Tariff Commission, which document urges the immediate uprooting of no less than one million persons and their distribution abroad, wherever they may be placed, as the only remedy for the island’s menacing overpopulation save birth control.

La Independencia: Única Solución del Status Político de Puerto Rico

Soltero Peralta, Rafael, La Independencia: Única Solución del Status Político de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR: Publicaciones del Congreso Pro Independencia de Puerto Rico, 1945.

De la portada:
Un estudio razonado del problema del status político de Puerto Rico donde se analizan la Independencia, la Estadidad y la Autonomía, y donde se demuestra que la Independencia es la única solución. Ponencia presentada por el Lcdo. Rafael Soltero Peralta, Catedrático de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en la Convención de Trabajo Social celebrada en Caguas, Puerto Rico el 27 de enero de 1945.

Puerto Rico: Self Determination in Practice

Morales Carrion, Arturo, Puerto Rico: Self Determination in Practice, San Juan, PR: Department of Education Press, 1953.

From the pamphlet cover:
This lectura was sponsored by the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas, in April 1953. Extracts were previously used in a fórum at the Hispanic American Institute at the University of Miami in March, 1953.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Aclaraciones Históricas de Santo Domingo

Balcácer, Juan Daniel, Aclaraciones Históricas de Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo: Editora Cosmos, 1977.

Juan Daniel Balcácer:
Nació en Santo Domingo el 28 de marzo de 1949. Historiador y ensayista. Cursó su educación primaria e intermedia en Santo Domingo y el bachillerato en la ciudad de New York. Ha sido profesor invitado del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Alabama, profesor de Historia de la Cultura Dominicana de Apec y de Historia Crítica Dominicana de la Universidad Católica Santo Domingo. Es miembro de la Academia Dominicana de la Historia, de la Academia Dominicana de Ciencias, del Instituto Duartiano, de la Sociedad Dominicana de Bibliófilos y director de la Fundación Peña Batlle..

I. Toussaint Louverture En Santo Domingo.

II. Sánchez Ramírez, La Reconquista y la España Boba.

III. ¿Quién decapitó a Louis Ferrand?

IV. La proceridad espúrea de José Núñez de Cáceres.

V. Historia de la Trinitaria.

VI. La Revolución de 1844.

VII. Historia de la Triada Duarte – Sánchez – Mella.

VIII. Los Verdaderos Padres de la Patria: Juan Isidro Pérez y Pedro Alejandrino Pina.

IX. Praxis e ideología en la vida de Juan Pablo Duarte.

X. La Doctrina de Monroe: Una Falsa y desorientada Interpretación.

XI. En torno a los seibanos.

XII. La Invasión de Penn y Venables.

XIII. DOMINICANO: Historia de un Gentilicio Atípico.

XIV. Rasgos Biográficos de Pedro H. Ureña.

XV. ¿Fue Olivorio un “Dios” Anti-imperialista?

Índice de Personas y de Lugares.

Tropical Childhood: Cultural Transmission and Learning in a Rural Puerto Rican Village

Landy, David, Tropical Childhood: Cultural Transmission and Learning in a Rural Puerto Rican Village, New York: Harper & Row, 1965.

Reviewed in American Journal of Sociology © 1961.

Reviewed in Marriage and Family Living © 1961.

Reviewed in American Anthropologist.

From the Acknowledgments:
The primary acknowledgment must be rendered the Social Science Research Center of the University of Puerto Rico and its director Millard Hansen, for foresight in launching the Family Life Project, of which this study is a part. Special thanks are also due Reuben Hill, of the University of Minnesota and director of the Family Life Project, for his forbearance and understanding in helping the writer see his portion of that project through to completion. His careful and detailed criticisms were indispensable in achieving greater clarity and utility for the data. Gratitude is also expressed to J. Mayone Stycos of Cornell University for many helpful suggestions

La República Dominicana Frente a la Integración Económica

De Ravelo, Clara, Manuel José Cabral, Ramón Pérez Minaya, Bernardo Vega & Julio E. Estrella, La República Dominicana frente a la integración económica, (Seminario auspiciado por la Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra y celebrado el 15 y 16 de julio de 1967 en el Hotel Montaña, Jarabacoa), Santiago, República Dominicana: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, 1967.

Del Índice:
Teoría de la Integración, por Clara de Ravelo.

Logros de la Integración en Latinoamérica, por Manuel José Cabral.

La República Dominicana hacia la Integración con Latinoamérica a través del Caribe, por Ramón Pérez Minaya.

La República Dominicana Hacia la Integración con Latinoamérica a través de ALALC, por Bernardo Vega.

La República Dominicana Hacia la Integración con Latinoamérica a través del Mercado Comun Centroamericano, por Julio C. Estrella

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Crisis of Small States in the Present Economic World

Mejia-Ricart, Marcio Antonio, Crisis of Small States in the Present Economic World: a study of the problems of small underdeveloped states, with special reference to Central America and the Caribbean area, London: Farm Intelligence, 1960. (2 copies)

From the cover:
Crisis of Small States in the Present Economic World is an astute and penetrating diagnosis of the social, political and economic realities of the twentieth century. Using the Latin American and Caribbean nations as the basis of his study the autor analyzes the economic ills which beset so many underdeveloped areas, defines the complex social and political factors at work and dissects the relationship between these forces. He then goes on to discuss the ways in which these forces might be combined and utilized so as to relieve the crushing poverty of the world’s backward nations


Chapter I – Some Concepts.

Chapter II – The Crisis of Agricultural Production.

Chapter III – The Industrialization – A Necessity.

Chapter IV – The Factors Necessary for Industrialization.

Chapter V – Special Problems of the Industrialization of Small States.

Chapter VI – Planning Necessary to Achieve Industrialization in Small Countries.

Chapter VII – Democracy in Small Countries and the New Role of the Government.

Summary and Conclusions.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Battle of the Spanish Armada, 1588

Marx Robert F., The Battle of the Spanish Armada 1588, Cleveland: World Pub. Co., 1965. [two copies]

At Free Books Online.

See also Naufragios en Aguas Mexicanas, and Pirate Port: The story of the sunken city of Port Royal.

The Battle of the Lepanto 1571

Marx Robert F., The Battle of the Lepanto 1571, Cleveland: World Publishing, ©1966.

The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of southern European Catholic maritime states, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Corinth, off western Greece. The Ottoman forces sailing westwards from their naval station in Lepanto … met the Holy League forces, which had come from Messina, Sicily, where they had previously gathered.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Historia Dominicana para Niños: Cuarto Curso

Moya Pons, Frank, Historia dominicana para niños: cuarto curso,Sec. de Estado de Educación, Bellas Artes y Cultos, Sección de Canje y Difusión Cultural, 1977.

A los padres y maestros (extractos):
Este libro ha sido escrito para ser leído por todos, niños y adultos, y para ser utilizado como texto en la enseñanza de la Historia Dominicana en el Cuarto Curso de la Escuela Primaria. Ha sido escrito especialmente para que los niños de nuestras escuelas aprendan como transcurrió nuestra historia desde antes del Descubrimiento de nuestra Isla hasta la proclamación de la Independencia en 1844.
Este libro ha sido escrito en una forma narrativa y analítica que asegura la noción de la continuidad de cada proceso estudiado en cada capítulo. La Historia es fundamentalmente acontecer. Y el acontecer es siempre fluido y continuo. En la enseñanza de la Historia en la Escuela Primaria es aconsejable mantener siempre viva la noción de la continuidad porque solo con ella adquiere el alumno la comprensión de la causalidad de los hechos y su significado y, por lo tanto, mantiene su interés en lo que estudia. Si esto no ocurre, el alumno se ve obligado a recurrir a la memoria como último recurso. El aprendizaje de la Historia debe llevarse a cabo a través de la comprensión de las causalidades y del sentido de los acontecimientos. La memoria como único recurso produce solo conocimientos frágiles y fragmentarios de difícil retención en la conciencia.

La función de la Historia es crear conciencia nacional, y ésta se adquiere a través de la comprensión del pasado. La memorización de fechas y hechos aislados solo produce una visión anecdótica de lo que fue. Por esta razón este libro ha sido escrito poniendo mayor énfasis en los procesos y causas que en fechas y hechos aislados sin conexión entre sí. Aprendida de esta manera la Historia, el alumno adquirirá una noción clara del por qué del pasado de su pueblo y terminará siendo un ciudadano más consciente.

Tabla de Contenido:
A los padres y maestros

1. Los indios tainos

2. Los españoles y el Descubrimiento de América

3. La Conquista

4. El azúcar,los negros y los esclavos

5. La ganadería y el contrabando

6. Las Devastaciones de 1605 y 1606

7. Corsarios, bucaneros y filibusteros

8. La Isla se divide en dos colonias

9. La vida colonial dominicana

10. La Revolución Haitiana

11. Las primeras invasiones haitianas.

12. La Reconquista

13. La España Boba y la Independencia Efímera

14. La Dominación Haitiana

15. La Independencia
